Mostrando ítems 38233-38252 de 42932

    Statistical methods for intake prediction and biological significance analysis in nutrimetabolomic studies 

    Castellano Escuder, Pol (Fecha de defensa: 2021-09-08)

    This thesis is the product of three and a half years working on the complex world of metabolomics and nutrition. All the work presented here is focussed on the problems arising from associating and integrating ...

    Statistical methods for the analysis of complex epidemiology data 

    Esnaola Acebes, Mikel (Fecha de defensa: 2023-06-23)

    (English) Epidemiology is a relatively young and rapidly evolving science. Recent technological breakthroughs have allowed modern epidemiologists to raise increasingly ambitious research hypotheses. This has originated ...

    Statistical methods for the analysis of microbiome compositional data in HIV studies 

    Rivera Pinto, Javier (Fecha de defensa: 2018-11-30)

    The human microbiome is involved in many essential functions, such as food digestion and immune system maintenance. Alterations in its composition may have important effects on human health and they have been associated to ...

    Statistical Methods for the Modelling of Label-Free Shotgun Proteomic Data in Cell Line Biomarker Discovery 

    Gregori Font, Josep (Fecha de defensa: 2014-07-11)

    In this work it has been developed and implemented a data analysis pipeline for the discovery of biomarkers by high throughput shotgun proteomics. Specifically the solution has been optimized for the analysis of secretomes ...

    Statistical methods in Kansei engineering studies 

    Marco Almagro, Lluís (Fecha de defensa: 2011-12-15)

    Aquesta tesi doctoral tracta sobre Enginyeria Kansei (EK), una tècnica per traslladar emocions transmeses per productes en paràmetres tècnics, i sobre mètodes estadístics que poden beneficiar la disciplina. El propòsit ...

    Statistical methods to manage and analyse real world data. Development of a health observatory in Alt Empordà 

    Franquet Bonet, Álvaro (Fecha de defensa: 2021-12-01)

    The objective of this thesis is to explore in greater depth the process of creating a public health observatory and the processing of the information needed to take territorial decisions in the county of Alt Empordà. The ...

    Statistical metidos applied to volcanology and volcanic hazard assessment 

    Sobradelo Pérez, Rosa Maria (Fecha de defensa: 2011-07-21)

    Disasters are large intractable problems that test the ability of communities and nations to effectively protect their populations and infrastructure, to reduce both human and property loss, and to rapidly recover. The ...

    Statistical modelling and analysis of summer very hot events in mainland Spain 

    Castellà Sánchez, Mercè (Fecha de defensa: 2014-03-14)

    Extreme temperature events are of particular importance due to their severe impact on the environment, economy and the society. Focused on the uppermost percentiles of summer daily maximum (Tx) and minimum (Tn) temperatures,in ...

    Statistical modelling and resynthesis of environmental texture sounds 

    Kersten, Stefan (Fecha de defensa: 2016-02-05)

    Environmental texture sounds are an integral, though often overlooked, part of our daily life. They constitute those elements of our sounding environment that we tend to perceive subconsciously but which we miss when they ...

    Statistical modelling of avalanche observables: criticality and universality 

    Navas Portella, Víctor (Fecha de defensa: 2020-07-15)

    Complex systems can be understood as an entity composed by a large number of interactive elements whose emergent global behaviour cannot be derived from the local laws characterizing their constituents. The observables ...

    Statistical modelling of the baby face for 3D Face Reconstruction 

    Morales Muñoz, Araceli (Fecha de defensa: 2022-03-16)

    In this thesis, we address the problem of reconstructing the 3D facial geometry of babies from uncalibrated 2D images. This topic has many different applications, but it is especially relevant for the early diagnosis of ...

    Statistical normalisation of network propagation methods for computational biology 

    Picart Armada, Sergio (Fecha de defensa: 2020-07-23)

    The advent of high-throughput technologies and their decreasing cost have fostered the creation of a rich ecosystem of public database resources. In an era of affordable data acquisition, the core challenge has shifted to ...

    Statistical Physics of Water in Hydrophobic Nano-Confinement and at Proteins Interfaces 

    Bianco, Valentino (Fecha de defensa: 2013-07-19)

    Water is commonly associated with life. This substance affects the living beings in countless aspects and length scales, ranging from molecular biology to climatology. Water exhibits a long series of anomalous behaviors. ...

    Statistical tests for comparisons of spatial and spatio-temporal point patterns 

    González Monsalve, Jonatan A. (Fecha de defensa: 2018-02-21)

    We mainly introduce a new set of tests to compare functional descriptors in point processes context. Firstly, since the study of spatio-temporal point processes has not been widely covered in the literature, a complete ...

    Statistical thermodynamics of long-range interacting systems and near-field thermal radiation 

    Latella, Ivan (Fecha de defensa: 2016-06-27)

    Two main topics are examined in this thesis: classical systems with long-range interactions and thermal radiation in the near-field regime. In the first part, we present a thermodynamic approach describing systems with ...

    Statistical tools for classification, interpretation and prediction of biological data 

    Senan Campos, Oriol (Fecha de defensa: 2017-09-14)

    Les tecnologies òmiques prometen una nova aproximació sistèmica a la biologia. Malgrat que ja coneixem el genoma de moltes espècies, i una aproximació del nombre de proteïnes, no sabem quants metabòlits hi ha en una ...

    Statistical Word-Learning in Catalan-Spanish Children with Specific Language Impairment 

    Ahufinger Sanclemente, Nadia (Fecha de defensa: 2019-05-03)

    This dissertation was written to answer some questions about the different roles played by memory in school-age Catalan-Spanish children with specific language impairment (SLI). Currently, a small but growing body of work ...

    Statocyst sensory epithelia ultrastructural analysis of Cephalopods exposed to noise 

    Solé Carbonell, Marta (Fecha de defensa: 2012-06-26)

    Controlled Exposure Experiments revealed lesions in the statocysts of four cephalopod species of the Mediterranean Sea (Sepia officinalis, Loligo vulgaris, Illex coindetii and Octopus vulgaris), when exposed to relatively ...

    Stealth graft polymers for nanoparticle based mRNA vaccines 

    García Fernández, Coral (Fecha de defensa: 2023-04-28)

    La nanotecnologia és la clau de la propera revolució mèdica, ja que permet l'administració d'àcids nucleics per a la seva aplicació profilàctica i terapèutica en un ampli ventall de malalties, incloent-hi el càncer. ...

    Steering CO2 bio-electrocycling into valuable compounds through inline monitoring of key operational parameters 

    Blasco Gómez, Ramiro (Fecha de defensa: 2020-07-22)

    Microbial Electrochemical Technologies (METs) are a promising alternative for capturing and in-situ reducing CO2 through the use of renewable electricity. Microorganisms grown in autotrophic conditions use CO2 as an electron ...