Now showing items 22050-22069 of 42488

    In silico methodologies for the design of functional foods that can prevent cardiovascular diseases 

    Sala Argüello, Esther (Date of defense: 2011-04-28)

    La indústria alimentària incorpora als aliments extractes d’origen natural rics en molècules bioactives amb la finalitat de convertir-los en aliments funcionals, és a dir, que tinguin propietats beneficioses per a la salut ...

    In silico modeling of chemical and biological interactions at different scales 

    Kamath, Padmaja Balachandran (Date of defense: 2016-10-17)

    En les últimes dècades, molts països han imposat regulacions sobre els efectes potencials de les substàncies químiques envers la salut humana i els criteris mediambientals. A més a més, tenint en compte el temps necessari ...

    In silico modeling of protein-ligand binding 

    Varela Rial, Alejandro (Date of defense: 2022-02-21)

    The affinity of a drug to its target protein is one of the key properties of a drug. Although there are experimental methods to measure the binding affinity, they are expensive and relatively slow. Hence, accurately ...

    In silico molecular modelling and design of heme-containing peroxidases for industrial applications 

    Cañellas Fontanilles, Marina (Date of defense: 2018-07-17)

    It is widely known that the development of modern chemistry and the consequent world industrialization have improved our quality of life to unimaginable levels. However, these advances have come with a high cost, causing ...

    In silico strategies for the design of RNA binders: focus on nucleotide repeat expansion disorders and HIV-1 

    López González, Alejandro (Date of defense: 2016-03-11)

    Tradicionalment, el disseny de fàrmacs s’ha basat en utilitzar molècules per tractar dianes biològiques clau o en una via metabòlica concreta, típicament proteïnes. No obstant, aquest paradigma està evolucionant de forma ...

    In silico studies of the effect of phenolic compounds from grape seed extracts on the activity of phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K) and the farnesoid x receptor (FXR) 

    Vaqué Marquès, Montserrat (Date of defense: 2007-12-19)

    In silico studies of the effect of phenolic compounds from grape seed extracts on the activity of phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K) and farnesoid X receptor (FXR)<br/><br/>Montserrat Vaqué Marquès <br/>En aquesta tesis es ...

    In silico tools to study diseases and polypharmacology through the lens of network medicine 

    Aguirre Plans, Joaquim (Date of defense: 2021-07-14)

    El funcionament intern de les cèl·lules pot entendre’s com un conjunt d’interaccions entre biomolècules, formant una xarxa que coneixem amb el nom d’interactoma. Els fàrmacs i malalties poden considerar-se pertorbacions ...

    In situ direct study of filtration and respiration rate of Mediterranean sponges = Estudio in situ de la filtración y la respiración de esponjas mediterráneas 

    Morganti, Teresa Maria (Date of defense: 2016-07-27)

    Sponges play important roles in the functioning of marine ecosystem in which they are abundant. These roles range from stabilizers of substrate, to acting as major link between benthic and pelagic realms by filtering large ...

    In situ groundwater remediation treatments : natural denitrification study and nano zero valent iron production 

    Ribas Fargas, David (Date of defense: 2017-03-14)

    Freshwater is a scarce resource, threatened by an ongoing pollution, global climate change and industrialization. Among other freshwater sources, groundwater is by far the most important source of usable freshwater but due ...

    In situ studies of catalytic processes by Near Ambient X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy 

    García de Andrés, Xènia (Date of defense: 2022-10-25)

    (English) Labels misplacement in the bottles are currently causing problems in wine cellar's labelling lines. According to data provided by Codorníu and Torres cellars, 1 % of the bottles present this issue. Once the wine ...

    In the In-Between: Chinese Experimental Art in the Third Space 

    Habes, Gloria (Date of defense: 2015-03-11)

    This thesis shines a light on the Euroamerican reception of Chinese experimental art from 1990-2004. A selection of twelve exhibitions held in the Euroamerican context on Chinese experimental art are analysed within this ...

    In the market for carbon: conventions, coordination and narratives of voluntary carbon offsetting in Chiapas, Mexico 

    Hendrickson, Cary Yungmee (Date of defense: 2017-09-15)

    Esta tesis tiene el objetivo de investigar cómo las narrativas globales alrededor de los bonos de carbono en el sector forestal crean valor e influencian lo que los mercados de carbono otorgan, cómo y a quién. Se relaciona ...

    In utero exposure to xenoestrogens, associated health outcomes and epigenetic mechanisms in children 

    Vilahur Chiaraviglio, Nadia (Date of defense: 2014-09-25)

    The prenatal period is a stage of special sensitivity to the adverse effects of environmental agents for the developing fetus. The human placenta is an organ that, in the interface between mother and fetus, plays a key ...

    In vitro bioaccessibility of health-related compounds from beverages based on fruit juice, milk or soymilk: Influence of food matrix and processing 

    Rodríguez Roque, María Janeth (Date of defense: 2014-05-08)

    La present tesi doctoral s’ha centrat en avaluar la digestibilitat i la bioaccessibilitat in vitro de compostos bioactius hidròfils (vitamina C, compostos fenòlics i isoflavones) i lipòfils (carotenoids) en begudes elaborades ...

    In vitro bioaccessibility of ochratoxin A and assessment of its cytotoxicity and genotoxicity in human cell cultures 

    González Arias, Cyndia Azucena (Date of defense: 2015-07-10)

    L’ocratoxina A (OTA) és una micotoxina produïda per vàries espècies de fongs del gènere Aspergillus i Penicillium. L’OTA és una de les micotoxines més ubiques, ja que a nivell mundial s’ha trobat en una gran varietat ...

    In vitro effects of pollutants and novel therapeutic approaches for tuberculosis 

    Rodríguez Fernández, Pablo (Date of defense: 2019-11-29)

    La tuberculosis, una enfermedad causada por Mycobacterium tuberculosis, mata a 1,6 millones de personas al año. El resultado de la infección depende de factores del hospedador, la diversidad del patógeno y de factores ...

    In vitro embryo production from prepubertal goat oocytes in different culture media 

    Hammami, Sondes (Date of defense: 2014-07-10)

    Los ovarios de cabras prepúberes proporcionan una población de ovocitos de pequeño diámetro con una menor competencia para el desarrollo hasta blastocisto después de la maduración, fecundación y posterior cultivo in vitro ...

    In vitro embryo production in goats by intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI): gamete treatments 

    Menéndez Blanco, Irene (Date of defense: 2020-09-18)

    El desenvolupament de la tècnica de microinjecció intracitoplasmàtica d’espermatozous (ICSI) va suposar un gran avanç per als laboratoris de reproducció assistida. Aquesta tècnica és de gran utilitat en casos d’infertilitat ...

    In vitro Ly6Chigh monocyte generation as a novel tool for a infalmatory diseases research = Generación In vitro de monocitos LyC6high para el estudio de enfermedades inflamatorias 

    Calatayud Subias, Juan Antonio (Date of defense: 2016-07-19)

    Monocytes are composed of several subsets which differ in sizes, morphology, ontogeny, localization, gene expression, fates and functions. Two principal and functionally distinct subsets have been identified in human, mice ...

    In vitro metabolism and drug-drug interaction potential of irosustat, a steroidal sulfatase inhibitor 

    Ventura Ventanachs, Verònica (Date of defense: 2013-10-18)

    Irosustat is a first-generation, irreversible, steroid sulfatase inhibitor currently in development for hormone-dependent cancer therapy. Its structure is a tricyclic coumarin-based sulfamate that undergoes desulfamoylation ...