Now showing items 26184-26203 of 42788

    Lanthanide-based dielectric nanoparticles for upconversion luminescence 

    Barrera Bello, Elixir William (Date of defense: 2013-02-20)

    En esta tesis se ha estudia la luminiscencia y la emisión anti-stokes visible por excitación infrarroja a 980 nm, en iones lantánidos embebidos en nanoestructuras de Lu2O3 y KLu(WO4)2, en los cuales los iones lantánidos ...

    Large cardinals and resurrection axioms 

    Tsaprounis, Konstantinos (Date of defense: 2012-12-14)

    In the current dissertation we work in set theory and we study both various large cardinal hierarchies and issues related to forcing axioms and generic absoluteness. The necessary preliminaries may be found, as it should ...

    Large scale analysis of communication cues in negotiation 

    Di Stasi, Matteo (Date of defense: 2024-01-29)

    Què fa que algunes persones siguin millors negociadors que altres? En aquesta tesi, faig servir programari de reconeixement d'expressió facial, processament de llenguatge natural i eines estadístiques recents (com la tècnica ...

    Large scale battery systems in distribution grids 

    Resch, Matthias (Date of defense: 2019-01-31)

    The increasing integration of renewable energy installations at the distribution grid level has led to a strong increase in grid reinforcement measures in recent years. Since the costs are being passed on to the general ...

    Large Scale Excitations in Disordered Systems 

    Sales Pardo, Marta (Date of defense: 2002-11-22)

    Disorder is present in many systems in nature and in many different versions. For instance, the dislocations of a crystal lattice, or the randomness of the interaction between magnetic moments. One of the most studied ...

    Large scale finite element solvers for the large eddy simulation of incompressible turbulent flows 

    Colomés Gené, Oriol (Date of defense: 2016-03-31)

    In this thesis we have developed a path towards large scale Finite Element simulations of turbulent incompressible flows. We have assessed the performance of residual-based variational multiscale (VMS) methods for the ...

    Large scale geostatistics with locally varying anisotropy 

    Peredo Andrade, Oscar Francisco (Date of defense: 2022-06-09)

    Classical geostatistical methods are based on the hypothesis of stationarity, which allows to apply repetitive sampling in different locations of the spatial domain, in order to obtain enough information to infer cumulative ...

    Large scale image retrieval base on user generated content 

    Olivares Ríos, Ximena (Date of defense: 2011-03-02)

    Los sistemas online para compartir fotos proporcionan una valiosa fuente de contenidos generado por el usuario (UGC). La mayor a de los sistemas de re- cuperaci on de im agenes Web utilizan las anotaciones textuales ...

    Large scale off-policy and offline learning 

    Gabbianelli, Germano (Date of defense: 2024-03-07)

    Reinforcement Learning (RL), a subfield of machine learning and artifical intelligence, is a learning paradigm where an artificial agent learns to reach a predefined goal by trying to maximize a reward signal while ...

    Large scale photovoltaic power plants: configuration, integration and control 

    Cabrera Tobar, Ana Karina (Date of defense: 2018-06-04)

    This thesis focuses on the operation and control of Large Scale Photovoltaic Power Plants (LS-PVPPs) according to grid code requirements with a special focus on the basic unit: the PV generator. The aim of this thesis is ...

    Large scale quantitative assessment of biodiversity using next-generation sequencing 

    Garrido Sanz, Lidia (Date of defense: 2022-02-15)

    Actualment, els mètodes moleculars són aplicats àmpliament en l’estudi de comunitats biològiques. Pels organismes eucariotes, la tècnica dominant és el DNA metabarcoding. Aquest tècnica es basa en l’amplificació amb PCR ...

    Large scale structure and dark energy 

    Cabré Albós, Anna (Date of defense: 2008-06-30)

    The cosmic expansion history tests the dynamics of the global evolution of the universe<br/>and its energy density contents, while the cosmic growth history tests the evolution of the<br/>inhomogeneous part of the energy ...

    Large scale structure with Lyman-alpha absorption surveys 

    Font Ribera, Andreu (Date of defense: 2011-09-30)

    [cat] Gran part dels estudis presentats en aquesta tesi doctoral estan vinculats als esforços per detectar les oscil·lacions acústiques dels barions (BAO, de l’anglès Baryon Acoustic Oscillations) en la funció de correlació ...

    Large vocabulary continuous speech recognition for the transcription of Catalan broadcast news and conversations : towards analysis and modelling of acoustic reduction in spontaneous speech 

    Schulz, Henrik (Date of defense: 2017-03-02)

    The transcription of spontaneous speech still poses a challenge to state-of-the-art methods for automatic speech recognition. The present thesis describes the comprehensive development of a large vocabulary continuous ...

    Large-scale assessment of the defoliation and demography of Spanish forests along climatic gradients 

    Coll Brunet, Marta (Date of defense: 2014-06-25)

    El canvi climàtic està provocant un augment de les sequeres a l'hemisferi nord, provocant episodis de declivi forestal i contribuint a la reducció de l'eficiència dels boscos per fixar carboni. Hi ha una manca d'avaluacions ...

    Large-scale biogeography of marine pelagic bacteria and archaea 

    Salazar Guiral, Guillem (Date of defense: 2019-02-15)

    The dark ocean contains about 70% of the ocean’s microbial cells and 60% of its heterotrophic activity, which is mainly fueled by the flux of organic particles produced in the surface ocean and exported to the bathypelagic ...

    Large-scale CFD and micro-particles simulations in a large human airways under sniff condition and drug delivery application 

    Calmet, Hadrien (Date of defense: 2020-11-10)

    As we inhale, the air drawn through our nose undergoes successive accelerations and decelerations as it is turned, split, and recombined before splitting again at the end of the trachea as it enters the bronchi. Fully ...

    Large-scale comparative bioinformatics analyses 

    Chatzou, Maria (Date of defense: 2016-11-07)

    One of the main and most recent challenges of modern biology is to keep-up with growing amount of biological data coming from next generation sequencing technologies. Keeping up with the growing volumes of experiments ...

    Large-scale evolutionary analysis of polymorphic inversions in the human genome 

    Giner Delgado, Carla (Date of defense: 2017-12-19)

    Les inversions cromosòmiques són variants estructurals on un fragment de genoma s'inverteix sense canviar-ne el contingut, i durant anys, els seus efectes subtils però importants han fascinat els biòlegs evolutius. De fet, ...

    Large-scale imaging of optical antennas and single molecules 

    Saemisch, Lisa (Date of defense: 2021-04-15)

    The interaction of light and matter is of crucial importance in fundamental science as well as in high-end technology. Ultimately, this concerns the interaction between a photon and a single quantum system, e.g. the ...