Now showing items 23360-23379 of 42932

    Intermittency of turbulence in natural waters: patchiness in the thermocline of a lake under low winds and small-scale intermittency in the bottom boundary layer of a tidal flow 

    Planella Morató, Jesús (Date of defense: 2015-07-15)

    Turbulence intermittency influences so many processes in natural waters on a wide range of scales. This work analyzes intermittency, both internal and external, by considering two cases: the thermocline of a small lake ...

    Intermolecular energy and electron transfer by Non-Orthogonal Configuration Interaction 

    Sánchez Mansilla, Aitor (Date of defense: 2024-04-18)

    L'objectiu principal d'aquesta investigació és millorar la nostra comprensió de les estructures electròniques en molècules i materials, amb un enfocament específic en abordar els desafiaments plantejats pels estudis teòrics ...

    Intermolecular Pauson-Khad reaction: study of the regioselectivity, photochemistry of the adducts and synthetic applications 

    Khaizourane, Héléa (Date of defense: 2016-03-11)

    The Pauson-Khand reaction (PKR), introduced by Pauson and Khand in 1973, is an efficient method to access the synthesis of five-membered rings in one single step. This reaction is a transition metal-mediated [2+2+1] ...

    La Internacional Situacionista: la superación de la sociedad del espectáculo a través de la realización de la poesía 

    Morales Bonilla, Juan del Cristo (Date of defense: 2013-11-22)

    El objetivo de esta tesis doctoral ha sido el estudio de la Internacional Situacionista desde una perspectiva contemporánea, es decir, no con la intención de entender su proyecto en las condiciones en las que surgió, sino ...

    Internal corporate governance mechanisms, IT investments, and firm performance in Ibero-American firms. Three essays based on institutional perspectives 

    Salcedo Zuta, Nestor Ulaf (Date of defense: 2023-09-21)

    La principal aportació teòrica d'aquesta tesi és l'ús comparat d'estructures de govern corporatiu, complementat amb inversions en TI des d'una perspectiva institucional que considera diferents nivells d'anàlisi. A més, ...

    Internal IR-laser Deflection Measurements of Temperature and Free-Carrier Concentration in Power Devices 

    Perpiñá Giribet, Xavier (Date of defense: 2005-07-20)

    La caracterització dels dispositius semiconductors té un paper preponderant dintre la microelectrònica, sobretot en els dipositius semiconductors de potència, on la caracterització electrotèrmica és primordial. En moltes ...

    Internal logistics optimization in the automotive industry 

    Fabri Lima, Marcelus (Date of defense: 2020-01-27)

    This thesis focus on internal logistics flows (ILF), which is defined as the flows of materials inside the same business or the same plant. Precisely, this work approaches the ILF of SEAT, a company in the Volkswagen ...

    Internal quality profile and influence of packaging conditions on fresh-cut pineapple 

    Montero Calderón, Marta (Date of defense: 2010-03-04)

    Les diferències en els atributs de qualitat de la polpa de pinya del cultivar 'Gold' entre diferents parts del fruit i la influència de les condicions d'envasament van ser estudiades com a instruments orientats a l'obtenció ...

    International and Domestic Trade since 1980: Growth and Crises. 

    Zymek, Robert (Date of defense: 2011-07-20)

    This thesis sheds light on several macroeconomic aspects of international and domestic goods trade during the last three decades. The first chapter investigates the causes of the growth of world trade during this period ...

    International animal law: the case of farm animal welfare 

    Prasličková, Aurélia (Date of defense: 2022-07-19)

    Animal welfare has emerged as a pervasive concern in modern international law. Although the question of animal welfare is one of the greatest social justice issues of our times, there is a surprising lack of legal ...

    International differences in response, remission and course of schizophrenia 

    Novick, Diego (Date of defense: 2012-12-10)

    Objectius: Els objectius generals d'aquesta tesi són descriure l'evolució dels pacients amb esquizofrènia durant tres anys de seguiment i analitzar les diferències entre regions del món amb diferents nivells de ...

    International fraud: A management perspective 

    Albrecht, Chad Orsen (Date of defense: 2008-05-30)

    L'objectiu de la meva tesi és tractar i entendre millor els múltiples aspectes de la corrupció i el frau internacionals des de la perspectiva del management. Amb aquesta finalitat, hi proporciono un compendi d'articles, ...

    International juridical double taxation and individuals' ability to pay in the light of EU law 

    Mendonça, Maria Júlia Ildefonso (Date of defense: 2023-02-23)

    According to the CJEU’s case law, the tax disadvantage suffered by taxpayers in a cross-border situation arising from international juridical double taxation does not constitute a forbidden obstacle to free movement because ...

    International knowledge transfer in turkey the consecutive interpreter's role in context 

    Eraslan, Seyda (Date of defense: 2011-06-27)

    This thesis aims to explore the complex role of consecutive interpreters in relation to context. Context shapes how interpreters are positioned within an interaction, conceived of as a multi-level framework comprising the ...

    The International legal regime of submarine cables: a global public interest regime 

    Shvets, Daria (Date of defense: 2021-03-25)

    This thesis, entitled The International Legal Regime Of Submarine Cables: A Global Public Interest Regime, aims to analyze the legal regime governing submarine cables, identify its deficiencies and examine how they might ...

    International project teams as innovation hubs: power and politics in the knowledge change process 

    Marques de Araújo, Luciano (Date of defense: 2013-10-25)

    The aim of this investigation is to understand how international project teams enable mature multinational enterprises (MNEs) to cope with knowledge diversity and political activity, two well-known disruptive organizational ...

    International renewable energy entrepreneurship; a mixed-method approach 

    Zolfaghari Ejlal Manesh, Seyed Meysam (Date of defense: 2017-01-11)

    Para abordar los desafíos relacionados con los combustibles fósiles y fomentar el desarrollo sostenible, los recientes progresos en el ámbito del espíritu empresarial han mostrado un creciente interés por las cuestiones ...

    International trade and competitiveness in the Mediterranean region 

    Parra Robles, María Dolores (Date of defense: 2014-07-29)

    La tesis pretende analizar aspectos relacionados con la integración de los países mediterráneos en el contexto económico internacional, aspectos que resultan de especial interés para esta región puesto que son claves para ...

    International trade and production networks in the Western Balkan countries 

    Shimbov, Bojan (Date of defense: 2016-01-28)

    1. Propósito y objetivo de la investigación Desde la ruptura de la antigua Yugoslavia, a principios de los 1990, las economías en transición de los países de los Balcanes occidentales han experimentado reformas intensas ...

    International Trends and Implementation Challenges of Secondary Education Curriculum Policy: The Case of Bulgaria 

    Psifidou, Irene (Date of defense: 2008-01-10)

    Este estudio se circunscribe en el área de Pedagogía Comparada. Se trata de un estudio comparado de reformas curriculares de educación secundaria entre los países occidentales y Bulgaria. <br/>Como reza el titulo, la primera ...