Now showing items 18175-18194 of 42399

    Experimental basis for the control of plant diseases caused by Xylella fastidiosa using synthetic antimicrobial peptides 

    Baró Sabé, Aina (Date of defense: 2021-07-30)

    Xylella fastidiosa is one of the most damaging phytopathogenic bacteria in the world, causing a variety of diseases with a major economic impact on agriculture and the environment. Until now, no therapeutic solution has ...

    Experimental characterization and diagonosis tools for proton exchange membrane fuel cells 

    Primucci, Mauricio (Date of defense: 2012-09-10)

    A fuel cell is a device that gives electric power directly from electrochemical reduction and oxidation reactions. PEM fuel cells present some properties that make them appropriate for portable and transport applications: ...

    Experimental characterization and numerical simulation of composite adhesive joints using the cohesive zone model approach 

    Sarrado Molina, Carlos (Date of defense: 2015-06-11)

    The present thesis aims at developing robust numerical and experimental methods for the simulation of composite adhesive joints. Firstly, a new method for the experimental characterization of adhesive joints is presented. ...

    Experimental characterization of shape-memory polymers: influence of processing methods and chemical structure 

    Santiago Abraira, David Manuel (Date of defense: 2016-06-16)

    En aquesta tesi s’ha dut a terme la caracterització experimental de polímers amb memòria de forma de naturalesa termoplàstica i termostable. En concret, s’ha estudiat l’efecte que tenen diferents condicions termo-mecàniques ...

    Experimental characterization of turbulance in steep rough streams 

    Fernández López, Cristina (Date of defense: 2019-02-01)

    Torrential flows have so far been studied less than have river flows, due to the difficulty of faithfully reproducing them in the laboratory, and the few field measurements available. For this reason, this present research ...

    Experimental design and verification of a centralized controller for irrigation canals 

    Bonet Gil, Enrique (Date of defense: 2015-03-26)

    This thesis aims to develop a predictive control for irrigation canals to improve the management of water resources. Water is necessary for life and it is a scarce good that we need for drinking, in the agriculture, etc. ...

    Experimental design applied to the selection of samples and sensors in multivariate calibration 

    Ferré Baldrich, Joan (Date of defense: 1998-02-24)

    Els models de calibratge multivariant relacionen respostes instrumentals (per exemple, espectres) d'un conjunt de mostres de calibratge amb quantitats de variables físiques o químiques tals com concentració d'analit, o ...

    Experimental determination and modelling of thermophysical properties of ammonia/ionic liquid mixtures for absorption refrigeration systems 

    Cera Manjarres, Andry (Date of defense: 2015-11-17)

    En els darrers anys nombrosos investigadors han proposat els líquids Iònics (LI) com a nous absorbents en refrigeració per absorció, per resoldre certes desavantatges que presenten els fluids convencionals, ja que aquestes ...

    Experimental estimation of soil emissivity and its application to soil moisture retrieval in the SMOS Mission 

    Monerris Belda, Alessandra (Date of defense: 2009-09-07)

    Tot i que l'aigua retinguda pel sòl constitueix una petita fracció del volum total d'aigua que hi ha a la Terra, l'humitat del sòl juga un paper important als models climàtics i hídrics. La radiometria en banda L (1.400 a ...

    Experimental evaluation of the PHY layer of WSN focused on smart city applications 

    Anglès Vázquez, Albert (Date of defense: 2013-09-30)

    Experimental evidence for the quantum condensation of ultracold dipolar excitons 

    Alloing, Mathieu (Date of defense: 2014-05-28)

    In this thesis, we report experimental evidence of a "gray" condensate of excitons, as predicted theoretically by M. Combescot et al. Most importantly, the condensate is characterized by the macroscopic population of dark ...

    Experimental investigation of induced supersonic boundary layer transition 

    Bottini, Henny (Date of defense: 2014-03-28)

    Turbulence onset within an initially laminar flow is one of the most common phenomenon in Fluid Mechanics, yet is an open field of research. This is due to the many and diverse causes that can trigger turbulence, which ...

    Experimental Investigations on Market Behavior 

    Žakelj, Blaž (Date of defense: 2012-03-23)

    This thesis is a collection of three essays on inflation expectations, forecasting uncertainty, and the role of uncertainty in sequential auctions, all using experimental approach. Chapter 1 studies how individuals forecast ...

    Experimental models in non-alcoholic steatohepatitis and effects of therapeutic strategies based on gut microbiota 

    Barberá Bellés, Aurora (Date of defense: 2023-04-19)

    La malaltia de fetge gras no alcohòlic (EHGNA) i la seva forma progressiva, la esteatohepatitis no alcohòlica (EHNA), constitueixen avui dia, un important problema de salut pública. Actualment no existeixen teràpies aprovades ...

    Experimental Models of Prostate Cancer Bone Metastasis - Establishment, characterization and imaging of xenograft bone metastasis models - 

    Garcia López, Marta (Date of defense: 2013-03-18)

    En païssos industrialitzats, el càncer de pròstata (CP) és la neoplasia més comunment diagnosticada en homes i la segona causa de mort relacionada amb càncer, donat que els nivells de mortalitat en aquesta població són ...

    Experimental Studies on Market Entry under Uncertainty and on Coordination 

    Yao, Lan (Date of defense: 2008-06-03)

    Esta tesis es dividida en tres capítulos que se refieren a dos temas diferentes. El segundo capítulo se concentra en los efectos incentivos de bajar salarios llanos y su papel en la ayuda del fracaso de coordinación vencido. ...

    Experimental studies on organizational behavior 

    Angelovski, Andrej (Date of defense: 2014-07-24)

    Una creciente literatura explora cómo las personas son afectadas por la organización, y también cómo las personas afectan a la organización con sus decisiones. Mi tesis contribuye a esta parte de la literatura investigando ...

    Experimental study and numerical modelling of soil-roots hydro-mechanical interactions 

    Fraccica, Alessandro (Date of defense: 2019-12-09)

    The thesis is aimed at characterising the multi-scale and hydro-mechanical behaviour of lightly compacted silty sand penetrated by a turf-grass (Cynodon Dactilon). The study will allow better assessing the impact of ...

    Experimental study of feedback-induced dynamics in semiconductor lasers : from symbolic analysis to subwavelength position sensing 

    Aragoneses Aguado, Andrés (Date of defense: 2014-06-18)

    The aim of this thesis is the study of the dynamics induced by optical feedback in semiconductor lasers. This study aims, on the one hand, to improve our knowledge of stocahstic complex systems, and on the other hand, to ...

    Experimental Study of Proclarix as a tumor marker for the Early Detection of Clinically Significant Prostate Cancer 

    Campistol Torres, Míriam (Date of defense: 2023-12-13)

    Introducció La detecció precoç del càncer de pròstata clínicament significatiu (CaPcs) redueix la mortalitat de la malaltia. La sospita inicial de CaP es basa en nivells elevats de l'antigen prostàtic específic (PSA) en ...