Now showing items 2782-2801 of 5553

    Identification of material properties and phase distribution of heterogeneous materials through data-driven computational methods : towards an enhanced constitutive space 

    Valdés Alonzo, Gabriel Rolando (Date of defense: 2022-06-03)

    Identifying the constitutive relations of materials is an essential task to understand their behavior. Classical methods like testing can be effective in understanding these relationships, but introducing models can lead ...

    Identification, synchronisation and composition of user-generated videos 

    Bano, Sophia (Date of defense: 2016-01-27)

    The increasing availability of smartphones is facilitating people to capture videos of their experience when attending events such as concerts, sports competitions and public rallies. Smartphones are equipped with inertial ...

    Identifying and combating cyber-threats in the field of online banking 

    Aguilà Vilà, Jordi (Date of defense: 2016-02-18)

    This thesis has been carried out in the industrial environment external to the University, as an industrial PhD. The results of this PhD have been tested, validated, and implemented in the production environment of Caixabank ...

    Identifying and diagnosing video streaming performance issues 

    Dimopoulos, Georgios (Date of defense: 2018-11-27)

    On-line video streaming is an ever evolving ecosystem of services and technologies, where content providers are on a constant race to satisfy the users' demand for richer content and higher bitrate streams, updated set of ...

    Identifying and managing hotspots to extreme events : application to NW Mediterranean conditions 

    Sanuy Vázquez, Marc (Date of defense: 2019-11-05)

    The impact of coastal storms is one of the costliest forms of natural disaster, as it affects a particularly valuable fringe both from the socioeconomic and ecologic perspectives. In addition, storm-induced erosion and ...

    IFMIF accelerator facility RAMI analyses in the engineering design phase 

    Bargalló Font, Enric (Date of defense: 2014-05-09)

    The planned International Fusion Materials Irradiation Facility (IFMIF) has the mission to test and qualify materials for future fusion reactors. IFMIF will employ the deuteron-lithium stripping reaction to irradiate the ...

    ¿Iluminación o ventilación? Posibilidades de adaptación de las pautas de diseño de la Red Sarah (Brasil) al clima mediterráneo de Cataluña 

    Fernandes, Eloisa Pizarro (Date of defense: 2014-10-17)

    A través de esta tesis se investiga las soluciones utilizadas por el arquitecto Joao Filgueiras Lima - Lelé en los hospitales de la Red Sarah, situados en ciudades brasileñas. Sus proyectos cumplen con las exigencias ...

    Image and video object segmentation in low supervision scenarios 

    Bellver Bueno, Míriam (Date of defense: 2021-03-26)

    Computer vision plays a key role in Artificial Intelligence because of the rich semantic information contained in pixels and the ubiquity of cameras nowadays. Multimedia content is on a rise since social networks have such ...

    Image Compression based on Perceptual Coding Techniques 

    Casas Pla, Josep Ramon (Date of defense: 1996-03-29)

    En aquesta tesi s'estudien els mètodes de codificació d'imatges i seqüències de vídeo des del punt de vista de la forma en què el sistema visual humà percep i entén la informació visual. La rellevància d'aquest estudi ...

    Image processing and experimental techniques to characterize the hydraulic performance of grate inlets 

    Tellez Alvarez, Jackson David (Date of defense: 2019-05-10)

    This Doctoral Thesis dissertation concerns two main research topic: the analysis of the flow velocity pattern in the nearness of a grate inlet through Surface Flow Image Velocimetry (SFIV) technique and the study of overflow ...

    Image segmentation evaluation and its application to object detection 

    Pont Tuset, Jordi (Date of defense: 2014-02-19)

    The first parts of this Thesis are focused on the study of the supervised evaluation of image segmentation algorithms. Supervised in the sense that the segmentation results are compared to a human-made annotation, known ...

    Imagen y lenguaje arquitectónico: un análisis transdisciplinar del caso Fórum Barcelona 2004 

    Learco Borgatello, Octavio (Date of defense: 2007-12-19)

    La tesis tiene como tema central el estudio de las imágenes arquitectónicas del Fórum Barcelona 2004, es decir, la representación gráfica utilizada para promover dicho evento urbanístico. La investigación se ha centrado ...

    Imaging and discrete modelling of sand shape 

    Rorato, Riccardo (Date of defense: 2019-11-08)

    The shape of particles is known to play an important role in soil behaviour, with significant effects of engineering responses. Investigating how the shape of particles can be measured and quantified is therefore considered ...

    Imaging cytometry technology for environmental and biomedical applications 

    Pérez Rosas, Juan Miguel (Date of defense: 2020-07-28)

    Early detection of microorganisms in environmental and biomedical applications is critical for the effective response to potential pathogenic treats. Most traditional methods and instrumentation for the analysis of these ...

    Les imatges d'un nou paisatge creat per al turisme : la fotografia com a testimoni del paper de l'arquitectura en la transformació del paisatge de la Costa Brava als anys 60 

    Musquera i Felip, Sílvia (Date of defense: 2015-11-03)

    The Costa Brava is not just a place within the territory, nor can it be summed up in an image, or approached through a single aspect. The complexity of its multifaceted landscape, makes it unattainable. A landscape that ...

    Impact assessment of the façades' actual state on the energy performance gap of residential buildings 

    Gaspar i Fàbregas, Kàtia (Date of defense: 2018-06-27)

    Bridging the gap between the predicted and actual energy performance of buildings is necessary to increase the energy performance of existing buildings and achieve the European Union’s energy efficiency targets in the “2030 ...


    Payaró Llisterri, Miquel (Date of defense: 2007-02-14)

    Al llarg d'aquesta última dècada, s'ha produit un creixement constant en la demanda d'elevades taxes de transmissió de dades que han de suportar les aplicacions sobre comunicacions sense fils. Entre les diferents solucions ...

    Impact of imperfections on correlation-based quantum information protocols 

    Passaro, Elsa (Date of defense: 2016-05-30)

    Quantum information science is a rapidly evolving field both from the theoretical and the experimental viewpoint, motivated by the fact that protocols exploiting quantum resources can perform tasks that are unfeasible in ...

    The impact of open spaces in the social life : the case of Jeddah, Saudi Arabia 

    Summan, Maher Mafoz A. (Date of defense: 2019-12-04)

    This study discusses social life in public open spaces within an urban context of Jeddah city, by examining the quality and design of these spaces. Jeddah is a multicultural city, with a high proportion of immigrant ...

    Impact of rail infrastructure charging systems implemented in europe on the competitiveness of high speed services 

    Sánchez Borràs, Marta (Date of defense: 2009-07-21)

    European railways have been immersed since the nineties in a restructuring process aimed at improving the effectiveness, quality and economic efficiency of the provision of railway services, as well as stimulating the ...