Mostrando ítems 21990-22009 de 42438

    Improving the performance and energy-efficiency of virtual memory 

    Karakostas, Vasileios (Fecha de defensa: 2016-04-18)

    Virtual memory improves programmer productivity, enhances process security, and increases memory utilization. However, virtual memory requires an address translation from the virtual to the physical address space on every ...

    Improving the performance of an all-Si based thermoelectric micro/nanogenerator 

    Dönmez Noyan, Inci (Fecha de defensa: 2018-06-28)

    Esta tesis presenta el desarrollo de un microgenerador termoeléctrico (μTEG) con el objetivo de alimentar nodos sensores inalámbricos de bajo consumo para aplicaciones en la Internet de las Cosas. El μTEG propuesto se ha ...

    Improving the performance of micro-machined metal oxide gas sensors: Optimization of the temperatura modulation mode via pseudorandom sequences. 

    Vergara Tinoco, Alexander (Fecha de defensa: 2006-07-25)

    Un dels majors problemes experimentats pels sistemes de detecció de gasos basats en sensors d'òxids metàl·lics és la seva manca de reproduibilitat, estabilitat i selectivitat. A fi i a efecte d'intentar resoldre aquest ...

    Improving the performance of organic thermoelectrics 

    Zapata Arteaga, Osnat (Fecha de defensa: 2021-03-26)

    En l'actual era de la Internet de les Coses (de l'anglès, IOT), els dispositius de detecció intel·ligents estan canviant molt el món en què vivim, des de com percebem el nostre entorn fins a com gastem l'energia. Fonts ...

    Improving the performance of synthetic and biomimetic 3D-printed bone grafts 

    Mazo Barbara, Laura del (Fecha de defensa: 2024-03-12)

    (English) Bone is the second most frequent tissue transplantation right after blood transfusion. Although it has natural self-healing abilities, bone grafts are required in critical size defects to provide mechanical ...

    Improving the Quality of Life for Intellectually Disabled Elderly People using Artificial Intelligence Techniques 

    Yadav, Gaurav Kumar (Fecha de defensa: 2023-10-23)

    Aquest treball de tesi està dividit en dues parts. La primera part proposa predir el moviment humà futur observant el moviment passat. Utilitzem els blocs residuals d'inici per aprendre la característica temporal i la ...

    Improving the quality of life of older adults and people with reduced mobility through an Assistant Personal Robot 

    Clotet Bellmunt, Eduard (Fecha de defensa: 2019-04-01)

    L’increment en l’esperança de vida de les persones juntament amb el descens de la natalitat a nivell global està propiciant una tendència generalitzada cap a un model social de població envellida, causant un augment de les ...

    Improving the recovery of genomic information from complex samples 

    Hernández Rodríguez, Jéssica (Fecha de defensa: 2018-06-08)

    The innovation of genomics has progressed at pace with the development of high-throughput DNA sequencing technologies. Prior to the outbreak of next-generation sequencing, retrieving genetic information was limited to a ...

    Improving the Reliability of Conductive Atomic Force Microscopy 

    Weber, Jonas (Fecha de defensa: 2024-04-11)

    [eng] Owing to its exceptional topographical resolution and electrical sensitivity, Conductive Atomic Force Microscopy (C AFM) has become an essential tool for nanoscale material analysis. However, achieving reproducible ...

    Improving the Routing Layer of Ad Hoc Networks Through Prediction Techniques 

    Millán Marco, Pere (Fecha de defensa: 2018-09-20)

    Cada dia és més evident el paper clau que juguen la informàtica/computació mòbil i les tecnologies sense fils a les nostres activitats diàries. Estar sempre connectat, en qualsevol moment i lloc, és actualment més una ...

    Improving the tactical and operational decision making procedures in chemical supply chains 

    Silvente Saiz, Javier (Fecha de defensa: 2016-02-17)

    Nowadays, market trends have made companies modify the way of doing business. The current context of globalization, economic crisis, political conditions and competence among enterprises involves the continuous challenge ...

    Improving the Use of Radium Isotopes and Radon as Tracers of Submarine Groundwater Discharge 

    Diego Feliu, Marc (Fecha de defensa: 2022-05-19)

    Els traçadors naturals són substàncies que es troben presents al medi i que representen una eina central en diferents disciplines científiques, proporcionant informació sobre processos i sistemes. En hidrologia i oceanografia, ...

    Improving time predictability of shared hardware resources in real-time multicore systems : emphasis on the space domain 

    Jalle Ibarra, Javier (Fecha de defensa: 2016-07-18)

    Critical Real-Time Embedded Systems (CRTES) follow a verification and validation process on the timing and functional correctness. This process includes the timing analysis that provides Worst-Case Execution Time (WCET) ...

    Improving urban deliveries via collaboration 

    Roca Riu, Mireia (Fecha de defensa: 2015-12-22)

    Distribution of goods is essential for the economic development of cities but at the same time it entails several problems to the urban systems and different stakeholders. Carriers spend a significant portion of their cost ...

    Improving wave forecasting in variable wind conditions : the effect of resolution and growth rate for the catalan coast 

    Alomar Domínguez, Marta (Fecha de defensa: 2012-12-03)

    The main objective of this study is to improve wind wave forecasting in the NW Mediterranean Sea while focusing on the characteristic sharp gradients of the wind and wave conditions. This work was motivated by the limited ...

    Improving web server efficiency on commodity hardware 

    Beltrán Querol, Vicenç (Fecha de defensa: 2008-10-03)

    El ràpid creixement de la Web requereix una gran quantitat de recursos computacionals que han de ser utilitzats eficientment. Avui en dia, els servidors basats en hardware estendard son les plataformes preferides per ...

    Imprudencia inconsciente y derecho penal de la culpabilidad 

    Guanais de Aguiar Filho, Oliveiros (Fecha de defensa: 2016-02-04)

    La discusión sobre la compatibilidad entre la imprudencia inconsciente y el principio de culpabilidad ha llamado la atención de la dogmática penal hace más de dos siglos. La primera parte de este trabajo presenta esta ...

    La Impugnació dels acords socials a la cooperativa 

    Senent Vidal, M. Josep (Fecha de defensa: 2002-02-01)

    Aunque las normas que regulan la impugnación de los acuerdos en la cooperativa son casi exclusivamente una traslación literal de los textos legales de las sociedades de capital (fundamentalmente la LSA), la especial ...

    Impulse maneuver design for a solar sail spacecraft in the restricted three-body problem framework 

    Duan, Xun (Fecha de defensa: 2023-05-10)

    (English) A solar sail is a method of spacecraft propulsion that uses only the solar radiation pressure (SRP). The main research object of this thesis is a solar sail spacecraft in the artificially created libration point ...

    Impulsive noise cancellation and channel estimation in power line communication systems 

    Shrestha, Deep (Fecha de defensa: 2019-09-13)

    Power line communication (PLC) is considered as the most viable enabler of the smart grid. PLC exploits the power line infrastructure for data transmission and provides an economical communication backbone to support the ...