Ara mostrant els elements 91-110 de 113

    Redesign of carnitine acetyltransferase specifity by protein engineering 

    García Cordente, Antonio Felipe (Data de defensa: 2006-06-22)

    In eukaryotes, L-carnitine is involved in energy metabolism, where it facilitates b-oxidation of fatty acids. Carnitine acyltransferases catalyze the reversible conversion of acyl-CoA and carnitine to acylcarnitine and ...

    Regulació del promotor de "Sp3" 

    Tapias Soler, Alicia (Data de defensa: 2008-06-18)

    Sp1 i Sp3 pertanyen a la família de factors de transcripció Sp que controla la transcripció de gens implicats en gairebé tots els processos cel.lulars. Estudis previs al nostre grup van estudiar la regulació del promotor ...

    Regulació gènica de proteïnes de reserva en cereals. Factors de transcripció implicats 

    Gas i Pascual, Elisabet (Data de defensa: 2006-06-09)

    L'interès de l'estudi de la regulació dels gens de proteïnes de reserva de cereals prové del fet que són gens específics de llavor, amb una expressió lligada al desenvolupament del gra, i molts d'ells mostren una gran ...

    Regulació hormonal del metabolisme hepàtic del glicògen: efectes del glucagó, l'epinefrina i la insulina 

    Massagué i Solé, Joan, 1953- (Data de defensa: 1978-10-1)

    El mecanisme d’acció a nivell molecular de les hormones glucagó, epinefrina i insulina constitueix el centre d'interès al qual apunta el nostre treball. Un camí especialment adequat per aproximar-nos als fets desencadenats ...

    Regulació posttraduccional de l’alanina aminotransferasa mitjançant mecanismes d’interacció proteïna-proteïna 

    Giralt Lladós, Marina (Data de defensa: 2016-02-02)

    Una de les principals fites en aqüicultura és aconseguir una reducció de les proteïnes que se subministren amb la dieta, procedents majoritàriament de farines de peix, i incrementar la presència de nutrients més rendibles, ...

    Regulation and actions mediated by C-jun N-terminal kinase pathaway 

    Lanuza Masdeu, Jordi (Data de defensa: 2013-04-05)

    Es va generar un ratolí transgènic amb la capacitat d'activar JNK específicament al pàncrees. Tot i que aquests ratolins no tenen cap afectació morfoestructural en els seus illots pancreàtics ni diferències en el contingut ...

    Regulation of angiogenesis by CPEB-mediated translational control 

    Calderone, Vittorio (Data de defensa: 2013-07-19)

    Hepatic cirrhosis is a largely diffused pathology caused by alcohol abuse and hepatitis C in developed countries, whereas hepatitis B is the cause in most parts of Asia and sub-Saharan Africa. It's characterized by development ...

    Regulation of self-renewal in colorectal cancer cell models 

    Meca-Cortés, Oscar (Data de defensa: 2014-12-17)

    The transcription factor SOX2 is a key determinant of stem cell properties, also involved in the initiation, maintenance and progression of several human cancers. By studying the in vitro phenotypic ...

    Relació estructura-funció de les proteïnes CPT1 

    Pujol Vidal, Maria Magdalena (Data de defensa: 2012-07-17)

    L’enzim Carnitina palmitoïltransferasa 1 (CPT1) permet l’entrada dels àcids grassos de cadena llarga a la matriu mitocondrial per tal de ser degradats i utilitzats així com a substrat energètic. El malonil-CoA, primer ...

    Resistance to HIV entry inhibitors: signature mutations as tool guide for the identification of new antiviral agents 

    González-Ortega, Emmanuel (Data de defensa: 2012-07-23)

    There are several reasons to celebrate the latest advances in the treatment of the infection with HIV. According to the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS, the number of new infections dropped by 15%; there is also ...

    Resistencia a la insulina inducida por acidos grasos en células de músculo esquelético L6E9: papel de la carnitina palmitoiltransferasa I (CPT-I) 

    Sebastián Muñoz, David (Data de defensa: 2006-03-31)

    La resistencia a la insulina es un estado patológico que se define como la incapacidad del organismo de responder normalmente a las acciones de la insulina. Este estado está ligado a la obesidad, al estilo sedentario de ...

    Role of Notch/RBPjk signaling pathaway in embryonic hematopoiesis 

    Robert Moreno, Alexandre (Data de defensa: 2007-09-28)

    The process that gives rise to all the mature blood cells from the HSCs (Hematopoietic Stem Cells) is known as hematopoiesis. In the adult, hematopoiesis takes place in the bone marrow although the HSCs are likely generated ...

    Role of the Kinases NEK6, NEK7 and NEK9 in the Regulation of the Centrosome Cycle 

    Sdelci, Sara (Data de defensa: 2012-12-13)

    This thesis project is focused on the study of the signaling module formed by the NIMA-related protein Nek6, Nek7, and Nek9 and their function during early mitosis, with particular interest in centrosome separation and ...

    Role of the tumour suppressor pathway p53‐p21 in the regulation of metabolism 

    Pulice, Giuseppe (Data de defensa: 2014-12-15)

    Changes in diet and life style caused an alarming increase in the incidence of obesity, which is considered a major risk factor for the onset of the metabolic syndrome. One of the initial events in obesity is adipocyte ...

    Search for new antiviral compounds using fragment screening methodology 

    Kaczmarska, Zuzanna (Data de defensa: 2014-12-05)

    Picornaviridae are among the most diverse and oldest known viral families that include many important pathogens of humans and animals. They are small, icosahedral (+)ssRNA viruses, causing a variety of diseases, such as ...

    Síndrome de cáncer de mama y ovario hereditario: Estudio in vitro de variantes BRCA1 y BRCA2 de significado biológico desconocido y búsqueda de nuevos genes responsables de este síndrome 

    Quiles Vidal, Francisco de Asís (Data de defensa: 2016-02-05)

    ANTECEDENTES: Entre un 20-25% de pacientes con cáncer de mama y ovario muestran historia familiar de dicha enfermedad. Una porción de estos casos son debidos a mutaciones germinales en genes de predisposición conocidos y ...

    Structural and functional analysis of natural protein-based inhibitors and their protease targets 

    dos Reis Mendes, Soraia Inês (Data de defensa: 2022-10-28)

    [eng] Several proteases and their antagonistic protein or peptide inhibitors sparked researchers’ interest due to their potential as therapeutic targets. The present thesis, which compiles results obtained in three independent ...

    Study of carnitine palmitoyltransferase 1A (CPT1A) in adipose tissue. Effects on obesity, inflammation and insulin resistance 

    Malandrino, Maria Ida (Data de defensa: 2013-10-04)

    Current lifestyle with high-energy diets and little exercise is triggering an alarming growth in obesity. Excess of adiposity is leading to severe increase in associated pathologies, such as insulin resistance, type ...

    Study of the molecular mechanisms responsible for E2F1-induced Mtorc1 activation 

    Meo Evoli, Nathalie (Data de defensa: 2014-07-07)

    The oncogenic properties of E2F1 have been traditionally associated with the role of the oncogene in proliferation, but during the last few years many other functions associated with this family of transcription factors ...

    Study of the phosphorylation and activation of the protein kinase NEK9 during mitosis 

    Bertran Domingo, M. Teresa (Data de defensa: 2012-11-29)

    Nek9 is a NIMA-related kinase that is phosphorylated in mitosis and a small pool of it (5%) is activated at the centrosomes by a complex mechanism which has remained elusive until now. Nek6 and Nek7 bind to the C-terminal ...