Now showing items 18155-18174 of 42414

    Experimenal study of the aerodynamics of a horizontal axis wind turbine 

    Campo Gatell, Vanessa del (Date of defense: 2013-03-22)

    One of the challenges of the wind energy community today is to improve the existing background on the aerodynamic phenomena of a Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine (HAWT), the prediction of the wind speed distribution on the ...

    Experimentación de nuevas configuraciones destinadas a la mejora del COP en ciclos de compresión de vapor que utilizan CO2 como refrigerante 

    Patiño Pérez, Jorge (Date of defense: 2013-06-25)

    La creciente demanda del confort humano está obligando a la comunidad científica a buscar nuevas técnicas que permitan aprovechar al máximo los recursos disponibles. Gran parte de esta demanda es consumida por sistemas de ...

    Experimental analysis of multiphase flows. Design and setup of an experimental facility 

    Sassi Arobba, Paolo Juan (Date of defense: 2021-04-30)

    Una millor comprensió dels complexos fenòmens que regeixen la dinàmica del fluxos tri-fàsics així com un increment en la capacitat predictiva de la seva dinàmica, són crucials en el disseny i construcció de sistemes fluidics ...

    Experimental analysis of soil cracking due to environmental conditions 

    Cordero Arias, Josbel Andreina (Date of defense: 2019-09-09)

    This thesis presents an experimental approach on the subject of cracking in soils due to changes in environmental conditions, where research is mainly directed to the soil-air interface and the effect of boundary conditions. ...

    Experimental and analytical study of delamination caused by free-edges and matrix cracks in laminated composites 

    Zubillaga Eceiza, Lierni (Date of defense: 2014-07-11)

    In the last decades, the use of laminated composites, such as Carbon Fiber Reinforce Polymer has increased in many industrial sectors. Different failure mechanisms different damage mechanism can appear in laminated ...

    Experimental and CFD analysis of the flow in the wake of a vertical axis wind turbine 

    Sánchez Morales, Valentin (Date of defense: 2017-06-19)

    Aquesta tesi es divideix en dos blocs on s'analitza el flux d'una VAWT. El primer bloc se centra en l'estudi experimental i numèric d'una VAWT amb vuit pales basada en el fenomen de resistència. A la primera part, la ...

    Experimental and human studies on aging of adipose tissues: Role for Parkin 

    Delgado Anglés, Alejandro (Date of defense: 2021-10-25)

    Brown and beige adipose tissues are mediators of adaptive energy expenditure in mammals, in contrast with the energy storage role of white fat. Mitochondrial activity, including uncoupled respiration, and the release of ...

    Experimental and model-based analysis for performance and durability improvement of PEM fuel cells 

    Strahl, Stephan (Date of defense: 2014-11-07)

    Increasing global energy demand, growing carbon emissions and the depletion of fossil fuel sources are some of the most important driving forces for the development of sustainable energy solutions. Proton Exchange Membrane ...

    Experimental and numerical analyses of flow-limited chemical reactions in laminar and turbulent regimes 

    Sancho Conde, Irene (Date of defense: 2015-05-29)

    Aquesta tesis es divideix en tres blocs on s’analitza l’efecte de diferents règims de flux en reaccions químiques. El primer bloc analitza una base de dades obtinguda a partir de simulació numèrica d’un flux reactiu i ...

    Experimental and numerical analysis of the unsaturated soil shrinkage and swelling behaviour under different compaction conditions 

    Najdi, Abdallah (Date of defense: 2023-06-20)

    (English) The thesis presents part of an ongoing nvestigation on the Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical (THM) behaviour and cracking of deformable unsaturated soils undergoing cycles of drying and wetting. An experimental approach ...

    Experimental and Numerical investigation of flow in a lid-driven cylindrical cavity 

    Selvaraj, Joshua David (Date of defense: 2022-03-24)

    En aquest treball, s'investiga el flux en una cavitat cilíndrica amb una tapa giratòria utilitzant eines experimentals i computacionals. La velocitat de rotació de la tapa es manté constant amb el temps o es varia periòdicament ...

    Experimental and numerical investigation of the flow in a toroidal cavity 

    Al-Shannag, Mohammad Yousuf Suliman (Date of defense: 2002-09-30)

    The shear-driven incompressible flow in a toroidal cavity of square crosssection<br/>(DxD) and radius of curvature Rc has been studied both experimentally and<br/>numerically. The flow has been realized in two toroidal ...

    Experimental and numerical modelling of CO2 behaviour in the soil-atmosphere interface : implications far risk assessment of carbon capture storage projects 

    Gasparini, Andrea (Date of defense: 2021-03-04)

    CO2 geological storage is considered one of the options technologically viable in order to decrease the industrial emissions of this gas species that strongly contribute to the greenhouse effect in the atmosphere (IPCC, ...

    Experimental and numerical study of chemo-hydro-mechanical effects of CO2 injection on permeable limestone 

    Vafaie, Atefeh (Date of defense: 2023-07-07)

    [eng] Carbon capture and storage (CCS) in saline aquifers is a proven technology aimed at reducing atmospheric CO2 emissions and mitigating the climate change crisis. CO2 injection acidifies the formation water inducing ...

    Experimental and numerical study of the effect of stress on ASR expansions in concrete 

    Liaudat, Joaquín (Date of defense: 2018-06-15)

    This thesis aims at deepening in the understanding of the mechanisms by which the stress state affects the development of concrete expansions and cracking due to the Alkali-Silica Reaction (ASR). With this purpose, a ...

    Experimental and numerical study of the structural effects of steel corrosion in continuous RC beams 

    Fernández Pérez, Ignasi (Date of defense: 2015-07-20)

    Many reinforced concrete structures suffer damage due to aging and due to the environmental agressivity, thus affecting their serviceability performance and safety. Structural evaluation of a deteriorated structure is ...

    Experimental and numerical study of the symbolic dynamics of modulated semiconductor lasers with optical feedback 

    Torrentino, Taciano (Date of defense: 2015-07-10)

    The goal of this thesis is to investigate the influence of current modulation in the dynamics of the low-frequency fluctuations (LFF) regime induced by optical feedback in semiconductor lasers. In this regime the laser ...

    Experimental and theoretical analysis of cracking in drying soils 

    Lakshmikantha, M.R. (Date of defense: 2009-06-12)

    The thesis focuses on the experimental and theoretical aspects of the process of cracking in drying soils. The results and conclusions were drawn from an exhaustive experimental campaign characterised by innovative ...

    Experimental and theoretical analysis of flow and sediment transport in 90-degree fluvial diversions. 

    Herrero Casas, Albert (Date of defense: 2013-06-07)

    Fluvial bifurcations are systems that have a great influence on human society. Their formation and evolution can affect to activities as agriculture or industry and a good knowledge of the mechanisms that affect the processes ...