Garrido-Skurkowicz, Natalia (Date of defense: 2023-03-28)
This dissertation explores the degree to which an organizational ecosystem from the social and solidarity economy in Barcelona is gendered. Are there gender differences in terms of ‘decent work’ conditions? ...
Arroyo, Lídia (Date of defense: 2023-09-28)
La tesis doctoral tiene el objetivo de conocer los significados del uso de internet y sus implicaciones, respecto a las desigualdades de género y clase social, para las mujeres adultas que han participado ...
Iftikhar, Sidra (Date of defense: 2024-03-25)
This research provides an in-depth understanding of student engagement and its indicators for practice-based learning contexts, specifically for the tools. The analysis of engagement in educational ...
Clariana Rodagut, Ainamar (Date of defense: 2024-10-16)
This thesis project aims to study the international networks established among women who participated in film clubs in Ibero-America during the first half of the twentieth century. It aims to analyse ...
Matos-Vila, Jesús (Date of defense: 2024-02-01)
This thesis introduces a theoretical model of economic order to describe economic activity, addressing a gap in the existing literature. There are no precedents for formulating a model of economic order ...
Galve Ceamanos, Sergio (Date of defense: 2022-11-21)
Working in the practical environment of the LAUDA Ultracool company, this project worked with industrial refrigeration equipment to detect and diagnose failures before they impact the efficiency of the ...
Pichel-Vázquez, Alexandre (Date of defense: 2024-06-03)
Las elecciones andaluzas de diciembre de 2018 significaron el regreso de la ultraderecha española a las instituciones democráticas del Estado español. En este proceso de emergencia ultra y de consolidación ...
Soriano Gómez, Ezequiel (Date of defense: 2024-12-19)
Esta investigación doctoral explora las tensiones entre diversos modos de ordenación de la creatividad vernácula en Internet, expresada en de memes, microgéneros musicales o imágenes grotestcas. Hibridando ...