L'esperienza rizomatica dell'arte. Verso una comunità pensante, immaginativa, creativa 

    Ambusto, Loriana (Date of defense: 2017-11-23)

    This thesis is a reinterpretation trip of my personal and professional route through my previous experiences as a practitioner and as a researcher, that winds through the recent methodologies of arts based educational ...

    Los valores de la creatividad y del goce artístico en el imaginario del docente de arte 

    Cagigós Villacampa, Núria (Date of defense: 2022-02-25)

    Education in values is a cross educational process that develops unique, responsible, and socially conscious individuals who in turn form civic, democratic, and tolerant societies. In this context, art is one of the main ...

    Mediación cultural en el espacio museístico: un enfoque cooperativo para alumnado de educación secundaria. Aproximación a dos casos de estudio en Quebec y Cataluña 

    Laliberté De Gagné, Élisabeth (Date of defense: 2023-01-26)

    This research is the result of a personal quest that focuses on the possibility of implementing and analyzing a mediation experience with high school students in the museum through cooperative learning experiences and to ...