Now showing items 38253-38272 of 42628

    Studies on the molecular mechanisms of cell proliferation: phosphatidylcholine-derived lipids and lithium modulation of the MEK/ERK pathway 

    Pardo Pardo, Raül (Date of defense: 2003-04-10)

    Las fosfolipasas D (PLDs) son enzimas regulables que catalizan la hidrólisis de la fosfatidilcolina, un fosfofolípido mayoritario de las membranas de células eucariotas, para dar lugar a fosfatidato (PtdOH), molécula capaz ...

    Studies on the oxidative ability of horse liver alcohol dehydrogenase and its cofactor regeneration 

    Rodríguez Hinestroza, Rossmery Anaid (Date of defense: 2014-07-18)

    El estudio del uso de las enzimas como catalizadores industriales se ha incrementado en las últimas décadas debido a que éstas ofrecen muchas ventajas, tales como: su capacidad para aceptar un amplio rango de sustratos, ...

    Studies on transmissible viral proventriculitis in chickens 

    Wali, Nabil Ali (Date of defense: 2021-03-05)

    La proventriculitis viral transmissible (TVP) és una malaltia infecciosa viral emergent que afecta principalment a les gallines de graella. Es caracteritza per una digestió de l’alimentació deficient, un creixement deficient ...

    Studies toward the synthesis of marine natural products Phormidolides B-D 

    Gil Escolano, Alejandro (Date of defense: 2018-02-16)

    Marine natural products (MNPs) are, undoubtedly, highly valuable starting points for drug-development programs. Generally, MNPs show a well-defined spatial orientation that have evolved for thousands of years to interact ...

    Studio del lessico miceneo riferito ai cereali 

    Vittiglio, Nicola Antonello (Date of defense: 2012-11-23)

    Nel primo capitolo, intitolato “Analisi dei termini micenei relativi ai cereali e dei loro derivati”, si analizzano le tavolette contenenti i tre termini che sono stati individuati nel lessico miceneo relativi ai cereali: ...

    Study and application of spectral monitoring techniques for optical network optimization 

    Locatelli, Fabiano (Date of defense: 2021-11-18)

    One of the possible ways to address the constantly increasing amount of heterogeneous and variable internet traffic is the evolution of the current optical networks towards a more flexible, open, and disaggregated paradigm. ...

    Study and applications of dynamic chemical networks of pseudopeptidic compounds 

    Lafuente Fabra, Maria (Date of defense: 2018-07-18)

    The present research project can be included in the broad supramolecular chemistry field that was defined by Nobel laureate Jean Marie Lehn as the "chemistry beyond the molecule".1 It is based on processes of molecular ...

    Study and characterisation of human HEK293 cell line as a platform for recombinant protein production 

    Liste Calleja, Leticia (Date of defense: 2015-07-21)

    El present treball es centra en l’estudi de la producció de proteïnes recombinants en línies cel·∙lulars de mamífer. Concretament, s’ha realitzat l’estudi de tres estratègies de bioprocés, tote ...

    Study and characterisation of surface integrity modification after ultrasonic vibration-assisted ball burnishing 

    Jerez Mesa, Ramón (Date of defense: 2018-03-02)

    This dissertation is an experimental research project into the mechanical effects of the ultrasonic vibration-assisted ball burnishing process on the surface integrity of surfaces machined through ball-end milling. Due to ...

    Study and characterization of azole resistance in Aspergillus section Nigri 

    Pérez Cantero, Alba (Date of defense: 2020-10-23)

    Algunes espècies d'Aspergillus mostren gran rellevància clínica com a patògens oportunistes que s'associen a gran varietat de malalties humanes. Entre elles, l'aspergil·losi invasiva és la més severa en termes de morbiditat ...

    Study and characterization of light pollution in Catalonia 

    Linares Arroyo, Hector (Date of defense: 2021-07-27)

    The term light pollution refers to different harmful effects produced by artificial light sources. This phenomena affects observational astronomy, the flora and fauna of the species adapted to the natural cycles of light ...

    Study and characterization of mechanical properties of wood-PLA composite (Timberfill) material parts built through fused filament fabrication 

    Zandi, Mohammad Damous (Date of defense: 2020-07-17)

    This research is based upon the additive manufacturing (AM) technology which aims to study the mechanical properties of innovative commercial wood-PLA composite material (Timberfill) and characterize its behavior. Specifically ...

    Study and characterization of microstructural and physio-chemical properties of potato products for 3D food printing 

    Dankar, Iman Talal (Date of defense: 2019-01-09)

    3D food printing is a precise digitalized process that is based on monitoring the characteristics of the printed substrate in accordance with the process parameters. In this thesis mashed potatoes were first mixed with ...

    Study and characterization of the Drosophila wg(1)-enhancer in development, regeneration and tumorigenesis 

    Gracia Latorre, Elena (Date of defense: 2023-06-01)

    [eng] Enhancers are the master regulators of gene expression. Genes rely on them to be differentially expressed in different tissues, developmental time points or contexts. In recent years, it has been reported that although ...

    Study and comprehension of barriers to mental health in Latino population. Social and cultural factors related to access and retention to mental health services 

    Falgàs Bagué, Irene (Date of defense: 2017-12-19)

    Introducció: La població llatinoamericana esta permanentment creixent als Estats Units i a Espanya, fet que planteja importants reptes als sistemes de salut pública en ambdós països, des de la limitada accessibilitat als ...

    Study and conceptualization of Vusiness: a model for the creation and management of companies based on values 

    Costa Marcé, Albert (Date of defense: 2019-10-25)

    The global economy has suffered a serious crisis and rapid slowdown. globalization significantly increases the unbalanced use of finite, non- 2/1 renewable sources of energy, aggravating climate change. Millions of ...

    Study and design of classification algorithms for diagnosis and prognosis of failures in wind turbines from SCADA data 

    Blanco Martínez, Alejandro (Date of defense: 2018-06-18)

    Actualmente las operaciones de mantenimiento preventivo de los parques eólicos se soportan sobre técnicas de Machine Learning para reducir los costes de las paradas no planificadas. Por eso se necesita una predicción de ...

    Study and development of new biosensors based on nanoparticles and nanochannels 

    Espinoza Castañeda, Marisol (Date of defense: 2014-07-21)

    En el capítulo 1, se presenta una introducción general sobre el uso de nanomateriales en sistemas de biosensores electroquímicos, centrada principalmente en nanopartículas de oro y de Azul de Prusia así como en nanocanales. ...

    Study and Modeling of Multi‐ Gate Transistors in the Context of CMOS Technology Scaling 

    Chaves Romero, Ferney Alveiro (Date of defense: 2012-05-31)

    L’escalat dels transistors MOSFET convencionals ha portat a aquests dispositius a la nanoescala per incrementar tant les seves prestacions com el nombre de components per xip. En aquest process d’escalat, els coneguts ...