Now showing items 30769-30788 of 42789

    Non-focal non-thermal electrical methods for cancer treatment 

    Castellví Fernández, Quim (Date of defense: 2017-09-18)

    Most physical ablation modalities for cancer treatment are focal and are based on thermal damage. Despite their regular clinical use as an alternative to surgical resection, their thermal principle of operation entails ...

    Non-functional considerations of time-randomized processor architectures 

    Trilla Rodríguez, David (Date of defense: 2020-12-04)

    Critical Real-Time Embedded Systems (CRTES) are the subset of embedded systems with timing constraints whose miss behavior can endanger human lives or expensive equipment. To provide evidence of correctness, CRTES are ...

    Non-functional requirements as drivers of software architecture design 

    Ameller, David (Date of defense: 2014-01-23)

    In the last decades, software engineering has become an important area of research. As researchers, we try to identify a problem, a need, or a hole in some research topic, once identified we make an effort to produce new ...

    Non-glycosidic analogues of alpha-galactosylceramide: Design, synthesis and biological activity 

    Borràs Tudurí, Roser (Date of defense: 2018-07-06)

    The Immune System (IS) is a complex collection of tissues, organs, cells and molecules to defense the body against threatens. IS is organized into two lines of defense: innate immunity which acts in a non-specific manner ...

    Non-innocent ligands: from proton shuttle to photo-activation 

    Aguirre Fondevila, Adiran de (Date of defense: 2019-10-21)

    En la majoria dels exemples clàssics de catàlisis homogènia, el focus cau en el centre metàl·lic, el qual és el que duu a terme la reacció, mentre que els lligands juguen un rol principalment d'espectadors. Així, l'aproximació ...

    Non-Invasive Brain Stimulation, Personality, and Cognition 

    Domínguez Martin de la Torre, Ona (Date of defense: 2022-06-21)

    [eng] This thesis focuses on cognition and how non-invasive brain stimulation techniques (NIBS) can modify it. In addition, we consider personality. Therefore, this thesis analyzes, in depth, the effects of NIBS on cognition, ...

    Non-invasive imaging of the metabolic state of oocytes, cumulus cells and embryos 

    Venturas Pedro, Marta (Date of defense: 2022-03-17)

    El metabolisme embrionari s’ha relacionat amb la viabilitat embrionària, fet que suggereix el seu us per a ajudar en la selecció d’embrions d’alta qualitat en tecnologies de reproducció assistida (TRA). Malgrat els nous ...

    Non-invasive methods to study lung inflammation in work-related asthma 

    Sánchez Vidaurre, Sara (Date of defense: 2012-05-24)

    El asma relacionado con el trabajo (ART) incluye el asma ocupacional (AO) y el asma exacerbado por el trabajo (AET), y representa un problema de salud importante con un negativo impacto socio-económico. El AO se refiere ...

    Non-linear elastic response of scale invariant solids 

    Cáncer Castillo, Víctor (Date of defense: 2020-11-19)

    L’objectiu d’aquesta tesis és aplicar mètodes de teoria de camps per entendre la resposta elàstica no-lineal (ENL) dels sòlids. La resposta ENL conté un gran número de quantitats observables, que no sempre són fàcils de ...

    Non-linear finite element analysis oriented to optimisation of fibre reinforced concrete structures 

    Nogales Arroyo, Alejandro (Date of defense: 2022-04-11)

    The construction industry is one of the industrial sectors with the largest output worldwide and, thus, of great economic interest. In this sector, reinforced concrete plays a significant role since it is one of the most ...

    Non-linear fluid dynamics in oscillatory cylindrical cavities 

    Panadès i Guinart, Carles (Date of defense: 2013-06-28)

    Even though the transition to turbulence has been studied for over a century, its complete comprehension still remains unclear even for the simplest flows and continues to be a daunting challenge for the scientific community. ...

    Non-linear nanoelectromechanical systems for energy harvesting 

    López Suárez, Miquel (Date of defense: 2014-04-30)

    Les Tecnologies de la Informació i la Comunicació (TICs) es troben arreu i experimenten un creixement del 5% cada any amb aplicacions en diverses àrees que comprenen des de la telefonia mòbil al control mèdic de la salut. ...

    Non-local dynamics and intermittency in non-homogeneous flows 

    Ben Mahjoub, Otman (Date of defense: 2000-11-02)

    .<br/><br/>La tesi analitza les dinàmiques no locals i la intermitència en fluids no homogenis i no isotròpics tant en experiments de laboratori com en dades geogràfiques. Després de l'estudi sobre els models que descriuen ...

    Non-mesonic weak decay of hypernuclei in effective field theory 

    Pérez-Obiol Castañeda, Axel (Date of defense: 2014-02-11)

    In this thesis we have described the weak Lambda N to NN interaction, which is the main responsible for the decay of heavy hypernuclei, within the effective field theory (EFT) framework. The EFT is developed up to second ...

    Non-perturbative Aspects of Quantum Field Theories from Holography 

    Gómez Subils, Javier (Date of defense: 2021-06-22)

    In this thesis we have employed the holographic duality to study the non-perturbative regime of a one-parameter family of theories with multi-scale dynamics. Normally, this (super)string theory motivated duality identifies ...

    Non-referential beat gestures as a window onto the development of children’s narrative abilities 

    Vilà-Giménez, Ingrid (Date of defense: 2020-06-30)

    Co-speech gestures are children’s first path towards communication. Further in development, research has primarily focused on the role of iconic gestures in boosting children’s narrative abilities, while less is known ...

    Non-relativistic bound states in QCD: towards the N3LL heavy quarkonium spectrum 

    Moreno Torres, Daniel (Date of defense: 2019-06-14)

    Vegeu dmt1de1resum.pdf

    Non-standard spanish in the united states and translation norm behavior: a study of hospital and court interpreters 

    Cortabarria Vicuña, Beatriz (Date of defense: 2016-01-12)

    La traducció i la interpretació en contextos altament regulats i especialitzats, com ara els hospitals i els tribunals de justícia dels Estats Units, requereixen la transferència de conceptes de L1 a L2 de la manera més ...

    Non-stationary sinusoidal analysis 

    Muševič, Sašo (Date of defense: 2013-09-10)

    Muchos tipos de señales que encontramos a diario pertenecen a la categoría de sinusoides no estacionarias. Una gran parte de esas señales son sonidos que presentan una gran variedad de características: acústicos/electrónicos, ...

    Non-thermal emission from high-energy binaries through interferometric radio observations 

    Marcote Martin, Benito (Date of defense: 2015-10-27)

    High-mass binary systems involve extreme environments that produce non-thermal emission from radio to gamma rays. Only three types of these systems are known to emit persistent gamma-ray emission: colliding-wind binaries, ...