Bataller Sallent, Sílvia (Date of defense: 2016-04-14)
Aquesta tesi té com a objectiu principal explorar el funcionament de diferents escales de benestar subjectiu i una d'autoconcepte en una mostra de 1.126 adolescents de 10 a 14 anys. Els instruments ...
Corominas Pérez, Maria Josep (Date of defense: 2020-10-13)
The right of the child to be heard justifies the analysis of the children’s subjective well-being (SWB) in order to encourage considering the cognitive and affective evaluations that children make about ...
Llosada Gistau, Joan (Date of defense: 2017-07-19)
Are children and adolescents happy while under the Child Protection System in Catalonia? There are few national and international studies on subjective well-being among children, and even less, on ...
Donoso Pérez, Gonzalo Armando (Date of defense: 2021-09-21)
The present research work is composed by two independent studies. The first study explores how access, management and use of Information and Communication Technologies in secondary schools are related ...
Montserrat Boada, Carme (Date of defense: 2006-09-04)
La importància que els acolliments en família extensa han assolit en la darrera dècada dins dels sistemes de protecció infantil en la major part dels països occidentals, contrasta tant amb l'escassa i ...
Oyarzún Gómez, Denise María Valeria (Date of defense: 2016-11-23)
The research aims to analyze the influence of microsystems family, school and neighborhood on subjective well-being of children and adolescents Chileans through the respective systems of selected ...
González Carrasco, Mònica (Date of defense: 2004-12-21)
El benestar psicològic, entès com la vessant psicològica que forma part del concepte més ampli de qualitat de vida, constitueix un àmbit d'estudi en expansió. Tot i tenir un passat més breu en comparació ...
Herrera Barros, Camilo Alfredo (Date of defense: 2023-02-17)
Teachers are one of the main pillars of our society, multiple studies indicate that their subjective well-being is essential for a good performance of their duties. This research aims to identify the ...
Albertín Carbó, Pilar (Date of defense: 2000-06-30)
Presentación <br/>El siguiente trabajo es un ejercicio reflexivo sobre una experiencia própia: Un estudio etnográfico sobre usuarios/as de heroína realizado en un barrio de Barcelona entre los años ...
Pereira de Abreu, Desirée (Date of defense: 2017-01-16)
This doctoral thesis aims to study the relationship between stressful everyday events, coping strategies for stress and subjective well-being in children and adolescents schooled in northeastern Brazil. ...