Now showing items 10227-10246 of 11297

    Strategies to control Yaws and other Neglected Tropical Diseases in the South Pacific Islands / Estrategias para el control del Pián y otras Enfermedades Tropicales Desatendidas en Islas del Pacífico Sur 

    Mitjà Villar, Oriol (Date of defense: 2012-06-01)

    Every year, through mass drug administration (MDA), hundreds of millions of the world’s poorest people receive a single annual dose of one or more drugs to eliminate certain parasitic worm or bacterial infections. Some of ...

    Strategies to improve anaerobic digestion of wastes with especial attention to lignocellulosic substrates 

    Fonoll Almansa, Xavier (Date of defense: 2015-12-17)

    The energy demand increase and the generation of wastes is being the major problem regarding the next generation sustainability. Both problems can be corrected through the implementation of anaerobic digestion, a waste ...

    Strategies to improve Chlamydomonas reinhardtii as a recombinant protein host: from a small growth factor to a complex monoclonal antibody production 

    López Cerro, Maria Teresa (Date of defense: 2018-06-29)

    Chlamydomonas reinhardtii has emerged as a promising alternative host for recombinant protein expression. Despite its advantageous characteristics and low-cost production, its use is hampered by low expression levels of ...

    Strategies to improve the oxidative stability of bakery products fortified with heme iron 

    Alemán, Mercedes (Date of defense: 2014-10-03)

    Iron deficiency is the most prevalent nutritional issue worldwide. The fortification of food products could help covering the iron requirements, mainly in certain population groups where prevalence of iron deficiency anaemia ...

    Strategies to optimize kidney transplantation: a systematic review of the evidence 

    Montero Pérez, Núria (Date of defense: 2018-11-29)

    The objectives of this thesis are to evaluate the strategies for expanding the donor pool by using expanded criteria donors and for increasing patient and graft survival by optimization of immunosuppression strategies. It ...

    Strategies to synthesize carbon-supported elctrocatalysts with reduced Pt content and increased activity for use in low temperature fuel cells 

    Garcia Cardona, Júlia (Date of defense: 2023-12-04)

    [eng] Conventional catalysts for polymer electrolyte fuel cells are based on Pt supported on porous carbons, generally carbon blacks. However, Pt is expensive and scarce and is poisoned by CO, which is present in the ...

    Street Art, Rechazo y Consolidación. La persistencia de la imagen y el pseudo objeto: génesis de la consolidación del Street Art en el panorama contemporáneo 

    Rodríguez Rodríguez, Ramón de Jesús (Date of defense: 2014-01-24)

    El Street Art será la espina dorsal sobre la que se articulará esta tesis doctoral, podremos extrapolar ciertas conclusiones y teorías desarrolladas en la presente tesis hacia aquellas opciones plásticas que surjan de la ...

    The Strength of the Deed: Notarial Credit Markets and Contract Enforcement Institutions in Early Modern Spain 

    Peña-Mir, José Luis (Date of defense: 2020-12-21)

    The present study aims to contribute to the analysis on the capacity of contract enforcement institutions in early modern Spain to protect private property rights, thus encouraging the development of markets. In order to ...

    Streptococcus pneumoniae, resistance and disease in adults in the era of conjugate vaccines 

    Càmara Mas, Jordi (Date of defense: 2021-07-27)

    [eng] Streptococcus pneumoniae is an important human pathogen, being one of the main etiological agents of serious infectious diseases such as pneumonia or meningitis and other less serious like otitis media. S. pneumoniae ...

    Stress influence in neurodegeneration. Unravelling the mechanisms underlying stress response in brain ageing by 11ß-HSD1 inhibition 

    Puigoriol Illamola, Dolors (Date of defense: 2020-09-10)

    The world is facing an unprecedented situation: soon the number of people over 60 years old will exceed the number of children, and more people at extreme old age than ever before. This is due to medical advances that have ...

    Stressful life events and first-episode psychosis 

    Butjosa Molines, Anna (Date of defense: 2017-09-18)

    Nowadays, advances in affective and social neuroscience have shown how the exposure to environmental factors has an impact on the structure and functioning of the brain being thus, active agents in the formation of an ...

    Strict-Weak Languages. An Analysis of Strict Implication 

    Bou Moliner, Félix (Date of defense: 2004-10-01)

    Esta tesis doctoral introduce los aquí llamados lenguajes estricto-débiles, y los analiza desde diversos puntos de vista. Los lenguajes estricto débiles son aquellos lenguajes formales que constan de conjunción, disyunción, ...

    Structural analysis for the improvement of SnO(2) based gas sensors 

    Diéguez Barrientos, Àngel (Date of defense: 1999-09-29)

    La investigación presentada está centrada en la mejora de sensores de gas conductométricos de Sn02. Se analizan sensores en capa gruesa y en capa delgada. En el primer caso, el polvo de Sn02 necesario para fabricar los ...

    Structural analysis of macromolecular folds and the application to phasing 

    Medina Bernal, Ana del Rocío (Date of defense: 2021-11-19)

    Determining and understanding protein structure in atomic detail is a fundamental process to the advancement of biotechnology and biomedicine, shedding light the role of macromolecules and their complexes, their biological ...

    Structural and functional analysis of natural protein-based inhibitors and their protease targets 

    dos Reis Mendes, Soraia Inês (Date of defense: 2022-10-28)

    [eng] Several proteases and their antagonistic protein or peptide inhibitors sparked researchers’ interest due to their potential as therapeutic targets. The present thesis, which compiles results obtained in three independent ...

    Structural and Functional Analysis of the Glucocorticoid Receptor Multimerization: Implications for Human Pathophysiology 

    Jiménez Panizo, Alba (Date of defense: 2021-12-14)

    El receptor de glucocorticoides (GR) es un factor de transcripción que se expresa de forma ubicua y controla procesos esenciales para la vida como el metabolismo, la inflamación y la homeostasis. Aunque se han publicado ...

    Structural and functional analysis of Zika Virus NS5 protein 

    Ruiz Arroyo, Víctor Manuel (Date of defense: 2020-10-23)

    Zika virus (ZIKV) belongs to the Flaviviridae family and constitute an important public health concern since ZIKV infection produced devastating effects in new born infants. Flaviviruses present a positive sense single ...

    Structural and functional characterization of the intrinsically disordered Unique domain of c-Src 

    Maffei, Mariano (Date of defense: 2014-11-03)

    Objectives: Objective 1 – Effect of mutations perturbing the ULBR of the Unique domain of c-Src. The first objective of this thesis was the in vitro characterization of the effect of mutations in the ULBR on the ...

    Structural And Functional Connectivity Alterations And Their Relationship With Cognitive Impairment In Traumatic Brain Injury 

    Palacios, Eva M. (Date of defense: 2013-05-31)

    Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) can be defined as an alteration in brain function or evidence of brain pathology caused by an external force. In this thesis the focus of attention is on brain diffuse axonal injury (DAI). DAI ...

    Structural and functional studies on Escherichia coli alpha-2-macroglobulin: a snap- trap peptidase inhibitor 

    Garcia Ferrer, Irene (Date of defense: 2015-12-01)

    The balance between proteolytic and antiproteolytic activity is crucial in many biological processes such as nutrition, immune defence, virulence and tissue remodelling. Therefore, it is controlled by several mechanisms, ...