Ara mostrant els elements 21-40 de 49

    El trabajo emocional en el sector turístico. Obstáculos y facilitadores empresariales y su consecuencia para los trabajadores 

    Molina Rodríguez, Jesús (Data de defensa: 2017-07-11)

    The general objective of this thesis is to analyze if there is emotional labor in the tourism sector, as well as to study its possible causes and consequences. This general aim is concretized in three specific aims that ...

    Health and economic conditions: evidence from individual-level data 

    Arroyo Borrell, Elena (Data de defensa: 2016-12-16)

    The main aim of this thesis is to investigate the effects of economic conditions on health using advanced micro-econometric techniques applied to survey data. The dissertation examines the consequences of the current ...

    Mass unemployment in Spain (1959-2014): productive and commercial problems of a peripheral economy in global capitalism 

    Portella Carbó, Ferran (Data de defensa: 2015-12-18)

    The thesis studies one of the main problems in Spain: mass unemployment. It is not a short-term problem, but a structural feature of the Spanish socio-economic system since at least the end of the 1970s, which remains ...

    Morbilidad, utilización de recursos y costes sanitarios en la comarca del Baix Empordà 

    Inoriza, José María (Data de defensa: 2015-02-27)

    Los sistemas de atención sanitaria tienden en la actualidad a migrar de formas de organización fragmentadas por líneas o niveles, que al mismo tiempo compiten e intentan coordinarse entre sí, hacia formas que integran todos ...

    Temporal trends of incidence and survival of myeloid malignancies in Girona: a population-based study during the recent fifteen years 

    Osca-Gelis, Gemma (Data de defensa: 2014-10-17)

    Myeloid malignancies (MMs) are a heterogeneous group of haematological malignancies presenting different incidence, prognosis and survival. Changing classifications (French-American-British (FAB), World Health Organization ...

    Expectativas y preferencias en la utilización de servicios en atención primaria 

    Alfranca Pardillos, Rebeca (Data de defensa: 2014-06-03)

    The main aim of this thesis is to study the expectations and preferences of the Catalan population regarding the public health system, and an appraisal of the influence played by factors such as age, gender, geographical ...

    Tourism demand in Spain: trip duration and budget structure, a comparison of low cost and legacy airline users 

    Ferrer Rosell, Berta (Data de defensa: 2014-05-27)

    This thesis compares the behaviour of tourists arriving to Spain by low cost airlines or by legacy airlines, in terms of length of stay and travel budget allocation. It also segments low cost users according to travel ...

    Pobresa, privació i rendes mínimes a Catalunya 

    Ballester González, Ramon (Data de defensa: 2014-03-14)

    The current economic crisis has increased severe poverty as well as severe deprivation levels in our society, putting under stress the existing social protection system. In the Spanish system of social protection, the very ...

    Adapting forest management to climate change 

    Mur Torrentó, Rubén Javier (Data de defensa: 2013-12-10)

    Climate change is one of the most important challenges of the 21st century. The increase in the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere, in temperatures, and changes in the precipitation pattern are expected to alter the ...

    Mixed models and point processes 

    Serra Saurina, Laura (Data de defensa: 2013-11-22)

    The main objective of this Thesis is to model the occurrence of wildfires and, in particular, knowing the factors with more influence, to evaluate how they are distributed in space and time. The Thesis presents three major ...

    Health and economic convergence in the European Union (1990-2010): an econometric approach 

    Maynou Pujolràs, Laia (Data de defensa: 2013-11-21)

    The main aim of this thesis is to evaluate the reduction of economic and health disparities in the European Union from 1990-2010. Through different dynamic panel models, we show that in simple economics terms there has ...

    Control and modeling techniques in biomedical engineering: the artificial pancreas for patients with type 1 diabetes 

    Abu-Rmileh, Amjad Hisham Ahmad (Data de defensa: 2013-12-09)

    This thesis presents different control strategies, for the closed-loop artificial pancreas, which are based on Model Predictive Control (MPC) and Sliding Mode Control (SMC). Multiple MPC with linear models and gain scheduling, ...

    Conformal prediction of air pollution concentrations for the Barcelona Metropolitan Region 

    Ivina, Olga (Data de defensa: 2012-11-20)

    This thesis is aimed to introduce a newly developed machine learning method, conformal predictors, for air pollution assessment. For the given area of study, the Barcelona Metropolitan Region (BMR), several conformal ...

    L'eficiència del mercat immobiliari: estratègies i instruments 

    Panosa Gubau, Anna M. (Data de defensa: 2012-12-18)

    Real estate represents a part of the portfolio of many investors and can be accessed from both the real and the financial market. The low efficiency of real market prevents from taking advantage of the value created through ...

    Definición de los conceptos "tradicional" e "innovación" en alimentos desde la perspectiva del consumidor europeo 

    Guerrero Asorey, Luis (Data de defensa: 2012-05-17)

    Traditional food products (TFP) are an important part of European culture, identity, and heritage. The main objective of present research is to obtain a consumer-driven definition for the concept of ‘‘traditional food ...

    El impacto sobre los trabajadores de una gestión de recursos humanos socialmente responsable. Un análisis para Catalunya 

    Celma Benaiges, M. Dolors (Data de defensa: 2011-11-21)

    Socially responsible human resource management constitutes the conceptual-theory framework of the thesis. The results obtained from the empirical part show the existence of three clusters inasmuch as the application of ...

    La Utilització dels serveis d'atenció primària a la Regió Sanitària Girona i els seus condicionants demogràfics, econòmics i socials 

    Vall-llosera Casanovas, Laura (Data de defensa: 2010-03-08)

    El percentatge de població immigrant a l'estat espanyol oscil·la al voltant d'un 14%. Les característiques sociodemogràfiques d'aquests col·lectius nouvinguts ha suposat una alteració en la utilització dels recursos públics ...

    La Hipertensió arterial a la pràctica: optimització de la mesura de la pressió arterial i de l'avaluació de l'afectació dels òrgans diana 

    Coll de Tuero, Gabriel (Data de defensa: 2010-03-15)

    Objectius: a) avaluar la utilitat de la mesura de la pressió arterial a la consulta pel diplomat d'infermeria; b) establir quin és el punt de tall pel valor normal de l'automesura de la pressió arterial al domicili del ...

    Aspectes metodològics i aplicacions de la modelització del temps de supervivència multivariant mitjançant models mixtes 

    Renart i Vicens, Gemma (Data de defensa: 2009-06-15)

    Els estudis de supervivència s'interessen pel temps que passa des de l'inici de l'estudi (diagnòstic de la malaltia, inici del tractament,...) fins que es produeix l'esdeveniment d'interès (mort, curació, millora,...). No ...

    Predictors of knowledge creation performance. A quantitative qualitative comparative study of European doctorandi 

    Capó Artigues, Aina Maria (Data de defensa: 2009-06-16)

    Aquesta tesi forma part d'un projecte destinat a predir el rendiment acadèmic dels estudiants de doctorat portat a terme per l'INSOC (International Network on Social Capital and Performance). El grup de recerca INSOC està ...