Now showing items 776-795 of 3217

    E-commerce, servicios prestados por vía electrónica y miniventanilla única en el impuesto sobre el valor añadido 

    Henao Castañeda, Ana María (Date of defense: 2020-07-17)

    La presente tesis analiza la aplicación del principio de territorialidad denominado principio de tributación en destino, a los servicios prestados a través de Internet. Se toma en consideración el IVA en el contexto de ...

    Early Iron Age Cementeries at Knossos: The Appreciation of Oriental Imports and their Imitations by Knossian Society 

    Antoniadis, Vyron (Date of defense: 2012-07-09)

    The contextual study of the oriental imports and their local imitations discovered in the Early Iron Age cemeteries at Knossos is of great importance, as it reveals the attitude of the Knossian society towards imports ...

    Early life environmental exposures and childhood respiratory health 

    Abellán Écija, Alicia (Date of defense: 2021-10-04)

    The high prevalence and burden of asthma and other chronic respiratory diseases worldwide has raised concerns about the potential role of environmental exposures. However, the evidence is still inadequate. This Thesis is ...

    Early life factors influencing neurodevelopment and the study of the interrelations between different behavioural areas 

    Júlvez Calvo, Jordi (Date of defense: 2007-09-27)

    Antecedents: No hi ha gaire coneixement sobre el neurodesenvolupament de preescolars i la seva susceptibilitat enfront a factors ambientals. <br/>Objectius: Avaluar les respostes del neurodesenvolupament en nens i les ...

    Early life predictors of child growth trajectories and early adolescent cardiovascular health 

    Montazeri, Parisa (Date of defense: 2021-12-15)

    Research over the previous decades has shown us that early life influences have long-term effects on health and disease. Emerging science supports a role in the pathogenesis of obesity and cardiovascular diseases (CVD) for ...

    Early screening of dyslexia using a language-independent content game and machine learning 

    Rauschenberger, Maria (Date of defense: 2019-10-11)

    Els nens amb dislèxia tenen dificultats per aprendre a llegir i escriure. Sovint se'ls diagnostica després de fallar a l'escola, encara que la dislèxia no estigui relacionada amb la intel·ligència general. En aquesta tesi, ...

    Early-life environmental exposures and molecular markers in children 

    Prado Bert, Paula de (Date of defense: 2022-10-17)

    L'exposició a factors de risc ambientals durant la vida intrauterina o la infància ha estat relacionada amb un major risc a desenvolupar diverses malalties. Tot i això, els mecanismes biològics subjacents són poc coneguts. ...

    Econometrics and decision making: Effects of communication of results 

    Soyer, Emre (Date of defense: 2012-06-14)

    This thesis incorporates three studies that analyze how information is presented in various contexts, how these different modes of presentation affect decision makers’ perceptions and how to improve communication of ...

    Economia i cultura en el primer exili. França, 1939-1940. Les finances de la Generalitat de Catalunya i les residències de Montpeller i Tolosa 

    Puigarnau Torelló, Xavier (Date of defense: 2014-12-05)

    Aquesta tesi doctoral aborda el primer moment d’exili de la Generalitat de Catalunya després de la conquesta del Principat per part de les tropes franquistes. S’ha centrat l’estudi en les finances i organització de la ...

    Economic consequences of motherhood - the role of job disamenities 

    Felfe, Andrea Christina (Date of defense: 2008-07-15)

    Esta tesis evalúa el papel de las características no deseadas del trabajo - llamadas disamenities - en el contexto del balance entre trabajo y familia. Particularmente, se plantean las siguientes preguntas: ¿es el descenso ...

    Economic evaluation of treatments for patients with localized prostate cancer 

    Becerra Bachino, Virginia (Date of defense: 2016-02-08)

    L'objectiu global d'aquesta tesi va ser avaluar l'eficiència, des de la perspectiva dels sistemes de salut, dels tractaments més establerts per als pacients diagnosticats amb càncer de pròstata localitzat. El "Estudi ...

    The Economic impact, location choices and assimilation of immigrants 

    Albert, Christoph (Date of defense: 2018-09-27)

    This dissertation consists of three self-contained essays. In the first chapter, I study the labor market impact of documented and undocumented immigration in a search model with non-random hiring that is parameterized ...

    The Economics of financial information in young firms 

    Guasch Mercadé, Martí (Date of defense: 2019-10-10)

    This thesis focuses on the use of accounting information to mitigate the severe information asymmetries existing between young firms and capital providers. The first chapter studies the importance of debt in early stage ...

    Economics of organisations and development 

    Cusolito, Ana Paula (Date of defense: 2008-06-16)

    La presente tesis contiene tres ensayos sobre la Economía de las Organizaciones y el Desarrollo Económico. Cada capítulo se centra en un tópico distinto, cuya relevancia ha sido destacada por la literatura sobre Desarrollo ...

    The Economy of the Curatorial and the Fields of the Contemporary Art World: Curatorial instances and the market of contemporary art in and from (South) Africa 

    Franzoni, Mariella (Date of defense: 2019-10-08)

    This dissertation analyzes the relationship between curating and the contemporary art market, inscribing its enquiry in the realm of curatorial theory. Contributing to epistemological discussions on the notion of the ...

    Edición anotada y estudio del Epítome historial del Reino de China (1960), de Francisco de Herrera Maldonado 

    Feng, Shi (Date of defense: 2022-11-04)

    Esta tesis consiste en la edición anotada del Epítome historial del Reino de la China (1620) de Francisco de Herrera Maldonado y en la investigación sistemática sobre aspectos textuales y contextuales de la obra. El ...

    Editar las Soledades de Luis de Góngora en la era digital: Texto crítico y propuesta de codificación XML/TEI 

    Rojas Castro, Antonio (Date of defense: 2015-11-20)

    Esta tesis pretende establecer las bases para crear una edición crítica digital de las Soledades de Luis de Góngora. Para conseguir esto se defiende una teoría de la edición académica digital caracterizada por la ...

    Edition of the Greek Magical Papyri (PGM) I and VI+II: Introductio, text and commentary 

    Chronopoulou, Eleni (Date of defense: 2017-11-30)

    This thesis is an edition of the Greek Magical Papyri I and VI+II. The edition contains: a) an introduction with information about the corpus of the magical papyri; b) a physical and textual description of the papyri; ...

    Educación mediática en la formación docente en el Perú 

    Mateus Borea, Julio César (Date of defense: 2019-06-21)

    Esta tesis aborda el estado de la educación mediática en la formación inicial docente en el Perú. Está estructurada en dos partes y sus resultados son presentados bajo el formato de compendio de artículos. La primera parte, ...

    Educational institutions and their effect on inequality: three papers on educational systems and inequality of achievement and opportunity 

    Cimentada, Jorge (Date of defense: 2019-09-25)

    By placing particular attention to the socio-economic dimension, this thesis explores the role of three pillars of an educational system: decentralization, early education and curricular tracking. The first article focuses ...