Now showing items 6-25 of 39

    Mediación cultural en el espacio museístico: un enfoque cooperativo para alumnado de educación secundaria. Aproximación a dos casos de estudio en Quebec y Cataluña 

    Laliberté De Gagné, Élisabeth (Date of defense: 2023-01-26)

    This research is the result of a personal quest that focuses on the possibility of implementing and analyzing a mediation experience with high school students in the museum through cooperative learning experiences and to ...

    La modelización matemática: transición entre la educación primaria y secundaria 

    Trelles Zambrano, César Augusto (Date of defense: 2022-12-20)

    Un dels reptes principals de l'Educació Matemàtica com a disciplina científica és generar coneixement que permeti incidir en la pràctica docent del professorat, amb l'objectiu de millorar els processos d'aprenentatge dels ...

    Los valores de la creatividad y del goce artístico en el imaginario del docente de arte 

    Cagigós Villacampa, Núria (Date of defense: 2022-02-25)

    Education in values is a cross educational process that develops unique, responsible, and socially conscious individuals who in turn form civic, democratic, and tolerant societies. In this context, art is one of the main ...

    Enriqueta Tarrés (1934): una voz de gracia en la lírica catalana del siglo XX 

    Páez Martínez, María del Pilar (Date of defense: 2021-10-22)

    The soprano singer Enriqueta Tarrés (1934) is one outstanding first line voice from the Catalonian lyrical scene of the 20th Century. She was educated and trained in the Conservatori Superior de Música de Barcelona by ...

    Un plan abierto. Continuidad espacial y social en la arquitectura escolar: experiencias y propuestas para espacios educativos innovadores en áreas críticas 

    Serboli, Margherita (Date of defense: 2020-06-10)

    The architectural space is a proactive part of the social construction of individuals, being at the same time product and promoter of human actions. Its quality therefore plays a significant role in the public sphere, and ...

    Narratives materials de l'àlbum il·lustrat. Una aproximació intermedial a la didàctica de la literatura 

    Kunde, Karo (Date of defense: 2021-11-19)

    Intermediality is a cultural reality: in the multimodal and multimedia era, hybridization between media is a common practice, which we find in almost any communicative product and which requires specific knowledge to be ...

    La manera més salvatge. Una aproximació a la didàctica de la poesia des del cos 

    Fernández Recasens, Cristina (Date of defense: 2020-01-08)

    This research explores the possibilities of the use of body movement in the field of the teaching of literature and, more specifically, for teaching poetry. It is based on a questioning of the control of the body that takes ...

    La música, pentagrama de l'educació: una aproximació a la didàctica de la música a través de les metodologies actives 

    Farrés Cullell, Ivet (Date of defense: 2021-05-11)

    This investigation is the result of a personal search in music didactics focused on the possibility to use active methodologies in order to promote active and comprehensive music learning. It centers the attention on ...

    Construção de conhecimento em iniciação às artes marciais e desportos de combate: Organização da atividade conjunta no desenvolvimento do saber lutar 

    Avelar Rosa, Bruno (Date of defense: 2020-09-04)

    The research focuses on the process of knowledge construction in martial arts and combat sports fundamentals in primary school, through the analysis of the joint activity organization. The didactic sequence investigated ...

    Factores que afectan los razonamientos probabilísticos intuitivos de escolares que enfrentan situaciones problemáticas matemáticamente equivalentes 

    Nettle Valenzuela, Alejandro Horacio (Date of defense: 2019-11-06)

    The objective is to associate intuitive probabilistic reasoning with cognitive factors: learning styles, arithmetic skills, school performance and the ability of abstract reasoning of schoolchildren facing mathematically ...

    Evaluación de los conocimientos para la enseñanza del álgebra en profesores en ejercicio de educación primaria 

    Mejías Zamorano, Cristian Alejandro (Date of defense: 2019-06-26)

    The main purpose of this research is to assess the early algebra didactic-mathematical knowledge of primary school teachers. Its content has been introduced in the school curriculum of the National Council of Teachers of ...

    L'esperienza rizomatica dell'arte. Verso una comunità pensante, immaginativa, creativa 

    Ambusto, Loriana (Date of defense: 2017-11-23)

    This thesis is a reinterpretation trip of my personal and professional route through my previous experiences as a practitioner and as a researcher, that winds through the recent methodologies of arts based educational ...

    L'ensenyament-aprenentatge de la lectura a l'educació infantil: replantejament a la formació inicial de mestres a partir de l'aprenentage realista-reflexiu 

    Falgàs, Margarida (Date of defense: 2018-12-19)

    This PhD dissertation represents the building, rebuilding and transformation of the didactic knowledge in reading. The purpose is to observe the changes in didactic models done by the students when entering in the reading ...

    Modelo de formación dirigido a profesores de secundaria del área de ciencias experimentales basado en la sostenibilidad 

    Collazo Expósito, Leslie Mahe (Date of defense: 2018-02-09)

    In order to contribute to the advancement of curricular Sustainability, we developed a Training Model that promotes action for transformation. Under the paradigm of socio-critical research we apply mixed research models: ...

    L'organització de l'activitat conjunta i la seva anàlisi en el procés d'ensenyament i aprenentatge de l'equilibri dinàmic en l'educació física escolar 

    Comino Ruiz, Joel (Date of defense: 2017-09-08)

    The aim of this thesis is to analyze and describe a mechanism of educational influence which research has identified in different instructional contexts. We study the mechanism of cession and transfer of learning control ...

    Educar per a la sostenibilitat. Percepció i projecció de les problemàtiques socials i ambientals. Per un model psicopedagògic d'educació per a la sostenibilitat 

    Puig Vilaró, Emili (Date of defense: 2016-12-07)

    Aquesta Tesi Doctoral parteix d'una motivació i sensibilització personal pels temes i les problemàtiques socials i ambientals. Del convenciment personal que l'educació per a la sostenibilitat pot tenir un paper important ...

    Connexions entre educació matemàtica i educació per a la sostenibilitat: definició d'un perfil de mestre de matemàtiques 

    Calabuig i Serra, Teresa (Date of defense: 2017-02-03)

    Citizens with good mathematical knowledge will be better prepared to make social commitments and accept the social responsibilities presented by a changing and complex world. This thesis proposes to link mathematics education ...

    Analysis of the interactivity in a teaching and learning sequence with novice rugby players: the transfer of learning responsibility and control 

    Llobet Martí, Bernat (Date of defense: 2016-09-19)

    This thesis is a compilation of 3 articles, and the main focus of attention is the learning transfer mechanism. The first article explains the Rugby Attack Assessment instrument, a tool that assesses game performance of ...

    El mestre/a d'Educació Musical en el nou marc de l'EEES: un estudi a partir de les competències professionals 

    Sánchez Ariño, Sílvia (Date of defense: 2014-12-05)

    This thesis studies the professional profile of Primary School music teachers, in the framework of the Catalan educational system and the construction of the Higher Education European Area (HEEA), focusing on the study of ...

    "Ana" y "Mia" en las redes sociales. Una investigación sobre la anorexia basada en las artes 

    Nevado Álamo, Ana Maria (Date of defense: 2014-11-21)

    El objetivo del estudio era explorar y comprender los modelos de mujer con los que sintonizan dos grupos: "Estándar" (población general; estudiado mediante cuestionarios administrados a jóvenes en institutos y universidad), ...