Now showing items 22050-22069 of 42687

    Impresión 3D cerámica de densidad variable controlada 

    Aguilar Urquidez, Pavel (Date of defense: 2024-02-26)

    (English) This doctoral thesis aims to develop an Additive Manufacturing technique for the production of Ceramic Building Elements with controlled variable density. The research seeks to provide an alternative to the ...

    Impressions sobre teixit. Els estampats de la fàbrica La España Industrial de Barcelona (1847-1903) 

    Dangla, Maria Assumpta (Date of defense: 2016-07-22)

    La tesi “Impressions sobre teixit. Els estampats de la fàbrica La España Industrial de Barcelona (1847-1903)” analitza la producció d’estampats de la secció especialitzada de la fàbrica La España Industrial, l’empresa ...

    Improved and efficient therapy of acromegaly by implementation of a personalized and predictive algorithm including molecular and clinical information 

    Gil Ortega, Joan (Date of defense: 2020-12-22)

    El tractament farmacològic actual de l’acromegàlia està basat en el mètode de prova i error. En aquesta malaltia, un control bioquímic ràpid és decisiu per evitar comorbiditats i reduir la mortalitat. Afortunadament, avui ...

    Improved biosensing applications using lab-on-a-chip and other platforms 

    Medina Sánchez, Mariana (Date of defense: 2013-11-15)

    Las plataformas Micro / Nanofluídicas, simples y miniaturizadas son especialmente interesantes debido a sus ventajas como la reducción de los volúmenes de muestra y reactivos, la disminución del tiempo de análisis, la ...

    Improved condition monitoring of hydraulic turbines based on artificial intelligence techniques 

    Zhao, Weiqiang (Date of defense: 2021-07-21)

    As a type of renewable energy that can provide rapid response to the requirement of the power grid, hydropower plays a fairly important position in the energy market. In recent years, with the enormous entrance of new ...

    Improved control for multilevel inverters in grid applications 

    Hofmann, Martin (Date of defense: 2018-09-27)

    Control systems for three-phase grid connected voltage source inverters (VSI) play an important role in energy transformation systems . They are expected to be stable, robust and accurate during steady state as well as ...

    Improved delamination resistance of thin-ply based laminates: an experimental and numerical study 

    Guillamet Busquets, Gerard (Date of defense: 2016-07-11)

    Departing from an emerging technology such as the spread tow thin-ply technology, in which the ply thickness can be significantly reduced, the overall purpose of this thesis is motivated by the industry need to better ...

    Improved Preparative Chemical Methodologies to Address Challenging Targets: Synthetic, Semi-synthetic and Multicomponent Approaches 

    Pedrola Teixell, Marina (Date of defense: 2022-07-14)

    In the context of facilitated methodologies for the obtention of bioactive compounds, in this thesis we have explored the possibility of introducing reliable, pot-economic and semi-synthetic approaches in the quest of ...

    Improved self-management of datacenter systems applying machine learning 

    Berral García, Josep Lluís (Date of defense: 2013-11-22)

    Autonomic Computing is a Computer Science and Technologies research area, originated during mid 2000's. It focuses on optimization and improvement of complex distributed computing systems through self-control and ...

    Improved synthesis routes and coating approaches of anisotropic magnetite nanoparticles for theranostics 

    Muro Cruces, Javier (Date of defense: 2019-10-11)

    Esta tesis aborda la síntesis, caracterización y funcionalización de nanoestructuras magnéticas biocompatibles y anisótropas de óxido de hierro (Fe3O4) para su aplicación en diagnóstico biomédico mediante imagen de resonancia ...

    Improvement in clinical practice using mHealth technology 

    Gomis Pastor, Mar (Date of defense: 2020-06-16)

    La multimorbiditat i complexitat terapèutica poden comprometre els resultats en salut en poblacions cròniques d'elevada complexitat. Baixes xifres d'adherència terapèutica podrien estar relacionades amb aquesta complexitat, ...

    Improvement of building energy efficiency with radiant walls 

    Romaní Picas, Joaquim (Date of defense: 2017-11-23)

    Els edificis suposen una part molt significant del consum energètic i de les emissions de CO2 a nivell global. Resoldre aquest problema requereix de la implementació de tecnologies d'eficiència energètica i de la integració ...

    Improvement of corrosion and mechanical properties of amorphous steels by microalloying and nanocrystallization 

    Madinehei, Milad (Date of defense: 2015-09-14)

    Los aceros amorfos que contienen cantidades óptimas de cromo son muy atractivos para aplicaciones prácticas debido a su comportamiento frente a la corrosion. Estas aleaciones tienen extraordinarias propiedades de resistencia ...

    Improvement of direct absorption solar collectors (DASCs) performance by using nanofluids 

    Burgos Rodríguez, Jorge (Date of defense: 2024-02-19)

    This Thesis explores the use of solar nanofluids and hybrid emulsions with phase change materials for direct absorption solar collectors. It aims to create new heat transfer fluids that can enhance the light absorption ...

    Improvement of down-aisle stability and ductility for unbraced adjustable pallet racking systems 

    Bové Tous, Oriol (Date of defense: 2022-02-04)

    Pallet racking systems are structures intended to store products. Their proper structural design is of paramount importance as its collapse can lead to significant economic losses and even human. This type of structures ...

    Improvement of early warning monitoring using gamma spectrometry 

    Camp Brunés, Anna (Date of defense: 2017-09-15)

    The present thesis is focused on the improvement of radiological surveillance networks using gamma spectrometry. Tipically they are equipped with gamma dose rate monitors, while they do not have gamma spectrometry monitors. ...

    Improvement of heat-induced gel properties of porcine plasma 

    Fort Fort, Nuri (Date of defense: 2010-04-07)

    L'objectiu és millorar els gels de plasma porcí induïts per calor a pH àcid utilitzant transglutaminasa microbiana (MTGasa). El tractament millora textura i CRA dels gels a pH 5,5, però les millores no són suficients per ...

    Improvement of monte carlo algorithms and intermolecular potencials for the modelling of alkanois, ether thiophenes and aromatics 

    Pérez Pellitero, Javier (Date of defense: 2007-10-05)

    Durante la última década y paralelamente al incremento de la velocidad de computación, las técnicas de simulación molecular se han erigido como una importante herramienta para la predicción de propiedades físicas de sistemas ...

    Improvement of ms based e-nose performances by incorporation of chromatographic retention time as a new data dimension 

    Burian, Cosmin (Date of defense: 2010-07-19)

    Mejora del rendimiento de la nariz electrónica basada en espectrometría de masas mediante la incorporación del tiempo de retención cromatografico como una nueva dimensión de datos<br/><br/>La importancia del sentido de ...

    Improvement of polyester dyeing at low temperature 

    Radei, Shahram (Date of defense: 2020-07-16)

    In this thesis the polyester dyeing at low temperatures has been assessed with two different methods: exhaustion method and thermosol method. Exhaustion dyeing process was performed with high and low molecular-weight ...