Now showing items 31696-31715 of 42628

    Optimal fiscal policy, limited commitment and learning 

    Caprioli, Francesco (Date of defense: 2009-07-03)

    Esta tesis trata sobre cómo la autoridad fiscal debe fijar los impuestos distorsivos de manera óptima. El capítulo 1 analiza el problema de la política fiscal cuando el gobierno tiene un incentivo a hacer default con su ...

    Optimal irrigation scheduling combining water content sensors and remote sensing data 

    Fontanet i Ambròs, Mireia (Date of defense: 2019-11-25)

    By 2025, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations predicts that two-thirds of the world population will experience water stress conditions. In addition, it is expected that world population will increase ...

    Optimal management of natural resources. Accounting for heterogeneity 

    Xabadia i Palmada, Àngels (Date of defense: 2003-06-06)

    Dynamic optimization methods have become increasingly important over the last years in economics. Within the dynamic optimization techniques employed, optimal control has emerged as the most powerful tool for the theoretical ...

    Optimal operation and design of modular multilevel converter for HVDC applications 

    Westerman Spier, Daniel (Date of defense: 2022-06-30)

    Modular Multilevel Converters (MMCs) are a type of Voltage Source Converter (VSC) which have become the preferred topology choice for High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) applications. Compare to its HVDC converter predecessors, ...

    Optimal personalized treatment learning models with insurance applications 

    Guelman, Leo (Date of defense: 2015-03-02)

    In many important settings, subjects can show significant heterogeneity in response to a stimulus or “treatment". For instance, a treatment that works for the overall population might be highly inefiective, or even harmful, ...

    Optimal policy heterogeneity and limited commitment 

    Bauducco, Sofia (Date of defense: 2009-07-03)

    Esta tesis contribuye a la literatura de política fiscal y monetaria óptima. Primero analizo cómo el resultado de tasas impositivas suaves, que habitualmente se obtiene en modelos de política fiscal óptima, se ve alterado ...

    Optimal signal recovery for pulsed balanced detection 

    Icaza Astiz, Yannik Alan de (Date of defense: 2015-01-27)

    To measure quantum features in a classical world constrains us to extend the classical technology to the limit, inventing and discovering new schemes to use the classical devices, while reducing and filtering the sources ...

    Optimal sizing and operation planning of microgrids and operation analysis of charging stations for electric vehicles 

    Zenginis, Ioannis (Date of defense: 2018-12-20)

    Energy and transportation sectors are going through major changes as a result of technological advances, depletion of fossil fuels and climate change. With regard to the energy sector, the future smart grid is expected to ...

    Optimal Sobolev Embeddings in Spaces with Mixed Norm 

    Clavero, Nadia F. (Date of defense: 2015-03-20)

    Este proyecto hace referencia a estimaciones, en espacios funcionales, que relacionan la norma de una función y la de sus derivadas. Concretamente, nuestro principal objetivo es estudiar las estimaciones clásicas de las ...

    Optimal trajectory management for aircraft descent operations subject to time constraints 

    Dalmau Codina, Ramon (Date of defense: 2019-06-25)

    The growth in traffic increased the pressure on the environmental sustainability of air transport. In this context, many research effort has been devoted to minimise the environmental impact in the different phases of ...

    Optimazation of marine sediments characterization via statistical analysis 

    Collico, Stefano (Date of defense: 2022-06-13)

    The task of geotechnical site characterization includes defining the layout of ground units and establishing their relevant engineering properties. This is an activity in which uncertainties of different nature (inherent, ...

    Optimisation de l'Implantation Ionique et du Recuit Thermique pour SiC 

    Blanqué, Servane (Date of defense: 2004-12-20)

    Optimisation methods meet the smart grid. New methods for solving location and allocation problems under the smart grid paradigm 

    Torrent-Fontbona, Ferran (Date of defense: 2015-06-23)

    The smart grid offers a new infrastructure for the management of energy demand and generation towards a sustainable future. Accordingly, there is the objective to provide consumers with a response capacity to stimuli of ...

    Optimisation of a Tissue Engineering Product based on Mesenchymal Stromal Cells aiming to regenerate bony tissue 

    Vivas Pradillo, Daniel (Date of defense: 2018-12-14)

    Bone is a highly organised and specialised connective tissue that provides a rigid, protective and supporting framework to the body. In addition to this, bone is unique in its capacity to self-regenerate without the ...

    Optimisation of biological nitrogen removal processes to treat reject water from anaerobic digestion of sewage sludge 

    Galí Serra, Alexandre (Date of defense: 2006-10-03)

    In the present work, the biological treatment of real reject water (800 mg NH4+-N L-1) from anaerobic digestion of sewage sludge from a waste water treatment plant (WWTP) is carried out. <br/>The process was optimised with ...

    Optimisation of CSD buffer layers for YBa(2)Cu(3)O(7) coated conductor development 

    Cavallaro, Andrea (Date of defense: 2005-07-11)

    Las cintas superconductoras de alta temperatura (HTS) han emergido como materiales prometedores para sus uso en el campo de l'energía puesto que permiten reducir a mitad el tamaño de los equipos de energía eléctrica respecto ...

    Optimisation of HIV-1 enveloped Virus Like Particles as a personalised vaccine platform for the delivery of cancer neoantigens 

    Barajas Molina, Ana (Date of defense: 2023-10-11)

    Cancer immunotherapies (CIT) stand as novel and promising strategies for the treatment of cancer. Their aim is to enhance the individual’s own immune system to recognise and eliminate cancer cells reducing side effects, ...

    Optimisation of wastewater treatment at ecoparc 2 

    Albacete Garcia, Maria Eloisa (Date of defense: 2017-11-17)

    L'Ecoparc 2 és una empresa que es dedica al tractament de diferents residus sòlids urbans (fracció orgànica, envasos i resta). Es troba en funcionament des de l'any 2004 i es troba constantment en millora, innovant i ...

    Optimisation via Simulation for Healthcare Emergency Departments 

    Cabrera Flores, Eduardo Cesar (Date of defense: 2013-11-19)

    Actualment, molts dels sistemes de salut són entorns grans, complexos i molt dinàmics, en particular els serveis d'urgències hospitalaris (EDs per les sigles en anglès). Aquests obren i funcionen les 24 hores al dia durant ...

    Optimising the environmental sustainability of the dairy industry 

    Egas Galarza, Daniel Francisco (Date of defense: 2021-01-22)

    Los resultados de esta tesis demostraron que es posible una evaluación y mejora ambiental constante de los sistemas lácteos mediante el uso de herramientas especializadas como CalcPEFDairy, auditorías energéticas e indicadores ...