Now showing items 38373-38392 of 42524

    Study on the biological air quality in Bellaterra (Barcelona) and Vitoria-Gasteiz: pollen and spores and their allergens 

    Ussama Elbastaweesy, Mohammed Hirhish (Date of defense: 2019-02-13)

    Los alérgenos aerovagantes están entre las partículas atmosféricas con mayor influencia en la salud respiratoria humana. La alergia al polen de Poaceae y al polen de Betula se encuentran entre las alergias respiratorias ...

    Study on the Connexion 32 and its role in the release of ATP. 

    Grandes Vilaclara, Mª Eugenia (Date of defense: 2008-06-18)

    The aim of this 4 year long work was to study the Connexin32 (Cx32), a protein that forms hemichannels anchored in the plasma membrane. Two hemichannels of adjacent cells form a gap junction. Mutations in Cx32 have been ...

    Study on the gaseous emissions during the biological treatment of sewage sludge. Characterization of VOCs and odour emissions 

    González Alé, Daniel (Date of defense: 2020-01-31)

    La gestió dels fangs generats durant el tractament de les aigües residuals a les estacions depuradores d’aigües residuals (EDARs) és un dels grans reptes als quals s’enfronten les autoritats Europees, estatals i locals, ...

    Study on the general applicability of the collector efficiency model to solar process heat collectors 

    David Hertel, Julian (Date of defense: 2019-07-23)

    [eng] According to several studies, the installed capacity of solar thermal collectors to provide heat for industrial processes is going to increase significantly during the next decades. The great variety of designs and ...

    A Study on the Role of NF-kB Signaling Pathway Members in Regulating Survival Motor Neuron Protein level and in the Pathogenesis of Spinal Muscular Atrophy 

    Arumugam, Saravanan (Date of defense: 2017-01-27)

    L’atròfia muscular espinal (AME) és una malaltia neuromuscular causada per mutació o deleció en el gen SMN1, que codifica per la proteïna ubiqua SMN (de l’anglès survival motor neuron). L’AME es caracteritza per atròfia ...

    Study on the shear and punching-shear strength of reinforced concrete slabs subjected to point loads and in-plane tensile forces 

    Fernández Sánchez, Pablo Gonzalo (Date of defense: 2021-12-20)

    Reinforced concrete members, especially when subjected to concentrated loads, can fail in shear. This is an undesirable and brittle failure mode preventing the structure from deforming and reaching higher load levels. It ...

    Study the effect of inclusion of feed flavonoid substances on animal performance and ruminal fermentation in calves 

    Seradj, Ahmad Reza (Date of defense: 2015-01-13)

    The thesis includes the effect of Bioflavex®, an orange plant extract rich in flavonoids, on rumen fermentation and meat quality. Several experiments were performed, in the “in vivo” trials (Exp. 1,2 and 3) under acidosis ...

    Study the effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral sex training in improving women’s sexual self-concept in Tehran, Iran 

    Vahidvaghef, Mitra (Date of defense: 2015-12-17)

    Estudi de l'eficàcia de l'entrenament cognitiu-conductual en la millora de l'autoconcepte sexual de les dones en Teheran, Iran. Mitra Vahidvaghef (estudiant de doctorat), Rosa M. Raich Escursell (professor), Teresa ...

    Study, evaluation and contributions to new algorithms for the embedding problem in a network virtualization environment 

    Botero Vega, Juan Felipe (Date of defense: 2013-06-21)

    Network virtualization is recognized as an enabling technology for the future Internet. It aims to overcome the resistance of the current Internet to architectural change and to enable a new business model decoupling the ...

    Studying brain development in infants by eye measurements: visual perception and visual attention 

    Esposito, Flavia Lorena (Date of defense: 2019-12-20)

    In the first years of life, there is a dramatic unfolding of cognitive abilities supported by the progressive control of gaze behaviour. The early development of oculomotor control is presumably closely tied to the maturation ...

    Studying collaborative learning space design with multimodal learning analytics 

    Vujovic, Milica (Date of defense: 2021-06-16)

    Research has provided relevant advances in evidence-based design for productive learning. For example, in the field of collaborative learning, there is extensive evidence for some key learning design elements, such as ...

    Studying depression through big data analytics on Twitter 

    Leis Machín, Angela 1974- (Date of defense: 2021-03-18)

    Mental disorders have become a major concern in public health, since they are one of the main causes of the overall disease burden worldwide. Depressive disorders are the most common mental illnesses, and they constitute ...

    Studying Electrostatic Polarization Forces at the Nanoscale. Dielectric constant of supported biomembranes measured in air and liquid environment 

    Gramse, Georg (Date of defense: 2012-06-19)

    The objective of my thesis was to develop novel techniques and methods to probe the dielectric properties of biomembranes in air and their natural environment - liquid solution. The dielectric constant ε(r) of biomembranes ...

    Studying Hepatitis B and Hepatitis Delta viruses quasispecies by Next-generation sequencing: Conservation, variability, and interaction 

    Pacín Ruiz, Beatriz (Date of defense: 2023-06-09)

    El virus de l’hepatitis B (VHB) afecta uns 296 milions de persones arreu del món, més del 5% coinfectades amb el virus de l’hepatitis delta (VHD), causant l’hepatitis vírica més greu. El VHD presenta un domini d’ARN ...

    Studying protein-ligand interactions using a Monte Carlo procedure 

    Lecina Casas, Daniel (Date of defense: 2017-07-20)

    Biomolecular simulations have been widely used in the study of protein-ligand interactions; comprehending the mechanisms involved in the prediction of binding affinities would have a significant repercussion in the ...

    Studying the effects of phytogenic supplementation as feeding strategies to overcome physiological and productive challenges in hyperprolific sows and their offspring 

    Reyes Camacho, David Angel (Date of defense: 2021-09-30)

    La selecció genètica de línies de truges hiperprolífiques ha incrementat considerablement la mida de la ventrada en les últimes dècades. L’augment de nombre de garrins és un gran desafiament per a la fisiologia i la ...

    Studying the fate and action of a designed therapeutic protein-nanomaterial in vivo utilizing a novel correlative cryo-3D-SIM and cryo soft X-ray tomography approach 

    Groen, Johannes Petrus Antonius Maria (Date of defense: 2022-01-14)

    En esta tesis se utilizó una novedosa estrategia correlativa combinando crio microscopía de luz estructurada en 3D (cryo-3D-SIM) y crio tomografía de rayos X blandos (cryo-SXT) para estudiar el destino y la acción de un ...

    Studying the genotype-phenotype map through general mathematical models of embryonic development and its application on tooth morphogenesis and evolution 

    Marin Riera, Miquel (Date of defense: 2016-10-25)

    Entendre com les especies canvien al llarg de les generacions es un dels principals desafiaments de la biologia evolutiva. Per tal d'entendre el canvi evolutiu a nivell del fenotip és necessari conèixer quina variació ...

    Studying the limits of protein-ligand docking to predict new non-covalent inhibitors for the SARSCoV-2 main protease 

    Macip Sancho, Guillem (Date of defense: 2023-05-15)

    La pandèmia global coneguda com a COVID-19 (COronaVIrus Disease 2019) va tenir un profund impacte en els sistemes sanitaris d'arreu del món, tensionant els països i les societats d'una manera que no s'havia vist des de ...

    Studying user behavior through a participatory sensing framework in an urban context 

    Ngo, Manh Khoi (Date of defense: 2018-11-22)

    The thesis details the design and implementation of a multi-purpose participatory sensing framework (Citizense) based on a list of requirements extracted from the literature. This framework enables ordinary users to ...