Now showing items 38314-38333 of 42475

    Study of thyroid hormone disruption by the environmental contaminant bde-99 in perinatal rats 

    Blanco Pérez, Jordi (Date of defense: 2013-10-25)

    Los contaminantes ambientales difenil éteres polibromados (PBDEs) se encuentran en altas concentraciones en mujeres. El propósito de la presente tesis es el estudio de la toxicidad ocasionada por el traspaso materno de ...

    Study of transition metal carbide catalysts of group 5 in the RWGS reaction 

    Pajares Rojas, Arturo Javier (Date of defense: 2021-07-16)

    Nowadays there is a growing interest in the capture and utilization of CO2 because of the increase of its concentration in the atmosphere. Captured CO2 can be recycled through different processes to obtain several value-added ...

    Study of two analogues of pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide as novel therapeutic compounds for Huntington’s disease 

    Solés Tarrés, Irene (Date of defense: 2023-06-14)

    Huntington’s disease (HD) is a neurodegenerative genetic disorder with no effective treatment characterized by motor discoordination, deficits in cognitive function (acquiring new knowledges, memory, understanding…), and ...

    Study of urine extracellular vesicles-derived protein biomarkers for the non-invasive monitoring of kidney-transplanted patients 

    Carreras Planella, Laura (Date of defense: 2020-12-21)

    El rebuig crònic en el trasplantament renal és la causa principal de fallada de l’empelt. Donat que la biòpsia renal (l’actual mètode diagnòstic considerat com a el ‘gold standard’) és invasiva, costosa, implica una alta ...

    Study of vaccines and new strategies for the control of goat tuberculosis 

    Arrieta Villegas, Claudia Cecilia (Date of defense: 2022-01-21)

    La tuberculosi (TB) és una malaltia infecciosa causada per diferents membres del complex Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTBC), que pot afectar un ampli ventall d’hostes, inclosos els éssers humans i diferents espècies d’animals ...

    Study of vegetation dynamics from satellite: phenological responses to climate change 

    Bórnez Mejías, Kevin (Date of defense: 2021-09-23)

    La fenologia és la clau per a controlar els processos fisicoquímics i biològics, especialment l’albedo, la rugositat superficial, conductància de les fulles, fluxos de carboni, aigua i energia. Per tant, l’estimació de la ...

    Study of viscoelasticity and adhesion of human alveolar epithelial cells by atomic force microscopy. The importance of probe geometry 

    Rico Camps, Félix (Date of defense: 2006-01-27)

    During the last century, cellular biology has been mostly assessed from the biochemical point of view: studying how biochemical stimuli modify the biochemical composition of living cells. However, most of the cells that ...

    Study on adsorption behavior of rare earth elements onto magnetic nanocomposites of carboxymethyl chitosan, alginate and novel biodegradable polyamide 

    Javadian, Hamedreza (Date of defense: 2020-07-16)

    Rare Earth Elements (REEs) are known as the remarkable components in many technologies that are driving the modern world. They are widely used in chemical engineering, permanent magnets, fluorescent lighting, sensors, cell ...

    A study on autocatalysis through synthetic biology. Exploration of spatiotemporal dynamics in the presence or absence of synthetic autocatalytic Hepatocyte Growth Factor signaling in mammalian cells 

    Bárcena Menéndez, Diego (Date of defense: 2016-10-17)

    Una de las preguntas sin resolver en la biologia celular, es como las células mamíferas logran generar patrones estables como organos o seres vivos, en un entorno variable. El concepto matemático del bucle de retreoalimentación, ...

    Study on conduction mechanismes of mediun voltage cable XLPE insulation in the melting range of temperatures. 

    Orrit Prat, Jordi (Date of defense: 2012-03-07)

    D’ençà que el polietilè reticulat (XLPE) es va començar a utilitzar com aïllament elèctric per cables de subministrament elèctric, s’han destinat molts esforços a l’estudi de les propietats dielèctriques del polietilè i ...

    Study on crystallinity, properties and degradability of poly-4-hidroxybutyrate and related polyesters 

    Keridou, Ina (Date of defense: 2021-04-14)

    In the last decades, polymeric biomaterials, due to their advanced physical and mechanical properties, have been used in a vast variety of surgical and pharmaceutical applications. In this thesis, a study on crystallinity, ...

    A Study on Ph.D. Chinese Students’ Academic Adaptation at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain 

    Cai, Lin (Date of defense: 2016-11-11)

    Actualmente, un número creciente de estudiantes chinos participan en el mercado educativo global. Sin embargo, debido a la gran disparidad cultural entre los países occidentales y asiáticos, su adaptación resulta particularmente ...

    A Study on public-private collaboration: motivations and consequences, measuring success with key dimensions, comparing leadership 

    Alsina Burgués, Victòria (Date of defense: 2017-12-21)

    Public-private collaboration (PPC) is a phenomenon that has grown spectacularly since the early 1980s. Currently, policy-making processes usually develop in complex networks of public and private institutions, and public ...

    Study on safety and efficacy of inulin and oligofructose in neonates. 

    Gispert Llauradó, Mariona (Date of defense: 2014-07-16)

    Antecedents: L'aparell digestiu del nounat és ràpidament colonitzat després del naixement. El tipus d'alimentació podria influïr aquest procés. Les fórmules infantils tracten d'imitar l'efecte bifidogènic de la llet humana ...

    Study on the biological air quality in Bellaterra (Barcelona) and Vitoria-Gasteiz: pollen and spores and their allergens 

    Ussama Elbastaweesy, Mohammed Hirhish (Date of defense: 2019-02-13)

    Los alérgenos aerovagantes están entre las partículas atmosféricas con mayor influencia en la salud respiratoria humana. La alergia al polen de Poaceae y al polen de Betula se encuentran entre las alergias respiratorias ...

    Study on the Connexion 32 and its role in the release of ATP. 

    Grandes Vilaclara, Mª Eugenia (Date of defense: 2008-06-18)

    The aim of this 4 year long work was to study the Connexin32 (Cx32), a protein that forms hemichannels anchored in the plasma membrane. Two hemichannels of adjacent cells form a gap junction. Mutations in Cx32 have been ...

    Study on the gaseous emissions during the biological treatment of sewage sludge. Characterization of VOCs and odour emissions 

    González Alé, Daniel (Date of defense: 2020-01-31)

    La gestió dels fangs generats durant el tractament de les aigües residuals a les estacions depuradores d’aigües residuals (EDARs) és un dels grans reptes als quals s’enfronten les autoritats Europees, estatals i locals, ...

    Study on the general applicability of the collector efficiency model to solar process heat collectors 

    David Hertel, Julian (Date of defense: 2019-07-23)

    [eng] According to several studies, the installed capacity of solar thermal collectors to provide heat for industrial processes is going to increase significantly during the next decades. The great variety of designs and ...

    A Study on the Role of NF-kB Signaling Pathway Members in Regulating Survival Motor Neuron Protein level and in the Pathogenesis of Spinal Muscular Atrophy 

    Arumugam, Saravanan (Date of defense: 2017-01-27)

    L’atròfia muscular espinal (AME) és una malaltia neuromuscular causada per mutació o deleció en el gen SMN1, que codifica per la proteïna ubiqua SMN (de l’anglès survival motor neuron). L’AME es caracteritza per atròfia ...

    Study on the shear and punching-shear strength of reinforced concrete slabs subjected to point loads and in-plane tensile forces 

    Fernández Sánchez, Pablo Gonzalo (Date of defense: 2021-12-20)

    Reinforced concrete members, especially when subjected to concentrated loads, can fail in shear. This is an undesirable and brittle failure mode preventing the structure from deforming and reaching higher load levels. It ...