Now showing items 19871-19890 of 42481

    Generalized Hydrodynamic Heat Transport in Semiconductors 

    Beardo Ricol, Albert (Date of defense: 2021-09-28)

    La tesis presenta una descripció unificadora d'una varietat d'experiments de transport tèrmic a la micro i nano escala en semiconductors com el silici o el germani. S'utilitza un model de transport de calor hidrodinàmic ...

    Generalized least squares-based parametric motion estimation and segmentation 

    Montoliu Colás, Raúl (Date of defense: 2008-09-22)

    El análisis del movimiento es uno de los campos más importantes de la visión por computador. Esto es debido a que el mundo real está en continuo movimiento y es obvio que podremos obtener mucha más información de escenas ...

    Generalized ray tracing method for the calculation of the peripheral refraction induced by an ophthalmic lens 

    Rojo Badenas, Pilar (Date of defense: 2015-10-21)

    This thesis proposes a method to evaluate and quantify in a precise way the peripheral refraction induced by an ophthalmic lens. The motivation for this work stems from the progression of myopia and its possible causes; ...

    Generalized Stacked Sequential Learning 

    Puertas i Prats, Eloi (Date of defense: 2014-11-04)

    Over the past few decades, machine learning (ML) algorithms have become a very useful tool in tasks where designing and programming explicit, rule-based algorithms are infeasible. Some examples of applications ...

    Generalized unit commitment by the radar multiplier method 

    Beltran Royo, César (Date of defense: 2001-07-09)

    This operations research thesis should be situated in the field of the power generation industry. The general objective of this work is to efficiently solve the Generalized Unit Commitment (GUC) problem by means of specialized ...

    Generating ideas for pictorial advertisements : starting with pictorial metaphors 

    Xiao, Ping (Date of defense: 2014-07-08)

    Behind every good advertisement there is a creative concept, a Big Idea. In contrast to the countless number of ads, a small number of patterns of effective communication (idea templates) have been uncovered, which are ...

    Generation and control of locomotion for biped robots based on biologically inspired approaches 

    Cristiano Rodríguez, Julián Efrén (Date of defense: 2016-01-15)

    Aquesta tesi proposa l'ús d'aproximacions de control inspirades biològicament per a generar i controlar el patró de locomoció omnidireccional de robots humanoides, adaptant el seu moviment a diversos tipus de terreny pla ...

    Generation and validation of a CRISPR platform for rapid and inducible genome editing in human pluripotent stem cells and kidney organoids 

    Marco Giménez, Andrés (Date of defense: 2022-03-14)

    Our current knowledge about the function of human genes is mostly based on data from genetic studies using animal models. However, divergence among species may hamper the understanding of genetic mechanisms underlying ...

    Generation of ferromagnetism on non-magnetic materials 

    Menéndez Dalmau, Enric (Date of defense: 2008-11-26)

    En els darrers anys, el desenvolupament de nous mètodes per a la fabricació de xarxes ordenades de nanoestructures magnètiques (litografia magnètica) ha esdevingut un camp de recerca de gran interès. Això es deu tant per ...

    Generation of human dopaminergic neurons from induced pluripotent stem cells to model Parkinson's disease 

    Sánchez Danés, Adriana (Date of defense: 2012-05-21)

    Parkinson’s disease (PD) is an incurable, chronically progressive neurodegenerative disease leading to premature invalidity and death. The locomotor disability of PD patients is mainly rooted in the gradual and insidious ...

    Generation of intense few-cycle phase-stable electric fields: from the mid-IR to soft X-rays 

    Silva, Francisco José Maia da (Date of defense: 2016-02-29)

    Devising new tools that expand our capabilities to sense and manipulate the world enables much of the scientific and technological progress around us. For example, light is increasingly more important as a tool for humanity. ...

    The generation of knowledge through experimentation in fundamental physics: the case of gravity Probe B 

    Evans, Christopher (Date of defense: 2016-12-12)

    En el presente trabajo analizo desde un punto de vista crítico el episodio que representa “Gravity Probe B” (GPB) (La Sonda de la Gravedad B) en la historia de la experimentación en la física fundamental. Anunciado como ...

    Generation of macroscopic spin singlets in cold atomic ensembles 

    Behbood, Naeimeh (Date of defense: 2015-04-17)

    (English) This thesis describes the generation of macroscopic spin singlets in a cold atomic ensemble by performing quantum non-demolition measurement. Toward this goal we have implemented a realtime shot-nose limited ...

    Generation of Tolerogenic Dendritic Cells for Cell Therapy in Multiple Sclerosis 

    Raïch Regué, Dàlia (Date of defense: 2012-06-04)

    L’esclerosi múltiple (EM) és considerada una malaltia autoimmune crònica que afecta el sistema nerviós central. Els tractaments actuals pels pacients amb EM remitent-recurrent (EM-RR) redueixen la freqüència dels brots i ...

    Generative manifold learning for the exploration of partially labeled data 

    Cruz Barbosa, Raúl (Date of defense: 2009-10-01)

    In many real-world application problems, the availability of data labels for supervised learning is rather limited. Incompletely labeled datasets are common in many of the databases generated in some of the currently most ...

    Generative Models for Video Analysis and 3D Range Data Applications 

    Orriols Majoral, Xavier (Date of defense: 2004-02-27)

    La mayoría de problemas en Visión por computador no contienen una relación directa entre el estímulo que proviene de sensores de tipo genérico y su correspondiente categoría perceptual. Este tipo de conexión requiere de ...

    The generative, analytic and instructional capacities of sound in architecture : fundamentals, tools and evaluation of a design methodology 

    Llorca Bofí, Josep (Date of defense: 2018-12-04)

    The disciplines of space and time form two domains to which it is daring to compare, since it is obvious that they are of a different nature. Music happens in time, while architecture happens in space. However, from the ...

    Generic Neuromorphic Principles of Cognition and Attention for Ants, Humans and Real-world Artefacts: a Comparative Computational Approach 

    Mathews, Zenon (Date of defense: 2011-01-12)

    Es considera que la cognició biològica fa servir mecanismes com la predicció, l'anticipació i l'atenció per resoldre tasques complexes. S'ha suggerit que aquests mecanismes es materialitzen en els mamífers a través ...

    Genes asociados con la deposición y composición de grasas en porcino: estudios de expresión génica, proteínas y genética funcional y estructural 

    Cánovas Tienda, Angela (Date of defense: 2011-03-08)

    La present Tesi Doctoral s’emmarca dins d’una línia d’investigació dedicada a l’estudi de les bases genètiques del metabolisme dels greixos en relació a la producció de carn de porcí d’alta qualitat i saludable. L’objectiu ...

    Genes candidatos para la comorbilidad entre trastornos de ansiedad y trastornos adictivos. 

    Gallego Moreno, Xavier (Date of defense: 2008-07-07)

    Esta Tesis Doctoral ha consistido en el estudio de los mecanismos implicados en la comorbilidad entre el abuso de drogas y los trastornos de ansiedad, así como en las regiones cerebrales responsables de la coexistencia de ...