Now showing items 23460-23479 of 43211

    Interaction between groundwater and underground constructions 

    Pujades Garnes, Estanislao (Date of defense: 2013-11-27)

    Underground constructions below the water table may be problematic if the role of groundwater is not properly acknowledged. Difficulties worsen in urban environments. Two aspects should be taken into account in the interaction ...

    Interaction of alkylphenolic and perfluorinated compounds with sewage sludges and soils 

    Milinovic, Jelena (Date of defense: 2014-06-06)

    In this doctoral thesis the interaction of emergent organic pollutants, such as alkylphenolic and perfluorinated compounds (APCs and PFCs, respectively) with sewage sludge and soil samples was studied. These two families ...

    Interaction of amino acids and peptides with TiO2 surfaces: adsorption and reactivity 

    Pantaleone, Stefano (Date of defense: 2018-12-12)

    Cómo inició la vida es uno de los problemas más intrigantes y sin respuesta de la ciencia. La cascada de eventos que permite la formación de sistemas complejos de macromoléculas poliméricas como proteínas, DNA, RNA, azucares, ...

    Interaction of citrus root exudates with plant growth promoting rhizobacteria under abiotic stress conditions 

    Vives Peris, Vicente (Date of defense: 2018-01-26)

    En la naturaleza las plantas liberan constantemente a la rizosfera una mezcla de metabolitos conocida como exudados radiculares. Su composición puede verse afectada por diferentes estímulos, incluyendo estreses abióticos ...

    Interaction of phenolic-fruit hallmarks and seasonal rhythms 

    Manocchio, Francesca (Date of defense: 2023-06-16)

    Els animals estacionals realitzen variacions fisiològiques que els permeten adaptar-se als canvis ambientals anuals. Segons la teoria de la xenohormesi, els animals detecten senyals químics a les fruites per preparar-se ...

    Interaction of spiral waves in the general complex Ginzburg-Landau equation 

    Aguareles Carrero, Maria (Date of defense: 2007-07-23)

    Molts sistemes físics tenen la propietat que la seva dinàmica ve definida per algun tipus de difussió espaial en competició amb un fenòmen de reacció, com per exemple en el cas de dos components químics que reaccionen al ...

    Interaction-based nonlinear quantum metrology with a cold atomic ensemble 

    Napolitano, Mario (Date of defense: 2014-02-07)

    In this manuscript we present an experimental and theoretical investigation of quantum-noise-limited measurement by nonlinear interferometry, or from another perspective, quantum-noise-limited interaction-based measurement. ...

    Interactions between different types of biochar and soil microbial activity: the effects on the dynamics of labile organic matter and the behaviour of some pesticides 

    Melas, Giovanna Battistina (Date of defense: 2014-10-23)

    El biochar, el carbón especial obtenido a través del proceso de pirólisis de la biomasa, se ha propuesto como un medio de captura de carbono a través del suelo. También se ha considerado útil para mejorar algunas de las ...

    Interactions between fish farming, wild fish populations, local fisheries and society: a case study in Catalonia, Spain 

    Bacher, Kathrin (Date of defense: 2014-10-10)

    The overarching goal of this doctoral thesis was to advance the understanding of the interactions between marine fish farming, wild fish populations, the local small-scale fishery and the society. This thesis was designed ...

    Interactions between marine picoeukaryotes and their viruses one cell at a time = Interacciones entre picoeucariotas marinos y sus virus célula a célula 

    Castillo de la Peña, Yaiza M. (Date of defense: 2019-12-17)

    Marine viruses are key components of marine microbial communities, as they influence the cellular abundances and the community structure of microbes, participate in their genetic exchange, and intervene in the ocean ...

    Interactions between sediment transport, physical habitat and benthic communities in a mountainous river affected by natural and human disturbances 

    Béjar Maceiras, María (Date of defense: 2018-05-18)

    Aquesta tesi presenta noves idees sobre les interaccions entre processos físics (transport de sediments, cabal i hàbitat) i ecològics (comunitats bentòniques, deriva de macroinvertebrats) resultants de pertorbacions naturals ...

    Interactions between the Internal Dynamics of Organisations and their Operations in Markets 

    Seldeslachts, Jo (Date of defense: 2004-07-05)

    Las organizaciones son organismos complejos de los cuales tenemos solo un conocimiento muy reducido, en parte porque se tiende a investigar solo una parte de ellas. El objetivo de esta tesis es aprofundizar en el conocimiento ...

    Interactions between titanium surfaces and biological components 

    Pegueroles Neyra, Marta (Date of defense: 2009-09-16)

    El conocimiento de las interacciones entre célula/proteína/biomaterial es fundamental para la ingeniería de superficies debido a las numerosas aplicaciones biomédicas y biotecnológicas que se están desarrollando así como ...

    Interactions of avian influenza virus with the host and the environment 

    Perlas Puente, Albert (Date of defense: 2023-01-20)

    En el primer estudi, hem analitzat les interaccions virus-hoste mitjançant una anàlisi RNA-Seq dual d’hoste i patogen utilitzant mostres de pollastres inoculats experimentalment amb dos ceps diferents del virus de la grip ...

    Interactions of electrons with matter 

    Fernández Varea, José María (Date of defense: 1992-07-27)

    The interaction of electrons with matter has been a subject of intense work since the beginning of the century. Although we know that the interaction is purely electromagnetic, its theoretical description is ...

    Interactive effects of grapevine leafroll associated virus-3 (GLRav-3) and water stress on the gas exchange, water use efficiency, plant hydraulics and metabolism in local grapevine cultivars 

    El Aou-ouad, Hanan (Date of defense: 2017-03-24)

    Worldwide, agriculture production continues to be constrained by a number of abiotic and biotic stresses. In areas with Mediterranean climate, drought events are expected to strengthen in terms of intensity, frequency and ...

    Interactive effects of vertical mixing, solar radiation and microbial activity on oceanic dimethylated sulfur cycling 

    Galí Tàpias, Martí (Date of defense: 2012-12-18)

    The production and subsequent emission of volatile compounds is one of the numerous ways by which microbial plankton participate in the cycling of elements and influence the Earth's climate. Dimethylsulfide (DMS), produced ...

    Interactive inspection of segmented volume data 

    Surinyac i Albareda, Jordi (Date of defense: 2016-02-05)

    Present systems for the acquisition of medical images are providing better and better resolution images which end up in bigger amounts of data, even in scenarios with learning or training purposes. Interactive inspection ...

    Interactive language learning in deep network agents 

    Dessí, Roberto (Date of defense: 2024-04-12)

    Recent advances in language modeling led to remarkable performance in many NLP applications. However, the static and passive learning imposed by the nexttoken- prediction objective makes models suboptimal when deployed in ...

    Interactive therapeutic systems for fallprevention using computervision technologies 

    Ayed, Ines (Date of defense: 2020-02-14)

    [spa] . Introducción En los últimos años, las tecnologías basadas en la visión han ganado mucho interés entre los investigadores y los profesionales de la salud. Por ejemplo, el uso de dispositivos interactivos y de bajo ...