Now showing items 32670-32689 of 41732

    Polymer supported and homogeneous organocatalysts for asymetric reactions: from batch to continuous flow applications 

    Kasaplar Ozkal, Pinar (Date of defense: 2014-03-26)

    El objetivo general de esta tesis es establecer una ruta sintética para la inmovilización de organocatalizadores en soporte polimérico. En primer lugar, describimos el desarrollo de α,α-difenylprolinol metil/trimetilsilil ...

    Polymer-zirconia based ceramic composites produced by 3D-printing 

    Hodásová, L'udmila (Date of defense: 2022-11-09)

    (English) Zirconia ceramic is widely used in numerous fields, such as electronics, machinery, and biomedical applications, due to its excellent properties as chemical resistance, thermal stability, electrical resistance, ...

    Polymeric emulsifiers obtained by bacterial transformation from oily wastes in bioreactor 

    Martín Arjol, Ignacio (Date of defense: 2014-03-07)

    Cerca del 80% de los aceites y las grasas producidas mundialmente son aceites vegetales y el resto de origen animal. Dicha cantidad de ácidos grasos sirve como fuente para la producción de una serie de compuestos nuevos: ...

    Polymeric Macroporous Nanocomposites using highly concentrated emulsions as templates 

    Vílchez Villalba, Alejandro (Date of defense: 2013-01-30)

    The design of nanocomposites, which typically consist of polymeric matrices with embedded particles having at least one characteristic length in the nanometer range, has recently been the focus of a great attention. ...

    Polymers and peptide-polymer conjugates as bioactive platforms and carriers for the encapsulation of biomolecules 

    Maione, Silvana (Date of defense: 2017-09-14)

    In the last decade, conductive polymers have received great interest in both scientific and technological levels due to the electroactive properties exhibited by these materials. For this reason, the main aim of this ...

    Polymorphism and crystallization behaviour of triacylglycerols. From pure components to mixtures rich in oleic acid 

    Macridachis González, Jorge (Date of defense: 2022-07-15)

    Quality attributes of food products such as visual appearance, melting behavior, or shelf-life are strongly determined by the crystallization behavior of natural fats and oils within. In turn, this behavior depends on the ...

    Polymorphism and Solid State Miscibility of Triacylglycerols. Application to Food Authentication 

    Bayés-García, Laura (Date of defense: 2013-07-10)

    Esta tesis se basa fundamentalmente en el estudio in situ del polimorfismo de triacilgliceroles (TAGs) mayoritarios de aceites y grasas alimentarios, la determinación del comportamiento de fases de algunas de sus mezclas ...

    Polynomial inverse integrating factors of quadratic differential systems and other results 

    Ferragut i Amengual, Antoni (Date of defense: 2006-07-13)

    Aquesta tesi està dividida en dues parts diferents. En la primera, estudiam els sistemes quadràtics (sistemes polinomials de grau dos) que tenen un invers de factor integrant polinomial. En la segona, estudiam tres problemes ...

    Polynuclear Gold(I) Catalysts: When One Gold(I) is not Enough 

    Smirnova, Ekaterina (Date of defense: 2016-01-22)

    La recerca del nostre grup es basa en la invenció de noves metodologies sintètiques utilitzant catalitzadors d’or electrofílics. Amb l’objectiu d’incrementar l’electrofilicitat dels complexos catiònics fosfina-or(I), es ...

    Polynuclear manganese compounds with carboxylate bridging ligands models of redox enzymes: insertion inside mesoporous supports: study of their magnetic and catalytic properties 

    Escriche Tur, Luis (Date of defense: 2016-11-21)

    The main objective of this work is the synthesis of manganese compounds and hybrid materials that may be relevant from a bioinorganic and magnetic point of view. The developed strategy comprises three main steps that form ...

    Polyp Localization and Segmentation in Colonoscopy Images by Means of a Model of Appearance for Polyps 

    Bernal del Nozal, Jorge (Date of defense: 2012-12-17)

    El càncer de còlon és la quarta causa més comuna de mort per càncer en el món, havent al voltant de 143.460 nous casos el 2012, segons dades de l’American Cancer Society. La taxa de mortalitat d’aquest càncer depèn de ...

    Polypharmacy in the elderly : data, models, and strategies 

    Szabó, Viktória (Date of defense: 2019-03-13)

    The demographic shift toward an aging population is increasing the burden of public health. On average, a person of 70 years can combine the intake of up to seven medications. The administration of multiple drugs at the ...

    Polyphenol effects on central leptin sensitivity in obesity 

    Ibars Serra, Maria (Date of defense: 2017-09-08)

    L’obesitat és un problema de salut en augment i suposa un risc per al desenvolupament de malalties cròniques. Les estratègies per reduir i prevenir l’obesitat no han sigut satisfactòries el que fa necessari el desenvolupament ...

    Polyphenol metabolism: from in vitro to in vivo approaches 

    Serra Maqueda, Aida (Date of defense: 2012-09-18)

    Los compuestos fenólicos son fitoquímicos ampliamente distribuidos en nuestra dieta debido a la ingesta de productos vegetales –principalmente frutas y verduras, derivados del cacao, te, café y vino tinto-. Varios efectos ...

    Polyphenol oxidase: Activity, properties of its products and inactivation by innovative technologies 

    Falguera Pascual, Víctor (Date of defense: 2012-10-17)

    Polyphenol oxidase (PPO) affects both kinds of matters that are nowadays at the forefront of the quality concept: those aspects related to health and those regarding organoleptic perception of food. In this Thesis, PPO ...

    Polyphenolic fractions from wine by-products as potential antitumoral and/or protective agents against UV damage. 

    Matito Sánchez, Cecilia (Date of defense: 2006-01-13)

    Cancer is one of the leading causes of death in countries throughout the world. Increase in the production of Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) has been implicated in many human disease processes, including aging and carcinogenesis. ...

    Polypurine reverse Hoogsteen hairpins as a gene therapy tool: in vitro development and in vivo validation 

    Rodríguez Gallego, Laura (Date of defense: 2015-03-13)

    The work presented in this thesis is focused on the study of Polypurine Reverse Hoogsteen hairpins (PPRHs) as gene silencing tools. PPRHs are double-stranded DNA molecules formed by tvvo anti parallel homopurine domains ...

    Polypurine Reverse Hoogsteen hairpins: stability, lack of immunogenicity and gene silencing in cancer therapy 

    Villalobos Alberú, Xenia (Date of defense: 2015-12-22)

    This work is focused on the study of the stability and immunogenic properties of the Polypurine Reverse Hoogsteen hairpins (PPRHs), and on their use as a gene-silencing tool. PPRHs are non-modified DNA molecules formed by ...

    Polyunsaturated fatty acids in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: role of DHA, peroxidative modifications and sexual dimorphism 

    Cacabelos Barral, Daniel (Date of defense: 2014-10-24)

    In the present work we focus into the potential relevance of PUFAs in some models and human samples from patients suffering amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Due to its pathological implication, oxidative stress was ...

    Polyurethanes based on fatty acids with improved biocompatibility 

    González Paz, Rodolfo Jesús (Date of defense: 2012-11-06)

    El objetivo principal de esta tesis ha sido el desarrollo de nuevos poliuretanos a partir de ácidos grasos como fuentes renovables, utilizando química “click” en la síntesis de los dioles y polioles correspondientes. La ...