Now showing items 28183-28202 of 43187

    Mathematical formulations of water mixing for reactive transport through heterogeneous media 

    Soler Sagarra, Joaquim (Date of defense: 2020-07-28)

    The study of transport of reacting solute through aquifers is relevant in many engineering fields. Reactive transport (RT) is complex because it consists of two phenomena, solute transport and chemical reactions, both of ...

    Mathematical learning and language use: Perspectives from bilingual students in a context of problem solving 

    Reverter Sabaté, Francesc (Date of defense: 2012-12-17)

    The migrant movements throughout the world and the politics around language diversity in many countries have promoted an increasing presence of multilingualism in the mathematics classrooms. There are students who face ...

    Mathematical Methods to Predict the Dynamic Shape Evolution of Cancer Growth based on Spatio-Temporal Bayesian and Geometrical Models 

    Vlad, Iulian Teodor (Date of defense: 2016-01-15)

    The aim of this research is to observe the dynamics of cancer tumors and to develop and implement new methods and algorithms for prediction of tumor growth. I offer some tools to help physicians for a better understanding ...

    Mathematical modeling of oligomerization and biased signaling of G-protein-coupled receptors 

    Zhou, Bin (Date of defense: 2018-10-19)

    Los receptores acoplados a proteínas G (GPCRs) juegan un papel muy importante en una gran variedad de procesos biológicos. Estos receptores están localizados en la membrana y median las rutas de señalización celulares. Es ...

    Mathematical modelling and advanced control design applied to high-pressure electrolyzers for hydrogen production 

    David, Martín Rafael (Date of defense: 2021-11-08)

    This thesis is mainly dedicated to the study of high-pressure alkaline electrolysis. Alkaline electrolysis is a well established technology and is commercially available. However, the operation at high pressure for dispensing ...

    Mathematical modelling and molecular analysis of a nitrifying packed bed biofilm reactor 

    Montràs Boet, Anna (Date of defense: 2009-04-24)

    MELiSSA (Micro Ecological Life Support System Alternative) és el sistema desenvolupat per l'Agència Espacial Europea (ESA) i el consorci MELiSSA en el camp del suport de vida durant missions de llarga durada a l'espai. ...

    Mathematical modelling of angiogenesis as an integrated multicellular process 

    Stepanova, Daria (Date of defense: 2022-03-30)

    L’angiogènesi, la formació de nous vasos sanguinis a partir dels preexistents, és essencial per al desenvolupament normal i juga un paper crucial en patologies com el càncer, la diabetis i l’aterosclerosi. Tot i una extensa ...

    Mathematical modelling of bioreactors in the MELiSSA regenerative life support system 

    Alemany Juvanteny, Laura (Date of defense: 2022-07-04)

    El projecte MELiSSA (Micro-Ecological Life Support System Alternative) es va concebre per a desenvolupar un sistema tancat de suport vital regeneratiu basat en la integració de sis compartiments biològics en un circuit ...

    Mathematical modelling of diffusion processes at the nanoscale 

    Ribera Ponsa, Helena (Date of defense: 2018-03-16)

    In this thesis we study diffusion processes of nanoparticle evolution and develop appropriate models with the aim of being able to optimise their functions according to the needs of industry. Two distinct diffusion processes ...

    Mathematical modelling of pathogen specialisation 

    Nurtay, Anel (Date of defense: 2019-02-25)

    L’aparició de nous virus causants de malalties està estretament lligada a l’especialització de subpoblacions virals cap a nous tipus d’amfitrions. La modelització matemàtica proporciona un marc quantitatiu que pot ajudar ...

    Mathematical modelling to aid in the transition towards more sustainable buildings 

    Torres Rivas, Alba (Date of defense: 2020-06-10)

    L’objectiu d’aquesta tesis es desenvolupar eines que ajudin a les primeres fases del disseny d’edificis i ajudin al procés de presa de decisions amb l’objectiu d’aconseguir alternatives més sostenibles. La societat actual ...

    Mathematical modelling to study infectious diseases: from understanding to prediction 

    Català Sabaté, Martí (Date of defense: 2021-10-14)

    Each year 10 million people die from communicable diseases. They are infectious diseases caused by agents transmitted between individuals. Nowadays, the two infectious diseases that have the greatest impact are tuberculosis ...

    Mathematical models and multiscale simulations of cellular secretion processes 

    González-Vélez, Virginia (Date of defense: 2011-07-26)

    Exocytosis is the cellular process whereby a product such as a hormone or a neurotransmitter is released as a response to stimulation. There are a lot of exocytotic cells in mammals, and each cell type has their specific ...

    Mathematical models for energy and landscape integrated analysis in agroecosystems 

    Font Moragón, Carme (Date of defense: 2016-11-17)

    Els models matemàtics s'utilitzen per explicar fenòmens naturals. Com que els fenòmens naturals són molt complexes, per tal d'aprofundir en el seu comportament i ser capaç de fer prediccions sobre ells, es necessita passar ...

    Mathematical models of physiologically structured cell populations 

    Borges Rutz, Ricardo (Date of defense: 2012-09-25)

    En aquesta tesi es té en compte un model no lineal de creixement de població de cèl·lules que s'estructuren pel seu contingut de ciclina i cinases depenents de ciclina (CDK). Aquest model condueix a un sistema no lineal ...

    Mathematical programming based approaches for classes of complex network problems : economical and sociological applications 

    Nasini, Stefano (Date of defense: 2015-01-29)

    The thesis deals with the theoretical and practical study of mathematical programming methodologies to the analysis complex networks and their application in economic and social problems. More specifically, it applies ...

    Mathematical programming for energetic, economic and environmental optimization of building design 

    Carreras Ubach, Joan (Date of defense: 2016-10-19)

    L’objectiu d’aquesta tesis és desenvolupar eines sistemàtiques de suport per la presa de decisions basades en mètodes matemàtics pel disseny òptim d’edificis amb mínim cost i mínim impacte ambiental. Avui en dia la societat ...

    Mathematical programming models to design and analyse efficient and robust raiway freight transport networks 

    Rosell Camps, Francisca (Date of defense: 2022-11-10)

    (English) Searching to achieve an ambitious reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, the European Union has set as a goal a modal shift in freight transport of 30\% by rail or waterborne for the near future. The increasing ...

    Mathematical programming-based models for the distribution networks' decarbonization 

    García Muñoz, Fernando Esteban (Date of defense: 2022-11-22)

    (English) Climate change is pushing to decarbonize worldwide economies and forcing fossil fuel-based power systems to evolve into power systems based mainly on renewable energies sources (RES). Thus, increasing the energy ...

    Mathematical work on the foundation of Jones-Mueller formalism and its application to nano optics 

    Kuntman, Ertan (Date of defense: 2019-12-19)

    Jones matrix and nondepolarizing Mueller matrix are the basic elements of the calculus of polarization optics. In this thesis we discus other forms that can be used to represent optical properties of deterministic systems. ...