Now showing items 16-24 of 24
Vidal-Gavilán, Georgina (Date of defense: 2014-05-23)
Nitrate pollution is a widespread problem that affects water bodies in many regions of the world, undermining water quality and therefore its safe use. Despite the application of improved management practices, nitrate ...
Robles Cruz, Sandra Elvira (Date of defense: 2012-12-12)
Six kimberlite pipes within the Lucapa structure in northeastern Angola have been investigated using major and trace element geochemistry of mantle xenoliths, macro- and megacrysts. Geothermobarometric calculations were ...
Ayora, Carles (Date of defense: 1980-03-17)
La Vall de Ribes és un antic districte miner abandonat des dels anys vint. S’explotava fonamentalment l’arsènic i també l’antimoni, el coure, el plom i la plata. La zona comprèn gran quantitat d’afloraments de mineralitzacions ...
Camprubí i Cano, Antoni (Date of defense: 1998-09-28)
El distrito de Temascaltepec, situado en la parte SW del estado de México (México), consta de tres zonas principales con depósitos epitermales de baja sulfuración, denominados Mina de Agua, El Coloso y La Guitarra. Estos ...
Bambi, Aurora Cuaiela Joao Mateus (Date of defense: 2016-01-26)
Se han seleccionado tres carbonatitas de la estructura tectónica de Lucapa en Angola representativas de diferentes niveles de emplazamiento de los magmas: plutónico (Tchivira), subvolcánico (Bonga) y volcánico (Catanda). Los ...
Aiglsperger, Thomas Hans (Date of defense: 2015-12-17)
Ni laterites are considered worthy targets for critical metals (CM) exploration as rare earth elements (REE), Sc and platinum group elements (PGE) can be concentrated during weathering as a result of residual and secondary ...
Puig Caminal, Roger (Date of defense: 2014-05-19)
In the last decades, anthropogenic inputs of nitrogen to groundwater have dramatically increased, and they nowadays represent one of the most important water resources concerns as NO3-N has become the most ubiquitous ...
Carrey Labarta, Raúl (Date of defense: 2014-05-05)
One of the main problems of diffused groundwater contamination is produced by nitrate (NO3‾). NO3‾ pollution is linked with fertilizer application, manure management and wastewater. Many areas of Spain have NO3‾ concentration ...
Bayés-García, Laura (Date of defense: 2013-07-10)
Esta tesis se basa fundamentalmente en el estudio in situ del polimorfismo de triacilgliceroles (TAGs) mayoritarios de aceites y grasas alimentarios, la determinación del comportamiento de fases de algunas de sus mezclas ...