Now showing items 29746-29765 of 43187

    Molecular basis of deafness linked to mitochondrial DNA mutations 

    Ballana Guix, Ester (Date of defense: 2007-05-04)

    La seqüenciació del genoma humà ha marcat una fita important en la història de la biologia. Com a conseqüència, la genètica i la genòmica han experimentat un progrés enorme. Això ha permès un millor coneixement tant de les ...

    Molecular basis of innate immune activation pathways as regulators of susceptibility and clinical evolution of viral infections 

    Pujantell Graell, Maria (Date of defense: 2020-07-21)

    El sistema immune innat és el primer en respondre davant patògens que amenacen l’hoste. La resposta immune innata es caracteritza per induir una activació immune innata, iniciar la senyalització d’IFNs i activar vies ...

    Molecular Basis of Ischemic Post-Conditioning: DJ-1 in Cardioprotection 

    Gallinat O’Callaghan, Alex (Date of defense: 2023-01-30)

    Les malalties cardiovasculars són la principal causa de morbimortalitat a tot el món, essent l’infart agut de miocardi (IAM) la més prevalent. Encara que la revascularització és el tractament definitiu per a la isquèmia, ...

    Molecular basis of p38a MAPK signaling 

    Gutierrez Prat, Núria (Date of defense: 2018-10-03)

    Cells often need to respond to damaging internal and external stimuli. One of the pathways that is frequently activated by stress stimuli involves activation of the kinase p38alpha, which can phosphorylate different ...

    Molecular basis of shade tolerance: identification of novel components 

    Qin, Wen-Ting (Date of defense: 2022-11-18)

    Per fer front a la limitació de llum que podria provocar l’ombra de la vegetació veïna, les plantes han desenvolupat dues estratègies diferents i divergents: l’evitació, com Arabidopsis thaliana, i la tolerància, com la ...

    Molecular basis to human P-glycoprotein reversion 

    Rodríguez Torrecillas, Ivan (Date of defense: 2015-12-14)

    ABC (ATP-binding cassette) transporters are involved in translocate a wide spectrum of molecules across the lipid bilayer and some of them are associated with various diseases. They also have an important role in multidrug ...

    Molecular characterisation of the underlying mechanisms of pathogen-associated molecular pattern (PAMP) recognition in fish 

    Boltaña Harms, Sebastian (Date of defense: 2011-06-06)

    La respuesta inmune innata es basada en la activación de receptores genotípicamente codificados, llamados receptores de reconocimiento de patógenos (PRR). Los PRR pueden ser proteínas solubles tal como las proteínas ...

    Molecular Characterization and Novel Therapeutic Approaches in Hepatocellular Carcinoma 

    Torrens Fontanals, Laura (Date of defense: 2022-03-07)

    [eng] 1. HYPOTHESES. Primary liver cancer is the sixth most commonly diagnosed cancer and the second leading cause of cancer-related death worldwide2,3. Around 90% of cases correspond to hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC)2,3, ...

    Molecular characterization of carnitine palmitoyltransferase 1C 

    Gratacòs Batlle, Esther (Date of defense: 2010-12-16)

    Carnitine palmitoyltransferase 1 (CPT1) catalyzes the conversion of long chain fatty acyl-CoAs into acylcarnitines, the first step in the transport of long chain fatty acids from the cytoplasm to the mitochondrial matrix, ...

    Molecular characterization of High Risk Neuroblastoma. Potential biomarkers for high-risk neuroblastoma classification 

    Garrido Garcia, Alícia (Date of defense: 2022-11-10)

    [eng] BACKGROUND: High-risk neuroblastoma (NB) represents a heterogeneous group of tumors, whereby patients can display response to treatment and long-term outcome or develop early progressive, chemoresistant disease with ...

    Molecular characterization of microbial diversity in wastewater treatment and reuse 

    Garrido Molina, Laura (Date of defense: 2012-07-13)

    La generació d’aigua residual és una conseqüència inevitable de les activitats humanes. Aquestes activitats modifiquen les característiques de les aigües de consum, contaminant-les i invalidant la seva posterior aplicació ...

    Molecular characterization of neurofibromatosis type 1–associated malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumours and functional identification of genes involved in their pathogenesis 

    Terribas Pérez, Ernest (Date of defense: 2016-01-20)

    Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumour (MPNST) is a soft tissue sarcoma of the peripheral nervous system. Around 50% of MPNSTs develop in the context of the hereditary cancer neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1), normally ...

    Molecular characterization of pluripotency in embryos and embryonic stem cells 

    Pareja Gómez, Josep (Date of defense: 2010-11-22)

    Pluripotent cells are unique due to their developmental potential and the possibility to study them is the key step to understand human development. These cells are characterized by their ability to originate all the ...

    Molecular Characterization of the circadian clock in Solanum lycopersicum 

    Alary, Benjamin (Date of defense: 2023-09-08)

    El rellotge circadià és un mecanisme molecular de mesura del temps que genera ritmes d'aproximadament 24 hores en el metabolisme i la fisiologia, en sincronització amb el cicle de dia i nit. Durant l'última dècada, la ...

    Molecular characterization of the circadian function and the transcriptional regulatory network at the core of the pistil circadian clock 

    Yang, Zhiyuan (Date of defense: 2023-10-18)

    El rellotge circadià és un mecanisme cel·lular endogen que genera ritmes biològics amb un període de 24 hores. A les plantes, el sistema circadià regula molts processos essencials, inclosos, entre d'altres, el temps de ...

    Molecular characterization of the microenvironment in CLL-like monoclonal B cell lymphocytosis and early-stage chronic lymphocytic leukemia 

    Blanco Ares, Gonzalo (Date of defense: 2017-12-01)

    The analysis of the microenvironment in CLL-like monoclonal B cell lymphocytosis (MBL) and early-stage chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) is relevant for understanding the natural history of CLL. To this end, a total of ...

    Molecular characterization of the Ppz1 phosphatase and its regulatory subunit Hal3 

    Molero Merinero, Cristina (Date of defense: 2017-07-21)

    La proteína Ser / Thr fosfatasa Ppz1 de S. cerevisiae es un componente importante en el mantenimiento de la homeostasis de cationes monovalentes (K+ y Na+) y, como tal, incide en múltiples procesos celulares, tales como ...

    Molecular charaterization of Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia| 

    Baz Redón, Noelia (Date of defense: 2022-09-01)

    Introduction: Motile cilia are highly complex hair-like organelles protruding from the apical surface of epithelia cells of various human organ systems. They contain a 9+2 tubulin-based axoneme core structure and an ...

    Molecular classification and biomarkers in hepatobiliary cancer 

    Montal Roura, Robert (Date of defense: 2020-10-07)

    [spa] El cáncer hepatobiliar (incluye principalmente el carcinoma hepatocelular [HCC] y el cáncer del tracto biliar [BTC]) representa la tercera causa de muerte relacionada con cáncer en todo el mundo [1]. Menos de la mitad ...

    Molecular complexity of the differential growth of freshwater diatom species along pH gradients 

    Rodríguez Miret, Xènia (Date of defense: 2024-07-30)

    Aquesta tesi proporciona una visió general dels mecanismes moleculars que responen a una àmplia gamma de condicions de pH en espècies de diatomees d'aigua dolça filogenèticament diferents. Les diatomees són un grup divers ...