Now showing items 148-167 of 235

    Mediator complex and transcriptional control of cellular identity and plasticity 

    Calvo Serrano, Isabel (Date of defense: 2024-02-16)

    [eng] Our understanding of the transcriptional control of cellular identity is rapidly emerging. Mediator complex enriches at active enhancers, forms a protein bridge to target genes, and recruits RNA Polymerase II ...

    Mediterranean deep-sea ecosystems: Biodiversity, functioning and vulnerability = Ecosistemes profunds de la Mediterrània: Biodiversitat, funcionament i vulnerabilitat 

    Tecchio, Samuele (Date of defense: 2013-02-14)

    The Mediterranean Sea can be considered an excellent natural laboratory for benthic ecologists, due to its peculiar environmental conditions, its broad-scale gradients, and its deep-sea fauna. Primary production levels in ...

    Mejora del control biológico por conservación de las plagas que afectan a cultivos hortofrutícolas 

    Denis López, Carmen (Date of defense: 2021-11-05)

    Esta tesis se ha enfocado en evaluar el potencial de mejora del control biológico por conservación en huertos frutales y hortícolas en Cataluña, mediante la integración de infraestructuras ecológicas que promuevan y ...

    Metabolisme dels Esfingolípids. Noves metodologies i efecte sobre l´autofàgia 

    Casasampere Ferrer, Mireia (Date of defense: 2017-03-24)

    Els esfingolípids són lípids complexes derivats de l’esfingosina que a més de servir de base estructural de les membranes cel·lulars, regulen múltiples vies de senyalització, com per exemple l’autofàgia. Entre tots els ...

    Modeling and targeting metastatic relapse in colorectal cancer 

    Cañellas Socias, Adrià (Date of defense: 2022-07-22)

    Colorectal cancer (CRC) kills around 700,000 people worldwide every year. The majority of these deaths are the result of dissemination of the disease to foreign organs. Despite undergoing curative resection of the primary ...

    Modeling cytokine signaling pathways for the study of autoimmune disease 

    Pertsovskaya, Inna (Date of defense: 2014-06-25)

    Systems Biology opens new frontiers in the studies of complex diseases such as Multiple Sclerosis (MS). The questions that couldn’t be addressed before due to lack of understanding and methodological base, such as the ...

    Modeling neurofibromatosis type1 neurofibroma composition and formation 

    Mazuelas Gallego, Helena (Date of defense: 2021-01-28)

    Neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1) is a genetic disease caused by inherited mutations in the NF1 gene. NF1 is a cancer predisposition syndrome, and the disease’s hallmark is the appearance of tumors of the peripheral nervous ...

    Modulación de las propiedades migratorias de las células de la glia envolvente 

    Reginensi Espinoza, Diego (Date of defense: 2015-05-05)

    Las células de la glía envolvente olfatoria surgen hace algunos años como una estrategia prometedora para reparar la médula espinal lesionada. Sin embargo, diversas moléculas inhibitorias están presentes durante largo ...

    Molecular analysis of MTOC assembly - the role of ninein-like protein 

    Paz Domínguez, Joel (Date of defense: 2021-12-14)

    Despite decades of work, the molecular requirements underlying microtubule- organizing center (MTOC) formation at the centrosome remain obscure. Progress is hindered by the complexity of this organelle, which is composed ...

    Molecular and functional characterization of the immunoreceptors CD300d and CD300f / Caracterització molecular i funcional dels immunoreceptors CD300d I CD300f 

    Comas Casellas, Emma (Date of defense: 2013-03-08)

    The main goal of this thesis was to investigate the function of the endogenous CD300f. Initially, CD300f was described as an inhibitory receptor, although some data generated in our lab strongly suggested the possibility ...

    Molecular characterization of High Risk Neuroblastoma. Potential biomarkers for high-risk neuroblastoma classification 

    Garrido Garcia, Alícia (Date of defense: 2022-11-10)

    [eng] BACKGROUND: High-risk neuroblastoma (NB) represents a heterogeneous group of tumors, whereby patients can display response to treatment and long-term outcome or develop early progressive, chemoresistant disease with ...

    Molecular mechanisms for active DNA demethylation in cellular immune models 

    Català Moll, Francisco (Date of defense: 2020-06-08)

    Epigenetic factors, such as histone post-translational modifications and DNA methylation, are critical determinants of gene expression, which ultimately defines cell identity and function. Despite intense research in DNA ...

    Molecular mechanisms involved in the cerebral cortex development and their implications in neurodevelopmental disorders 

    Pijuán Jiménez, Isabel (Date of defense: 2019-12-02)

    During the process of corticogenesis, cortical radial glial cells (RGs) generate sequentially most of the distinct types of neurons and glial cells that will populate the neocortex. The generation of these cells at the ...

    Morfología del sistema digestivo y larvicultura del centollo (Maja brachydactyla, Balss 1922) 

    Castejón Bueno, Diego (Date of defense: 2018-05-04)

    La presente Tesis Doctoral está centrada en el centollo atlántico (Maja brachydactyla Balss, 1922). Los objetivos incluyen la optimización del cultivo larvario y el estudio ontogénico del sistema digestivo. El cultivo ...

    Morphological structure and biodiversity in fish assemblages = Estructura morfològica i biodiversitat en comunitats de peixos 

    Farré Foix, Marc (Date of defense: 2016-07-15)

    The study of morphology of organisms has become a widely extended scientific discipline since the beginning of the 20th century, when the scientific community began to establish direct relationships between the anatomical ...

    Network biology identifies novel apoptosis-related proteins and synergistic drug combinations in breast cancer 

    Capdevila Busquets, Eva (Date of defense: 2016-03-17)

    Breast cancer is a very heterogeneous disease with a poor prognostic outcome, largely due to its resistance to current cancer therapies. The balance between cell proliferation and apoptosis plays a critical role in determining ...

    Network-driven strategies to integrate and exploit biomedical data 

    Fernández Torras, Adrià (Date of defense: 2022-11-28)

    [eng] In the quest for understanding complex biological systems, the scientific community has been delving into protein, chemical and disease biology, populating biomedical databases with a wealth of data and knowledge. ...

    New therapeutic approaches to modulate metabolic alterations in the cardiovascular system. In vivo studies 

    Benítez Amaro, Aleyda (Date of defense: 2022-12-22)

    [eng] BACKGROUND: Low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 1 (LRP1) plays a key role in fatty acid metabolism and glucose homeostasis. In the context of dyslipidemia, LRP1 is positively regulated in the heart. The ...

    Noves aproximacions terapèutiques en la Distrofia Muscular de Duchenne i validació d'estratègies diagnòstiques en les malalties neuromusculars pediàtriques 

    Ferrer Aparicio, Silvia (Date of defense: 2018-10-18)

    Els trastorns neuromusculars pediàtrics són malalties minoritàries causades per un gran nombre de gens, molts d’ells de gran mida i d’estructura complexa, fet que dificulta enormement el diagnòstic molecular i el disseny ...

    Nucleic acid and small molecule recognition by Smad transcription factors and co-factors 

    Bagiński, Błażej Mikołaj (Date of defense: 2022-12-15)

    [eng] Tumour progression largely depends on the signalling networks that direct cell viability, growth and dissemination (metastasis). Transforming growth factor beta (TGF-β) and Bone Morphogenetic Protein (BMP) are cytokines ...