Now showing items 21-40 of 457

    Paper dels receptors de les cèl·lules Natural Killer i dels seus lligands, estudiats mitjançant tecnologia NGS, en l’evolució de pacients amb neoplàsies mieloides 

    Closa Gil, Laia (Date of defense: 2021-04-09)

    La present tesi doctoral consta d’una primera part de disseny i desenvolupament d’una nova metodologia per dur a terme la seqüenciació de gens codificants de receptors de les cèl·lules NK i dels seus respectius lligands ...

    Les aguditzacions com a element crucial en el maneig no farmacològic de les bronquièctasis 

    Alcaraz Serrano, Victoria (Date of defense: 2021-06-16)

    INTRODUCCIÓ: Les bronquièctasis és una malaltia respiratòria crònica caracteritzada radiològicament per dilatacions irreversibles dels bronquis i clínicament per tos amb expectoració crònica, dispnea i aguditzacions de ...

    Target Therapy in Rhabdomyosarcoma: Discovering new targets and apportunities 

    Prada Varela, Estela Maria (Date of defense: 2021-11-05)

    Pediatric RMS is a developmental tumor that affects patients from birth to late adolescence. RMS tumorigenesis involves the stalk of embryological myogenic processes. Classically, two main subgroups of RMS have been defined ...

    Estudi sobre l'associació de l'índex de postura del peu amb el pic ponderat de pressió plantar en la fase de recolzament de la marxa 

    Vergés Salas, Carles (Date of defense: 2014-07-08)

    L'ús de paràmetres estàtics per a l'avaluació física del peu ha estat una constant, de la mateixa manera que també ho ha estat l'intent de relacionar aquests paràmetres amb les diferents patologies relacionades amb disfuncions ...

    Análisis de los cambios de presión en el antepié mediante la aplicación de diferentes tratamientos ortopodológicos 

    Prats Climent, Baldiri (Date of defense: 2014-07-08)

    Diversos estudios han medido las presiones plantares del antepié, la incidencia de hiperpresiones en pacientes diabéticos o los cambios producidos por el uso de determinados tipos de calzado o de soportes plantares, pero ...

    Epigenetic regulation of 5-methylcytosine RNA modification in human cancer 

    Ortiz Barahona, Vanessa (Date of defense: 2022-04-01)

    The general aim of this thesis is to identify and characterize if there are DNA methylation patterns giving rise to cancer-related m5C RNA modification defects, potentially promoting malignant transformation and tumor ...

    Development and application of xenograft models to predict the prognosis and study the treatment-driven evolution of pediatric sarcomas 

    Castillo Écija, Helena (Date of defense: 2022-03-22)

    Therapy development in cancer involves several consecutive steps including (1) the identification of the unmet medical need (disease or clinical question), (2) the establishment of clinically relevant resources or models ...

    Connecting RAGE and cell plasticity in triple-negative breast cancer 

    Pujals Pruneda, Mireia (Date of defense: 2022-03-01)

    RAGE is a transmembrane protein of the immunoglobulin family highly expressed during embryonic development but rarely expressed in adult healthy tissues. However, under cellular stress RAGE is re-expressed and mediates ...

    Biomarkers and Combinatorial Drug Targets for a Personalized Therapy in Colorectal Cancer 

    Moreta Moraleda, Cristina (Date of defense: 2022-01-25)

    The hypothesis of the present thesis is that the presence or absence of some chromatin factors may facilitate or impair the action of chemotherapeutic drugs in colorectal cancer (CRC). Chromatin factors have been proven ...

    Sintagma i paradigma en l'esquizofàsia: un estudi psicopatolingüístic 

    Obiols Llandrich, Joan (Date of defense: 1991-01-01)

    Aquest estudi intenta analitzar l'estructura del llenguatge esquizofrènic amb els mètodes desenvolupats per la lingüística estructural i l'afasiologia. S'utilitza la dicotomia sintagma/paradigma. S'hi demostra la força de ...

    Epigenetic Regulation of tRNA Biology in Cancer 

    Rosselló Tortella, Margalida (Date of defense: 2021-12-09)

    Transfer RNAs (tRNAs) are essential molecules that allow the translation of the genetic code into amino acids. Extensive research during the last 50 years have revealed that, despite their apparently simple structure and ...

    Genetic disruption of transfer RNA modifications in human cancer 

    Coll San Martín, Laia (Date of defense: 2021-11-29)

    Cancer was reported as the second leading cause of death in 2018 by the World Health Organisation. Cancer is defined as the set of diseases that proceeds in multiple phases generating a transformation lead by an accumulation ...

    Dissecting genetic regulatory mechanisms in human pancreatic islets to gain insights into type 2 diabetes pathophysiology 

    Atla, Goutham (Date of defense: 2021-05-05)

    Diabetes mellitus is a heterogeneous group of metabolic diseases characterized by impaired blood glucose homeostasis that affects more than 415 million people worldwide and is a leading cause of mortality. The most prevalent ...

    La qualitat de vida en les persones que pateixen esquizofrènia. Resultats de les escales genèriques i específiques. 

    Domènech i Abella, Cristina (Date of defense: 2020-12-15)

    El concepte de Qualitat de Vida (QV) apareix per a definir l’estat de benestar de les persones d’una societat i s’incorpora a la medicina quan, atesa la millora de l’efectivitat dels tractaments i l’expectativa de vida, ...

    Carboxymethyl cellulose-based cryogels as scaffolds for pancreatic and skeletal muscle tissue engineering 

    Velasco Mallorquí, Ferran (Date of defense: 2021-07-01)

    Diabetes incidence highly increased in the last years. According to IDF (International Diabetes Federation), 463 million people suffered this disease in 2019. The estimations of diabetic people highly increase in the ...

    Neuropilin 2 role in the regulation of disseminated tumour cells dormancy and metastasis in breast and head and neck cancer 

    Recalde-Percaz, Leire (Date of defense: 2021-06-30)

    Metastases are considered the last stage of tumour progression and the main cause of death associated to solid tumours. There are no effective treatments for metastasis which remain non- curable with more than 90% of ...

    Decoding the genetic landscape of pediatric and young adult germinal center-derived B-cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma 

    Ramis Zaldívar, Juan Enrique (Date of defense: 2021-06-29)

    B-cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma (B-NHL) of pediatric and young adult population is a diverse group of neoplasms predominantly composed of aggressive B-cell lymphomas from the germinal center (GC). Molecular characterization ...

    Enhanced recording paradigms and advanced analyses of peripheral nerve fibers SPiike software 

    Ponente, Federico (Date of defense: 2021-07-08)

    The aim of this work is to investigate the human nociceptive system at the peripheral level. Researchers are still debating how the pain perception arises from this very intricate network. The human perception is the most ...

    Temperamento y carácter en trastornos de la conducta alimentaria: correlatos clínicos, psicopatológicos y terapéuticos 

    Agüera, Zaida (Date of defense: 2013-12-12)

    Los Trastornos de la Conducta Alimentaria (TCA) son enfermedades mentales complejas en las que convergen numerosos de factores de riesgo y mantenimiento. La literatura previa pone de relieve la importancia de los rasgos ...

    El transcriptoma no codificante en Síndrome de Rett: nuevas funciones para las regiones transcritas ultraconservadas y circRNAs 

    Obiols Guardia, Aida (Date of defense: 2020-07-17)

    Diversos estudios transcripcionales actuales ponen de manifiesto la importancia funcional de la porción no codificante de nuestro genoma, observándose un papel crucial en todos los niveles de la regulación génica. Uno de ...