Now showing items 38011-38030 of 41896

    Suspendidos de la historia/exiliados de la memoria. El caso de los argentinos desterrados en Cataluña (1976 -...) 

    Jensen, Silvina Inés (Date of defense: 2004-04-24)

    Esta tesis es una historia del exilio argentino de la última dictadura militar y en concreto el que se instaló en Cataluña desde mediados de los ´70 escrita desde la tripe temporalidad de los actores, los procesos sociales ...

    La suspensión del cumplimiento de las obligaciones en los contratos con consumidores 

    López Tur, Teresa (Date of defense: 2024-04-22)

    [cat] La present tesi doctoral té per objecte el règim jurídic de la suspensió del compliment de les obligacions per part del consumidor i, més concretament, el règim jurídic de la suspensió per falta de conformitat, amb ...

    La suspensión del juicio ejecutivo 

    Pérez Gordo, Alfonso (Date of defense: 1970-01-01)

    [spa] El objeto de nuestro estudio es la suspensión e interrupción del juicio ejecutivo. Pero es imposible desarrollar dicho tema sin que antes dediquemos parte de nuestro trabajo a considerar aquellas nociones generales ...

    Sustainability and firm performance : evidence from corportate and farm level 

    Ait Sidhoum, Amer (Date of defense: 2018-12-04)

    This thesis approaches the question of sustainability and firm performance. In the contemporary business model, firm performance measurement must take into account not only economic profits, but also environmental and ...

    Sustainability assessment model of mass housing's interior rehabilitation. Economic, environmental, and social impacts of interior rehabilitation scenarios in Iranian MHs. The case of Ekbatan, Tehran, Iran 

    Zolfaghari, Seyyed Mohammadreza (Date of defense: 2022-07-15)

    The construction of mass housings (MHs) solved high demands for housing in urban areas in the 1960s and 1970s worldwide. After decades of continuous use and inadequate maintenance, these MHs have been censured due to their ...

    Sustainability assessment of municipal compost use in horticulture using a life cycle approach 

    Martínez Blanco, Julia (Date of defense: 2012-06-07)

    Davant del ràpid col·lapse dels abocadors, així com els alts impactes relacionats amb l'abocament dels residus biodegradables, i al baix contingut en matèria orgànica dels sòls mediterranis, el compostatge es presenta com ...

    Sustainability assessment of urban rooftop farming using an interdisciplinary approach 

    Sanyé Mengual, Esther (Date of defense: 2015-09-07)

    L'agricultura urbana està florint al voltant de les ciutats del món desenvolupat com a resposta a l’augment de població urbana, la creixent conscienciació ambiental entorn el sistema industrial d'aliments i la necessitat ...

    Sustainability assessment within the residential building sector: a practical life cycle method applied in a developed and a developing country 

    Ortiz Rodríguez, Oscar Orlando (Date of defense: 2009-12-18)

    More than ever, the residential building sector is concerned with improving the social, economic<br/>and environmental indicators of sustainability. In order to overcome the increasing concern of today's<br/>resource ...

    Sustainability concepts applied to the design of recycled aggregates concrete 

    Jiménez Fernández, Cristián (Date of defense: 2015-07-02)

    Due to the related problems and the ongoing awareness on environmental issues is that efforts are put in different areas of knowledge, in order to determine, analyze and formulate solutions towards a sustainable future. ...

    Sustainability for energy-efficient lighting 

    Sánchez Balvás, Lizeth Artemisa (Date of defense: 2021-01-15)

    The social, environmental and economic side effects of the street lighting are the foremost concern for this thesis, since the expanding use of light at night, along with an inappropriate design, has led a large energy ...

    Sustainability implementation and management in organizations. Proposal of framework, methodologies and business intelligence computer tools. 

    Ferrer Estévez, María (Date of defense: 2024-02-15)

    The thesis, titled "Sustainability Implementation and Management in Organizations: Proposal of Framework, Methodologies, and Business Intelligence Computer Tools," explores the integration of sustainability into organizational ...

    Sustainability in Microfinance Institutions 

    García Pérez, Icíar (Date of defense: 2019-02-26)

    Inspired by the 1999 Program of Action defined by the United Nations, which describes eight pragmatic areas for a Culture of Peace. My proposal will work on the section 'Sustainable economic and social development' evaluating ...

    Sustainability in the post-disaster temporary housing management for urban areas 

    Hosseini, Seyed Mohammad Amin (Date of defense: 2016-09-30)

    Many people lose their homes every year due to natural disasters. One of the major challenges to mollify displaced persons is the provision of adequate post-disaster accommodations, temporary housing (TH) being the most ...

    Sustainability of the agri-food system’s characterization with food sovereignty framework and the evaluation approach of the ajor threats 

    Ruiz Almeida, Adriana (Date of defense: 2021-04-29)

    Nowadays, around 690 million undernourished people worldwide, even though the world already produces enough food to feed more than the whole current population. This situation is far from diminishing due to the current ...

    Sustainability, durability and mechanical characterization of a new recycled textile-reinforced strain-hardening cementitious composite for building applications 

    Sadrolodabaee, Payam (Date of defense: 2022-07-11)

    Cementitious materials have one of the highest compressive strength-to-weight ratios compared to other construction materials. Nonetheless, both tensile strength capacity and toughness result to be an order of magnitude ...

    Sustainable and adhesive-free lignocellulosic fiberboards from steam exploded Arundo donax L 

    Vitrone, Federica (Date of defense: 2023-07-12)

    L'objectiu d'aquesta tesi és explorar la possibilitat de fabricar taulers de fibres sostenibles i sense additius a partir de la planta Arundo donax L., a través d'un procés que involucra els següents passos: pretractament ...

    Sustainable and cost-effective development of chiral metal-catalysts for C-H and C-X bond forming reactions 

    Borràs Noguera, Carlota (Date of defense: 2018-09-10)

    L’obtenció de compostos enantiomèricament purs ha esdevingut una necessitat que ha conduit a un important progrés en la catàlisi asimètrica, principalment usant compostos organometàl•lics quirals. Entre les diferents ...

    Sustainable business model perspectives for the electric vehicle industry : the case of battery second use 

    Reinhardt, Robert, 1989- (Date of defense: 2019-11-08)

    The purpose of this doctoral research dissertation is to examine sustainable business model (SBM) perspectives for the rapidly developing Battery Second Use (B2U) market within the emerging electric vehicle (EV) industry. ...

    Sustainable business strategies in SMEs: Their antecedents and organizational consequences 

    Villegas Pinuer, Francisco (Date of defense: 2021-11-04)

    Aquesta recerca doctoral aborda la Sostenibilitat Mediambiental (SM) en les petites i mitjanes empreses (PIMES), les principals entitats de negocis que generen la major part de l’ocupació en l’economia d’una nació. Aquesta ...

    Sustainable carbohydrase production using organic wastes through solid-state fermentation: operational strategies and microbial communities assessment 

    Cerda Llanos, Alejandra Patricia (Date of defense: 2017-04-07)

    De acuerdo con la línea de investigación de fermentación en estado sólido (FES) que actualmente se desarrolla en el grupo de investigación de compostaje (GICOM) el objetivo principal de esta tesis es desarrollar un proceso ...