Now showing items 11147-11166 of 11179

    Winter ecology of tits ("Paridae") in boreal and subalpine forests: social organisation and the role of food hoarding. 

    Brotons, Lluís (Date of defense: 2000-02-03)

    The main objective of this thesis is to analyse the variation in non-breeding social systems within the group of parids and to identify the main factors involved. More specifically, I studied the role of food hoarding on ...

    Wittgenstein y Gadamer: lenguaje, praxis, razón. El problema del pluralismo a través de la filosofía del lenguaje 

    Miras Boronat, Núria Sara (Date of defense: 2009-06-19)

    El trabajo de investigación se propone medir la influencia y recepción de Wittgenstein y Gadamer en el debate del pluralismo teórico contemporáneo. El pluralismo se comprende como una pluralidad de marcos conceptuales ...

    Wittgenstein y Heidegger: la crítica del sentido como inicio de la posmodernidad 

    Corrales Sepúlveda, Gonzalo Andrés (Date of defense: 2012-11-20)

    El objetivo central de esta tesis doctoral es intentar establecer una aproximación entre los programas filosóficos de Wittgenstein y Heidegger, de forma particular, en lo que se refiere al grado de influencia de ambos con ...

    WNT and NOTCH: Joining Efforts to Maintain the Intestinal Homeostasis 

    Rodilla Benito, Verónica (Date of defense: 2011-05-13)

    Colorectal tumors with mutations on Wnt family members show an overexpression of several Notch target genes, suggesting a link between Wnt and Notch signaling pathways. In this work, we have demonstrated that there is ...

    Women in science and higher education: A bibliometric approach 

    Dehdarirad, Tahereh (Date of defense: 2016-11-08)

    The main objective of this thesis work is to assess and map international research concerning gender in science and higher education. To do this, two different studies were designed: first, to examine the development and ...

    Worker exposure to airborne particles in industrial settings: evaluation of exposure assessment and modelling tool 

    Ribalta Carrasco, Carla (Date of defense: 2019-06-26)

    Exposure to particulate matter in work environments has been linked to ischemic heart, cardiovascular and respiratory-related disease risk increase due to inhalation. Increased adverse health effects have been linked to ...

    Working conditions and health: Evidence on inequalities in Spain 

    Solé Juvés, Meritxell (Date of defense: 2014-05-12)

    This thesis is concerned with the relationship between disability and working conditions. In the first two chapters we investigate how past and current working conditions, in conjunction with other socio-demographic ...

    Working memory influences on auditory novelty processing in the human brain 

    San Miguel Insua, Iria (Date of defense: 2008-12-19)

    Novel events in the context generate an involuntary orienting response which may have a different impact on the performance of ongoing tasks depending on the specific situation in which humans are immersed. The five studies ...

    Working-class Culture and Work as portrayed in Texts and Films of Alan Sillitoe´s "Saturday Night and Sunday Morning" and "The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner" 

    Keady, Stephen (Date of defense: 2008-01-18)

    My aim is to recreate from the texts and films the world which is shown, and then examine it in order to demonstrate a number of points. I hope to show that there is such a phenomenon as an English working class, and that ...

    World Heritage, Archaeological Tourism and Social Value in China 

    Gao, Qian (Date of defense: 2016-09-15)

    This doctoral thesis explores the relationship between archaeological tourism, World Heritage and social value in contemporary China. It intends to provide an innovative insight into such connections by scrutinizing the ...

    Writers On Screen: Embodying The "Life-Text" In The Literary Biopic 

    Haiduc, Sonia Amalia (Date of defense: 2021-03-19)

    This thesis examines the sub-genre of the literary biopic and its intersections with literary texts and other film genres through the lens of the melodramatic mode. It explores the dramatization of the ‘life-text’, defined ...

    Writing social reality into the book of the world 

    Darbellay, Aurélien (Date of defense: 2017-09-27)

    This thesis has four chapters which, together, offer a non-exhaustive but still quite extensive account of social reality. In Chapter 1, I defend an analysis of the notion of sociality which has it that to be social is ...

    Writing the In-Between: Transmediterranean Identity Constructions in the Works of Najat El Hachmi and Dalila Kerchouche 

    Joan Rodríguez, Meritxell (Date of defense: 2019-11-29)

    This dissertation aims to put forward a thorough reflection on contemporary processes of identity constructions, both individual and collective, which are criss-crossed by experiences of migration inscribed within the ...

    WT1 in heart and gonad development: a crucial gene for cell plasticity and differentiation 

    Torres Cano, Alejo (Date of defense: 2021-04-30)

    Wt1 is a complex gene that encodes a protein whose best described function is to act as a transcription factor. Wt1 plays a crucial role in several organ developments, including kidneys, liver, heart or gonads. Moreover, ...

    Xantomatosis. Contribución a su estudio mediante métodos clínicos, bioquímicos, cromatográficos y ultraestructurales. 

    Ferrando Barberá, Juan (Date of defense: 1977-11-15)

    DE LA TESIS<br/><br/>Se estudian 28 casos de xantomatosis hiperlipoproteinemicas y normolipémicas mediante métodos clínicos, bioquímicos y cromatografía en capa fina del extracto lipídico de las lesiones cutáneas con ...

    Xarxes socials com a instrument analític de suport a les funcions d’intel•ligència de les organitzacions. Estudi de cas en les direccions d’infermeria 

    González Gálvez, Pilar (Date of defense: 2012-04-12)

    La informació és un recurs fonamental per a poder dur a terme les funcions d’intel•ligència de les organitzacions i la seva gestió i anàlisi constitueixen processos de gran importància estratègica. Davant l’evidència de ...

    Xavier Benguerel i Llobet. Obra novel·lística de la primera etapa (1929-1953) 

    Parera Rodriguez, Caterina (Date of defense: 2016-02-03)

    En un moment marcat per la polèmica sobre la represa del gènere i l'entrada, a Catalunya, de la influència proustiana a les acaballes dels anys vint, les primeres novel•les de Xavier Benguerel porten l'empremta ...

    La xilografia a Catalunya entre 1800 i 1923 

    Fontbona, Francesc, 1948- (Date of defense: 1988-01-01)

    [spa] La presente tesis es un estudio histórico-artístico sobre el grabado en madera en Cataluña a lo largo de todo el siglo XIX y comienzos del XX. Comprende una época inicial en la que perduran las formas del genero ...

    Xiuipajmatilistli tlen nauamej tlen uaxtekapaj tlali ipan mexkotlatokajyotl = Etnobotánica médica de los nauas de la Huasteca, México 

    Hernández Martínez, Victoriano (Date of defense: 2013-12-09)

    Este estudio se realizó en la región naua de la Huasteca (México), que se encuentra en la parte noreste del país y en que confluyen los estados de Veracruz, Hidalgo y San Luís Potosí. El objetivo de esta tesis fue ...

    Y tenía corazón. Trabajo sexual, violencias y resistencias entre carne y piedra en el Raval de Barcelona 

    Motterle, Livia (Date of defense: 2018-12-17)

    Lo que sigue es un viaje hacia el corazón del Raval. La trama de esta etnografía, producto de un trabajo de campo en este mismo barrio entre el 2012 y 2015, es la relación entre cuerpo y calle, en particular entre el cuerpo ...