Desarrollo de un algoritmo de propagación de flujo luminoso para un dispositivo fotométrico móvil con capacidad de discretización angular: aplicación a la generación de mapas de iluminación de alumbrado público


Fernández Dorado, José


Arasa Martí, Josep


Díaz Navas, José Antonio

Date of defense


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B. 18235-2013


281 p.


Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Òptica i Optometria

Doctorate programs



Esta tesis doctoral aborda el desarrollo de un algoritmo de propagación del flujo luminoso que permite a un dispositivo fotométrico realizar las medidas de la distribución de iluminación en grandes áreas, entre las cuales se encuentran las correspondientes a los sistemas de alumbrado público. El dispositivo permite detectar la cantidad y dirección de iluminación en cada punto de medida. El algoritmo, en conjunción con la estrategia de la medida propuesta demuestran a través de los resultados que es posible efectuar las medidas de forma dinámica. La caracterización del dispositivo empleado y los resultados experimentales obtenidos son comentados y analizados. La tesis presentada está avalada por la concesión del proyecto público POLUX financiado por el Ministerio de Ciencia e innovación. Así mismo, la tesis ha desembocado en la publicación y concesión de una patente. Finalmente, parte de los resultados de este trabajo de investigación han sido publicados en congresos de carácter nacional e internacional.

The continuous demand for more energy efficient systems is generating two lines of action in the market, on the one hand, new lighting systems more efficient and secondly, a systematic increase of the market demands concerning procedures for measuring the amount and distribution of light arriving on the surfaces. This thesis aims to deepen the knowledge of measurement algorithms and instrumentation associated with the process of design and manufacture of a new device capable of measuring dynamically photometric lighting in public lighting installations, getting the amount of flow light per unit area and the origin of that making use of the spread of information obtained at each point as to provide, ultimately isolux map provided by public lighting installations. This thesis responds to the development of an algorithm for propagation of light output that can be used by a photometric device in order to analyze the lighting systems found in urban areas, especially in public lighting systems thereby obtaining relevant data on the energy efficiency of facilities and future actions to be taken to minimize energy expenditure. Such photometric device can process through propagation algorithm luminous flux greater amount of information about the illumination provided by public lighting installations. Measures will optimize performing a larger number of records in less time which will result in a better understanding of the lighting conditions. We analyze the regulations governing photometric measurements of public lighting installations, both at European and Spanish statewide. They did a study and analysis of the various equipment and procedures that exist today to measure photometric properties of public lighting facilities and a review of the state of the art found in the scientific and technical publications. We study the radiometric and photometric equations that are necessary for the development of the propagation algorithm lumen. Also discussed in detail all the parameters that are of interest for the development of a plan of experimental measurements. This thesis has been partially funded by the project Pollux mobile photometric device for street lighting, with the financing of the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación through, INNPACTO program IPT-2011-1675-020000, participating entities Polytechnic University of Catalonia, FIBERCOM SL Ilimit COMUNICACIONS, SIMULACIONS optiques SL SL Industrial Association optics, color and image, AIDO and an execution period to 11/31/2013 01/09/2011 The thesis has resulted in the publication of a patent and two conference papers at national and international meetings.


535 - Optics; 68 - Industries, crafts and trades for finished or assembled articles






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