Departament d'Història i Història de l'Art (2009-)

La Universitat de Girona té més de 15.000 estudiants i 1.400 professors. Ofereix uns 50 estudis de grau i més de 20 màsters. S’organitza en 9 centres docents, 1 Escola de Doctorat, 6 centres adscrits. L’activitat de recerca es du a terme en 24 departaments, 12 instituts de recerca i més de 40 càtedres, a més d’un centenar de grups de recerca especialitzat. Té la seu a la ciutat de Girona i s’integra en el sistema d’universitats públiques catalanes.

També trobareu les tesis recol·lectades al repositori DUGi .

Si sou doctor o doctora de la Universitat de Girona i voleu publicar la vostra tesi a TDX, contacteu amb Per a més informació consulteu les preguntes més freqüents.

Recent Submissions

La muntanya a Catalunya: institució moral i negoci turístic. El projecte de Ferrocarriles de Montaña a Grandes Pendientes a Núria (1917-1936) 

Gorini Santo, Carles (Date of defense: 2024-06-19)

The Ferrocarriles de Montaña a Grandes Pendientes (FMGP) projects emerged from the ground of the symbolic construction of the mountains of Catalonia. The Renaixença had transformed them into the cradle of national traditions. ...

Estética compositiva en las partituras generativas de Mestres Quadreny 

Sanz Badenas, David (Date of defense: 2024-05-31)

This research study on the generative scores of the Catalan composer Josep Maria Mestres Quadreny (1929-2021) is the first work of this type to include, in full, all of these works in the composer's catalogue. The ...

La conectividad marítima en el occidente mediterráneo durante la República Romana (ss. III-I a.C.) 

Cabezas Guzmán, Gerard (Date of defense: 2024-03-13)

Maritime connectivity played a pivotal role in the expansion of the Roman Republic in the Western Mediterranean. In this PhD thesis, I aim to address the study of such a connectivity from a multidisciplinary perspective, ...

El "Servicio de Defensa del Patrimonio Artístico Nacional" i el control franquista del patrimoni a Catalunya durant la Guerra Civil. Agents militaritzats, assessors, propaganda i burocràcia a la "Comisaría de la Zona de Levante" (1938-1940) 

Caballé Colom, Eduard (Date of defense: 2024-02-09)

The present work addresses the actions carried out by the first government of Burgos in the field of cultural heritage in Catalonia during the Spanish Civil War, through the Comisaría de la Zona de Levante of the Servicio ...

Sobre la forma de los arbotantes en las fábricas góticas 

Samper Sosa, Albert (Date of defense: 2024-01-25)

Flying buttresses have been extensively studied from a mechanical, constructive or descriptive point of view. The references on its geometric aspects are practically scarce and unfortunately, we have to go back to 1854 to ...

L’ós de les cavernes (Ursus spelaeus) a Catalunya 

Millan Arnau, Ferran (Date of defense: 2023-06-21)

This study comprises an examination of the osteological remains of populations of cave bears (Ursus spelaeus, Rosenmüller, 1794) found in the Late Middle Palaeolithic layers of three caves in northeastern Catalonia, Spain: ...

El turismo como un instrumento para la patrimonialización de los bienes y manifestaciones culturales del municipio de Honda 

Nieto, Alvelayis (Date of defense: 2023-12-20)

This investigation is based on the problem that the process of tourist and cultural patrimonialization of the municipality of Honda was gestated and developed by the local political and economic powers, who instrumentalized ...

“Divide et impera”: conectividad y dinámicas de conflicto en occidente durante la República Romana (ss. III – II a.C.) 

Rodríguez Ventós, Gerard (Date of defense: 2023-12-15)

This PhD thesis conducts an examination of Roman expansionism in the Western Mediterranean during the 3rd and 2nd centuries BC, adopting a distinctive approach based upon connectivity as its pivotal role in historical ...

Innovación y co-creación como impulsores de la participación de los jóvenes en la gobernanza sostenible del turismo 

Andreu Aparicio, Herminia (Date of defense: 2023-11-21)

This research is an exciting immersion into the world of co-creation and its potential to drive innovation in sustainability within tourism and heritage education. Through the methodology of participant observation in the ...

'Flexing muscles'. L’ambigüitat de gènere en el bodybuilding, entre la pràctica esportiva i l’exploració artística 

Fontbona Mola, Isa (Date of defense: 2023-07-12)

This research studies how the body resulting from the practice of bodybuilding can become an element of transgression of traditional gender roles. To do so, we focus especially on the potential we find in the case of female ...

"Mi siglo XIX": L'obra historiogràfica del canonge Gaietà Barraquer i Roviralta (1880-1918) 

Montalbán Arenas, Albert (Date of defense: 2023-09-21)

Les obres del canonge Gaietà Barraquer i Roviralta són, avui dia, una referència bibliogràfica de gran significat i valor en el camp de la història, història eclesiàstica i de l’art. Destaca el contingut informatiu i ...

Les desigualtats socials a la Catalunya preindustrial. L’estudi de cas de la Selva Interior, c.1750-1825 

Mas Ferrer, Josep (Date of defense: 2023-09-18)

This thesis explores social inequalities during the late preindustrial era, based on a case study from la Selva Interior. The work is organized into three distinct parts. In the first one, inequalities are examined through ...

Del censal al debitori: continuïtats i transformacions en el crèdit hipotecari català en l’etapa final de l’Antic Règim (regions de Barcelona i Girona, 1768-1840) 

Villalón Barragán, Sebastià (Date of defense: 2023-06-09)

The objective of this report is to study causes and consequences of substituting annuity for obligation in the final period of the Ancient Regime in Catalonia (1768-1840), affording special attention to the regions of ...

Confraria, gremi i col·legi d’argenters a la Girona d’època moderna 

Montroig Cruset, Sara (Date of defense: 2023-04-14)

The present work, based on unpublished documentation such as the Llibre del Collegi de Argenters de Gerona sots invocasio del Glorios St. Aloy, y St. Anastasi of the Biblioteca de Catalunya, focuses on the study of the art ...

Intercessió celestial i mecenatge sacre: la imatge del sant patró ciutadà a la Barcelona moderna (1517-1760) 

Farías Muñoz, Laura (Date of defense: 2023-03-16)

During the early modern age, the patron saint was a key element in the configuration and definition of urban identities, impregnated with an important sacred component. In this context, strongly influenced by the post-Tridentine ...

World heritage brand personality comparative analysis 

Hassan, Mohamed Abdalla Elsayed (Date of defense: 2023-01-27)

Currently, World Heritage Sites (hereafter, WHSs) are perceived as a prominent tourism brand, a fact that encourages many countries to increase their listed WHSs (Su & Lin, 2014) so that they may benefit from the use of ...

Joseph Bernard Flaugier (1757-1813). Vida i obra 

Agustí, Francesc (Date of defense: 2022-11-30)

Joseph Bernard Flaugier was born in Martigues, Bouches-du-Rhône, on December 10, 1757. On January 23, 1775, the Escola Gratuïta de Dibuix of Barcelona was inaugurated and Flaugier was one of the first students. After ...

L'obrador d'Antoni Peitaví i la producció de retaules als comtats del Rosselló i la Cerdanya (c. 1560-1592) 

Vázquez Vives, Adrià (Date of defense: 2022-11-17)

This research paper focuses on the study of the professional career of the painter Antoni Peitaví and his workshop. Furthermore, it presents a critical analysis of his artistic culture. Born in Toulouse in the mid-16th ...

L’impacte social dels museus. El cas de les associacions d’amics dels museus 

Jove Casabella, Eva (Date of defense: 2022-09-23)

This thesis is entitled "L’impacte social dels museus. El cas de les associacions d’amics dels museus" and focuses on the most loyal audience of museums: museum friends. This associative phenomenon is one of the largest ...

El movimiento social cristiano en los siglos I al IV: un análisis sociológico de la historia 

Pascual i Esteve, Josep M. (Josep Maria), 1953- (Date of defense: 2022-07-19)

“Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven” (Mt.6, 7-15) This prayer attributed to Jesus by the Synoptic Gospels, read in its historical-sociological context, clearly indicates the call for a new ...
