Now showing items 29426-29445 of 43179

    Modelling splicing 

    Tilgner, Hagen (Date of defense: 2011-06-02)

    L’Splicing de les molècules d’ARN és el procés pel qual les seqüències interposades (“introns”) s’eliminen, i les seqüències restants es concatenen per a formar l’ARN madur. La investigació recent mostra que gairebé ...

    Modelling stereoscopic vision systems for robotic applications 

    Armangué Quintana, Xavier (Date of defense: 2003-09-29)

    Aquesta tesi s'emmarca dins del projecte CICYT TAP 1999-0443-C05-01. L'objectiu d'aquest projecte és el disseny, implementació i avaluació de robots mòbils, amb un sistema de control distribuït, sistemes de sensorització ...

    Modelling the dawn of simple multicellularity : Cooperation, physics and evolutionary branching 

    Bonforti, Adriano (Date of defense: 2022-07-27)

    L'aparició de la pluricel·lularitat (MC) va definir un esdeveniment evolutiu important en la història de la vida al nostre planeta. Ha tingut lloc diverses vegades dins de grups independents i diferents enfocaments han ...

    Modelling the dynamics of cellular membranes 

    Fernández i Gallén, Andreu (Date of defense: 2022-07-08)

    Membranes are present in all cells, in some viruses, and are involved in all kinds of biological functions. The goal of this thesis is to expand our knowledge of this element, in hope that this -on top of all the other ...

    Modelling the dynamics of large scale shoreline sand waves 

    Van Der Berg, Niels (Date of defense: 2012-05-11)

    Shoreline sand waves are shoreline undulations with a length scale of several kilometres and a time scale of years to decades. They occur on many coasts, migrating in the direction of the dominant littoral drift and they ...

    Modelling the energy dynamics of ventilated photovoltaic facades using stochastic differential equations in a monitored Test Reference Environment 

    Lodi, Chiara (Date of defense: 2012-07-09)

    L'objectiu general d'aquest treball és contribuir a l'avaluació de la transferència de l'energia en règim dinàmic de sistemes Fotovoltaics de doble pell Integrats en Edificis (EIFV) amb ventilació forçada sota condicions ...

    Modelling the extracellular environment of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma to study different aspects of disease progression 

    Betriu Rosselló, Nausica (Date of defense: 2022-12-15)

    L’adenocarcinoma ductal pancreàtic (ADP) és la malaltia pancreàtica més rellevant, que representa més del 90% de totes les patologies pancreàtiques. L’ADP és la quarta causa més comuna de mort per càncer a Europa i els ...

    Modelling the interplay between human behaviour and the spread of infectious diseases: From toy models to quantitative approaches 

    Steinegger, Benjamin Franz Josef (Date of defense: 2023-02-17)

    Prevenir la propagació de malalties infeccioses és un dels reptes més grans de la humanitat. Moltes malalties es transmeten per contacte, per la qual cosa la xarxa d'interaccions humanes actua com a substrat per a la ...

    Modelling the ocean-atmosphere exchanges of Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) 

    Jurado Cojo, Elena (Date of defense: 2006-11-24)

    Els Contaminants Organic Persistents (COPs), tals com PCB, PCDD/FS i PAHs, són un grup de compostos químics regulats per a la seva reducció o ja prohibits a causa de la seva persistència, potencial per a ser transportat ...

    Modelling the relationships of medium and long-term variations of the anchovy and sardine catches in the Catalan Sea (NW Mediterranean) with the environmental drivers 

    Quattrocchi, Federico (Date of defense: 2017-10-24)

    The understanding of the driving forces involved in the abundance fluctuation of fish populations is an important requirement for conservation and management, especially in the context of environmental changes. In the North ...

    Modelling thermo-mechanical response of metal canister disposed in engineered barrier systems 

    Khadivipanah, Peiman (Date of defense: 2022-02-03)

    The main objective of this thesis is to describe and implement a rate-dependent (viscoplastic) constitutive equations for copper based canister using a single internal state variable and use it for modelling disposal schemes ...

    Modelling time-dependent plastic behaviour of geomaterials 

    Song, Fei (Date of defense: 2021-06-28)

    Representing the time-dependent plastic behaviour of geomaterials is a critical issue in the correct application of tunnelling design techniques such as the convergence-confinement method or numerical modelling. Furthermore, ...

    Modelling tonal context dynamics by temporal multi-scale analysis 

    Martorell Domínguez, Agustín (Date of defense: 2013-09-19)

    This work explores the multidimensional, ambiguous and temporal characteristics of tonality. The approach relies on interfacing pitch-spaces with time vs. time-scale descriptions. In this combined representation, the spatial ...

    Modelling Uncertainty in Black-box Classification Systems 

    Mena Roldán, José (Date of defense: 2020-12-15)

    Currently, thanks to the Big Data boom, the excellent results obtained by deep learning models and the strong digital transformation experienced over the last years, many companies have decided to incorporate machine ...

    Modelling unsaturated hydrocarbons on metals: towards understanding catalytic processes 

    Valcarcel Ortí, Ana (Date of defense: 2005-09-26)

    En aquesta tesi hem realitzat un estudi sistemàtic de l'adsorció d'hidrocarburs insaturats sobre superficies metàl·liques. Per tal de portar-lo a terme hem emprat mètodes basats en la teoria del funcional de la densitat ...

    Modelling with heterogeneity 

    Lamberti, Giuseppe (Date of defense: 2015-06-22)

    When collecting survey data for a specific study it is usual to have some background information, in the form for example, of socio-demographic variables. In our context, these variables may be useful in identifying potential ...

    Modelling, control and supervision for a class of hybrid systems 

    Esteva Payet, Santiago (Date of defense: 2003-03-13)

    The aim of this thesis is to narrow the gap between two different control techniques: the continuous control and the discrete event control techniques DES. This gap can be reduced by the study of Hybrid systems, and by ...

    Modelling, design and integration of new differential architectures for M/NEMS resonant sensors 

    Prache, Pierre (Date of defense: 2017-11-09)

    Los sensores M/NEMS resonantes, gracias a su pequeño tamaño, a su bajo consumo y a su carácter quasi-digital (siendo generalmente la señal de salida un tono frecuencial), se han convertido en herramientas muy usadas en ...

    Modelling, Estimation and Applications of Second-Order Spatio-Temporal Characteristics of Point Processes 

    Rodríguez Cortés, Francisco Javier (Date of defense: 2014-05-05)

    Esta tesis se centra principalmente en el desarrollo de propiedades y características de los estimadores de segundo orden de procesos puntuales y espacio-temporales. En primer lugar, se presenta un marco teórico acerca de ...

    Modelling, monitoring and control of reverse somsis desalination plants using data-based techniques 

    Pascual Caro, Xavier (Date of defense: 2014-05-15)

    This thesis presents two successful applications of data-driven models developed for a reverse osmosis desalination pilot plant. The Support Vector Regression (SVR) modeling approach for steady state operation of the reverse ...