Ara mostrant els elements 1-12 de 12

    La eficacia de la protección del derecho a la seguridad y salud en el trabajo de los trabajadores extranjeros 

    Martínez Aso, Mercedes (Data de defensa: 2013-07-22)

    This thesis conducts a legal analysis of the effectiveness of the protection of foreign workers’ right to safety and health at work. Even though this is a right attached to the legal status of any worker, regardless of ...

    El salario a rendimiento en el sector de la construcción. Modelo para determinar el precio óptimo y el precio máximo a pagar por un trabajo a destajo 

    Ribera Roget, Albert (Data de defensa: 2013-03-20)

    This doctoral thesis explores HR management through systems of production incentives in the construction sector which has been instrumental to the Spanish economy. The transformation of a time-based payment system to a ...

    Entrepreneurial skills, trust and jobs: three essays on entrepreneurial skills of self-employed and employees 

    Teodoro i Sadurní, Jaume (Data de defensa: 2017-09-08)

    This thesis is an empirical study that sets out to explain entrepreneurial activity, based on a broad concept of entrepreneurship. The study is based on the development of logistic regression models for a dichotomous ...

    L'estatut ocupacional dels treballadors a partir de 45 anys. L'abast de les mesures jurídiques d'ocupació, jubilació i discriminació per raó d'edat 

    Baseiria Martí, Judit (Data de defensa: 2013-01-17)

    The doctoral thesis analyzes the labor and social protection problems associated with older workers from 45 years old. It examines the employment statute of older workers, specifically: the existing active and passive ...

    La fiscalidad del teletrabajo. Análisis jurídico de las relaciones dependientes: marco internacional e interno 

    Santiago Marcos, Daniel (Data de defensa: 2023-07-06)

    The objective of this thesis is to examine the challenges and issues arising from teleworking in the tax system. The initial focus is on the analysis of teleworking from a legal-labour perspective, in order to determine ...

    HRM 4 Innovation: from determinants to performance. Essays from the Spanish context 

    Manresa Matas, Alba (Data de defensa: 2018-07-09)

    Human resource (HR) practices are possible contributors to a firm’s success. There is a pressing need for empirical research that addresses how HR practices contribute to a company’s ability to be creative and innovative. ...

    El impacto sobre los trabajadores de una gestión de recursos humanos socialmente responsable. Un análisis para Catalunya 

    Celma Benaiges, M. Dolors (Data de defensa: 2011-11-21)

    Socially responsible human resource management constitutes the conceptual-theory framework of the thesis. The results obtained from the empirical part show the existence of three clusters inasmuch as the application of ...

    La fiscalitat dels treballadors transfronterers entre Espanya i França 

    Sicre, Monique (Data de defensa: 2021-11-19)

    European Union law provides that persons may move freely for professional reasons from one Member State to another without suffering any discrimination in relation to employment, remuneration or other working conditions. ...

    La sindicació de les arts plàstiques a Catalunya durant la Guerra Civil (1936-1939). Institucions d’operacions ideològiques i polarització entre l’art d’avantguarda i el realisme 

    Esteba López, Joaquin (Data de defensa: 2019-02-15)

    This thesis is focused on conceptions of the avant-garde and realism during the Spanish Civil War in Catalonia from two main mainstays: the conception of the nationalism implicit into the conflict itself, and the mandatory ...

    Moral identity and career construction: implications for theory, intervention and research. Example of people in recovery from substance use disorders 

    Kapanadze, Maria (Data de defensa: 2018-09-07)

    There is growing interest in the efficacy of career construction as a technique in counseling programs which aim to improve employability. There remains a lack of empirical scholarship on career interventions applied ...

    Recerca sobre les persones amb discapacitat psíquica contractades a l'Administració de la Generalitat de Catalunya. Anàlisi de la incidència de la inserció laboral en diferents dimensions de la vida dels treballadors amb discapacitat psíquica 

    Rius Bonjoch, Maria (Data de defensa: 2005-12-02)

    L'activitat professional és fonamental en la vida de qualsevol persona i en el cas de les persones amb discapacitat resulta molt potent per tal que assumeixin la identitat adulta. Per això, en la tesi es realitza una ...

    "Visch de mon treball y seguint los amos". Francesos i treballadors a la Catalunya de mas (Bisbat de Girona, ss. XVI-XVII) 

    Barquer Cerdà, Arnau (Data de defensa: 2019-01-25)

    Since carachterization of French migration during 16th and 17th centuries in the Bishopric of Girona, I obtained huge data pointing out the strong presence of treballador label, mainly among French immigrants, increasing ...