Camargo Forero, Leonardo (Date of defense: 2019-10-25)
Supercomputing, also known as High Performance Computing (HPC), is almost everywhere (ubiquitous), from the small widget in your phone telling you that today will be a sunny day, up to the next great ...
Dalmau Codina, Ramon (Date of defense: 2019-06-25)
The growth in traffic increased the pressure on the environmental sustainability of air transport. In this context, many research effort has been devoted to minimise the environmental impact in the ...
Vilardaga García-Cascón, Santi (Date of defense: 2019-11-25)
Since the birth of commercial aviation, the applications and benefits of aircraft have grown immensely. This, in perfect synchrony with the average increase of purchasing power of the society, has ...
Xu, Yan (Date of defense: 2018-11-20)
The current air transportation system is reaching the capacity limit in many countries/regions across the world. It tends to be less efficient or even incapable sometimes to deal with the enormous air ...