Now showing items 28582-28601 of 42628

    Micro/NanoHerramientas para Aplicaciones a Celulas Vivas 

    López Martínez, Mª José (Date of defense: 2000-10-10)

    Micro/Nano-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS/NEMS) applications for in vivo cell studies open a wide range of new applications in medicine, biology, and biochemistry. This has lead to develop devices for local drug delivery, ...

    Microalgae as a new source of chitosans 

    Latil de Ros, Derek (Date of defense: 2017-03-07)

    Chitosans are a family of linear polysaccharides generally obtained from the chemical deacetylation of chitin derived from crustacean shells that have been reported to have a wide range of bioactivities. However, the ...

    Microalgae cultivation in view of resource and energy recovery 

    Carbonell Chacón, Sergi (Date of defense: 2019-05-08)

    El rabdomiosarcoma (RMS) és el sarcoma de parts toves més comú en la infància i el seu origen rau en les cèl·lules embrionàries precursores del múscul esquelètic. Histològicament se subdivideix en dos tipus: l'embrionari ...

    Microalgae downstream processing and economical approaches of biodiesel producton processes 

    Ríos, Sergio Daniel (Date of defense: 2013-03-22)

    Microalgae oil has been identified as a reliable resource for biodiesel production due to its high lipid productivity and potential cultivation in non-fertile locations. However, high scale production of microalgae based ...

    Microalgae harvesting in wastewater treatment plants : application of natural techniques for an efficient flocculation 

    Gutiérrez Martínez, Raquel (Date of defense: 2016-05-03)

    Research of new sources of bioenergy is nowadays driving attention to microalgae. Cost-effective biomass harvesting poses a challenge for full-scale microalgae production for biofuels. In the context of wastewater treatment ...

    Microalgae in aquaculture wastewater : a new forecasting method of production in a marine system 

    Andreotti, Valeria (Date of defense: 2019-07-12)

    In the field of aquaculture, the main microalgae application is animal nutrition, in which they can be used as an unprocessed component, or as dried material for feed preparations. Moreover, microalgae can assimilate the ...

    Microalgae-based systems for micropollutants removal, resource recovery and bioenergy production towards a circular bioeconomy approach 

    Avila, Cintia Romina (Date of defense: 2021-09-07)

    Les tecnologies basades en microalgues ofereixen una solució prometedora per canviar l’enfoc del tractament de residus i aigües residuals cap a la recuperació d’energia i recursos. Les microalgues consumeixen els nutrients ...

    Microalgae-based wastewater treatment systems at demonstrative scale : gravity harvesting and thickening of biomass, and advanced design of bioreactors 

    Ortiz Ruiz, Antonio (Date of defense: 2021-12-17)

    Microalgae culture is currently receiving considerable attention for its potential in wastewater treatment and production of algal biomass from which high-value bioproducts and bioenergy can be obtained, as well as the ...

    El microambiente y la autoinmunidad en la leucemia linfática crónica 

    Ferrer Aguilar, Gerardo (Date of defense: 2012-07-04)

    La leucemia linfática crónica (LLC) es la leucemia más frecuente en los países occidentales. En esta enfermedad es frecuente hallar complicaciones autoinmunes. A pesar de que la relación entre LLC y trastornos autoinmunes ...

    Microanatomia comparada del nervi ciàtic i validació d’un nou biomarcador en injeccions intraneurals 

    Server Salvà, Anna (Date of defense: 2019-04-11)

    Les lesions del nervi perifèric són un trastorn neurològic freqüent i en ocasions comporten una inadequada recuperació funcional, amb importants repercussions tant a nivell personal com social. La medicina translacional, ...

    Microarchitectural Techniques to Exploit Repetitive Computations and Values 

    Molina Clemente, Carlos (Date of defense: 2005-07-10)

    La dependencia de datos es una de las principales razones que limitan el rendimiento de los procesadores actuales. Algunos estudios han demostrado, que las aplicaciones no pueden alcanzar más de una decena de instrucciones ...

    Microarray Strategies for Multiplexed Immunochemical Analysis 

    Guercetti, Julian (Date of defense: 2023-10-25)

    [eng] The current doctoral thesis titled “Microarray Strategies for Multiplexed Immunochemical Analysis” was carried out in the context of two research projects, expecting to develop multiplexed ligand-binding assays under ...

    Microarray-based gene expression analysis in natural and experimental cases of porcine circovirus type 2 infection 

    Teixeira Fernandes, Lana (Date of defense: 2015-07-01)

    La presente Tesis se orientó a la caracterización molecular de la infección causada por PCV2 utilizando la tecnología de los microarrays. Este virus es el agente infeccioso esencial de la enfermedad sistémica (ES) por PCV2, ...

    Microbial and geochemical dynamics in soils and their impact on the hydraulic properties : from laboratory experiments to model development 

    Carles Brangarí, Albert (Date of defense: 2017-09-22)

    Most of the microorganisms on Earth are found in sophisticated colonies called biofilms. Such microbial communities may proliferate everywhere life can exist as long as nutrients are available and surface attachment is ...

    Microbial assemblage responses to nutrient fluctuations in high mountain lakes 

    Zufiaurre Martinez, Aitziber (Date of defense: 2020-03-06)

    Els estanys freds i oligotròfics presenten una elevada diversitat d’organismes en el plàncton microbià, tant de protists com de procariotes. La coexistència d’aquesta elevada diversitat d’organismes i de formes de vida ha ...

    Microbial communities driving emerging contaminant removal. Impact of treated wastewater on the ecosystem 

    Parladé Molist, Eloi (Date of defense: 2018-06-08)

    Actualment, un dels nous reptes de la comunitat científica és fer front a l'increment de contaminants emergents als ambients naturals. La bioremediació s'ha perfilat com una bona alternativa per donar resposta a aquesta ...

    Microbial communities responses in fluvial biofilms under metal stressed scenarios 

    Argudo Fernández, Maria (Date of defense: 2021-02-08)

    This thesis shows how the metals of natural and anthropic origin change significantly the composition of the prokaryotic communities (mainly the composition of bacteria). The β-diversity is the most sensitive variable to ...

    Microbial community assembly and biogeography in the Pyrenean lacustrine district 

    Ortiz Álvarez, Rüdiger (Date of defense: 2018-05-18)

    The microbial metacommunity of the Pyrenees mountain range has never been studied at the regional level. In this PhD thesis, the main goal is to describe the taxonomic diversity and reveal the ecological processes (biotic ...

    Microbial dynamics in drinking water biofilms 

    Codony Iglesias, Francesc (Date of defense: 2015-11-06)

    El agua de consumo subministrada a través de las redes de distribución deviene alterada durante su circulación en el mismo debido a la actividad microbiana. Estos cambios en la calidad a menudo afectan al sabor, color y ...

    Microbial exposures, cleaning products and child health 

    Casas Ruiz, Lidia (Date of defense: 2013-04-30)

    Background and aims: The immune, respiratory and central nervous system start developing during pregnancy and continue during the first years of life. Therefore, environmental exposures during these periods may play a ...