Ara mostrant els elements 29733-29752 de 43211

    Modulation of the RNAi pathway by chemically modified siRNA molecules 

    Alagia, Adele (Data de defensa: 2015-12-11)

    To direct post-transcriptionally gene silencing, RNAi machinery exploits the formation of base pairs between the loaded guide strand and the complementary mRNA. The Ago2 protein is the “slicer” effector of the RISC and ...

    Modulation of the stretch reflex arc to improve functional recovery after peripheral nerve injury 

    Arbat i Plana, Ariadna (Data de defensa: 2016-09-19)

    Després d’una lesió del sistema nerviós perifèric, aquest té la capacitat de regenerar però la seva recuperació funcional sol ser limitada, principalment degut a la inespecificitat de la reinnervació dels òrgans perifèrics ...

    Modulation of transcription of sea urchin histone genes by a nuclear protein fraction: studies on the specificity of this activity using the amphibian oocyte microinjection assay 

    Balcells Comas, Susana (Data de defensa: 1988-01-01)

    The early and late histone genes from the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus constitute a pair of developmentally regulated genes. The early genes are expressed throughout oogenesis and early development until the ...

    Modulation strategies for the neutral-point-clamped converter and control of a wind turbine system 

    Zaragoza Bertomeu, Jordi (Data de defensa: 2011-11-25)

    Els convertidors multinivell són topologies de convertidors d’electrònica de potència que poden generar tres o més nivells de voltatge en cadascuna de les fases de sortida. Com a resultat, els voltatges i corrents generats ...

    Modulation-enhanced localization microscopy: using patterned illumination for super-resolution microscopy: from the localization of single molecules to the descripton of nano-structures 

    Reymond, Loïc (Data de defensa: 2023-09-20)

    This thesis introduces SIMPLE (Structured Illumination based Point Lo- calization Estimator), a novel super-resolution technique in fluorescence microscopy. By combining standing-wave patterned illumination with single-molecule ...

    Modulatory effects of adenosine on the activational component of motivated behaviors regulated by dopamine: behavioral and immunohistochemical studies 

    Pardo Andres, Marta (Data de defensa: 2012-07-12)

    For many years, it has been suggested that drugs that interfere with dopamine (DA) transmission alter the rewarding impact of primary reinforcers such as food. Research and theory related to the functions of mesolimbic ...

    Moduli spaces of vector bundles on algebraic varieties 

    Costa Farràs, Laura (Data de defensa: 1998-09-01)

    This thesis seeks to contribute to a deeper understanding of the moduli spaces <i>M-sub X, H (r; c1,., Cmin{r;n}</i>) of rank <i>r</I>, <i>H</i>-stable vector bundles E on an <i>n</i>-dimensional variety <i>X</I>, with ...

    Moira. Destino y Iibertad en el pensamiento antiguo 

    Müller, Moira Anne (Data de defensa: 2015-09-30)

    En el presente trabajo de investigación nos hemos preguntado por la evolución de las primeras nociones de destino y libertad en el mundo antiguo y por la relación entre ambas. La tesis principal que defendemos es que los ...

    Molecular alterations in eutopic endometrium of women with endometriosis and implications in its diagnostic 

    Vallvé Juanico, Júlia (Data de defensa: 2018-10-25)

    La endometriosi és una malaltia benigna que afecta a un 10-15% de les dones en edat reproductiva I els seus símptomes principals són dolor i infertilitat. El seu diagnòstic pot ser retardat fins a 6,7 anys de mitjana, i ...

    Molecular alterations in metastatic breast cancer and efficacy of PI3K/AKT/mTOR inhibitors in early phase clinical trials 

    Antunes de Melo e Oliveira, Ana Mafalda (Data de defensa: 2017-07-10)

    Antecedentes: Las alteraciones de la vía de PI3K/AKT/mTOR (PAM) son frecuentes en cáncer de mama metastásico (CMM). Actualmente hay varios inhibidores de PAM en desarrollo. Posibles biomarcadores de respuesta (y resistencia) ...

    Molecular alterations in muscle wasting and cachexia : therapeutic approaches in animal models 

    Chacón Cabrera, Alba (Data de defensa: 2016-09-20)

    Cachexia and muscle deconditioning, which are the major comorbidities in patients with chronic diseases including lung cancer (LC), impair disease prognosis. Several biological mechanisms are involved in these two muscle ...

    Molecular analysis of MTOC assembly - the role of ninein-like protein 

    Paz Domínguez, Joel (Data de defensa: 2021-12-14)

    Despite decades of work, the molecular requirements underlying microtubule- organizing center (MTOC) formation at the centrosome remain obscure. Progress is hindered by the complexity of this organelle, which is composed ...

    Molecular analysis of ovarian resorption by hydric stress in Blatella germanica 

    Herráiz Yebes, Alba (Data de defensa: 2014-01-31)

    In the present thesis we studied the effects of hydric stress in the ovary of the cockroach Blattella germanica. At morphological level, we described ovarian resorption induced by water deprivation. At a molecular level, ...

    Molecular analysis of Smc5/6-dependent sumoylation and ubiquitination 

    Ibars Esteve, Eva Irene (Data de defensa: 2021-03-02)

    Les cèl·lules eucariotes dediquen grans esforços per mantenir la integritat del seu genoma. Els complexos SMC (Structural Maintenance of Chromosomes), que inclouen la cohesina, la condensina i el complex Smc5/6, coordinen ...

    Molecular analysis of the mechanisms involved in THBS4 differential geneexpression in the human brain 

    Rubio Acero, Raquel (Data de defensa: 2013-10-31)

    Durante las últimas décadas ha crecido el interés en cuestiones como qué nos hace humanos o cómo difiere a nivel molecular el cerebro humano del de nuestros parientes más cercanos. Se han podido identificar cientos de genes ...

    Molecular and cellular aspects of proprioceptive control in C. elegans 

    Malaiwong, Nawaphat (Data de defensa: 2023-10-24)

    (English) Locomotion behavior is the output of the integrated clues by the nervous system along with proprioceptive regulation, which encompasses responses such as avoiding, feeding, and reproduction. Mechanosensation, the ...

    Molecular and cellular mechanisms of fertilization failure after ICSI 

    Torra Massana, Marc (Data de defensa: 2019-07-10)

    La ICSI és una tècnica de reproducció assistida molt eficient, però la fallada de fecundació (FF) pot ocórrer en un 1-3% dels cicles. La FF té un elevat impacte en els pacients i és molt difícil de predir, diagnosticar i ...

    Molecular and cellular mechanisms of heart regeneration in zebrafish 

    Sleep Ronquillo, Eduard (Data de defensa: 2010-06-30)

    In contrast to mammals, zebrafish do have the ability to regenerate their heart after injury. A better understanding of how regenerationcompetent species do so should help developing strategies to enhance human cardiac ...

    Molecular and functional characterization of irem-3, a new activating member of the cmrf/irem family 

    Martínez Barriocanal, Agueda (Data de defensa: 2009-04-16)

    En los últimos años hemos sido testigos de la identificación de múltiples familias de receptores inmunológicos. En este contexto encontramos la recientemente descrita familia IREM/CD300 localizada en la región cromosómica ...

    Molecular and functional characterization of the HP1c complex in Drosophila melanogaster 

    Kessler, Roman (Data de defensa: 2014-06-03)

    Unlike characteristic HP1 proteins, the HP1c isoform of Drosophila melanogaster is a euchromatic protein. HP1c forms a complex with the zinc finger proteins ROW and WOC, which are crucial for HP1c function. In the present ...