Now showing items 4064-4083 of 5563

    L'ofici i l'art en l'obra d'Albert Viaplana : últim quart del segle XX 

    Nacenta Bisquert, Ester (Date of defense: 2015-09-18)

    "Few people outside the profession would recognize Albert Viaplana as the author of some of the major references of contemporary Barcelona, but his trajectory [ ... ] has left a strong mark on the Catalonian city, not only ...

    Oficio y realización espiritual: bases para un replanteamiento del oficio de dibujar 

    Aponte Carrasco, Josep (Date of defense: 1992-05-12)

    (TESEO) El tema principal de esta tesis es la espiritualidad del oficio, o, dicho de otro modo, el oficio como camino de realización. En particular, puesto que se desarrolla dentro del marco de la enseñanza del dibujo, ...

    On algorithmic reductions in task-parallel programming models 

    Ciesko, Jan (Date of defense: 2017-07-24)

    Wide adoption of parallel processing hardware in mainstream computing as well as the interest for efficient parallel programming in developer communities increase the demand for programming models that offer support for ...

    On codes for traceability schemes: constructions and bounds 

    Moreira Sánchez, José (Date of defense: 2013-11-13)

    A traceability or fingerprinting scheme is a cryptographic scheme that facilitates the identification of the source of leaked information. In a fingerprinting setting, a distributor delivers copies of a given content to a ...

    On Collective Computation 

    Delgado Pin, Jordi (Date of defense: 1997-12-05)

    On cross-shore beach profile morphodynamics 

    Fernàndez Mora, Mª Àngels (Date of defense: 2015-12-17)

    The nearshore zone is plenty of 3D morphodynamic patterns resulting from the interaction of waves, currents and sediments. The dynamics of formation and evolution of these patterns is at present a controversial point in ...

    On distributing the analysis process of a broad-coverage unification-based grammar of spanish 

    Marimon Felipe, Montserrat (Date of defense: 2003-03-28)

    This thesis describes research into the development and deployment of engineered large-scale unification-based grammar to provide more robust and efficient deep grammatical analysis of linguistic expressions in real-world ...

    On geometric quantisation of integrable systems with singularities 

    Barbieri Solha, Romero (Date of defense: 2013-10-21)

    This thesis shows an approach to geometric quantisation of integrable systems. It extends some results by Guillemin, Kostant, Rawnsley, Sniatycki and Sternberg in geometric quantisation, considering regular fibrations as ...

    On hybrid positioning using non-semantic image information 

    Angelats Company, Eduard (Date of defense: 2023-10-04)

    (English) Hybrid or multi-sensor-based positioning has been a research topic actively investigated in the last decade. In this context, the possibility of using information extracted from imaging sensors, for positioning, ...

    On iterative methods to solve nonlinear equations 

    Grau Gotés, Ma. Àngela (Maria Àngela) (Date of defense: 2015-01-28)

    Many of the problems in experimental sciences and other disciplines can be expressed in the form of nonlinear equations. The solution of these equations is rarely obtained in closed form. With the development of computers, ...

    On model predictive control for economic and robust operation of generalised flow-based networks 

    Grosso Pérez, Juan Manuel (Date of defense: 2015-03-26)

    This thesis is devoted to design Model Predictive Control (MPC) strategies aiming to enhance the management of constrained generalised flow-based networks, with special attention to the economic optimisation and robust ...

    On multicomponent reactive transports in porous media: from the natural complexity to analitycal solutions 

    Donado Garzón, Leonardo David (Date of defense: 2009-10-05)

    El transporte de solutos no conservativos en medios porosos o fracturados es altamente influenciado por su heterogeneidad. Complejidad adicional se agrega al proceso de transporte, debido a la presencia de diferentes tipos ...

    On Normal Forms and Splitting of Separatrices in Reversible Systems 

    Lázaro Ochoa, José Tomás (Date of defense: 2003-10-23)

    És difícil dibuixar una frontera, dins la Teoria de Sistemas Dinàmics, entre lleis de conservació i simetries doncs, sovint, les seves característiques es confonen. Un clar exemple d'aquest fenómen el constitueixen els ...

    On scalable, reconfigurable, and intelligent metasurfaces 

    Taghvaee, Hamidreza (Date of defense: 2021-07-21)

    Sixth Generation (6G) of wireless networks will be even more heterogeneous and dense as compared to Fifth Generation (5G) and other legacy networks. Thus, the 6G architecture will need to be adapted to serve the ever-evolving ...

    On service optimization in community network micro-clouds 

    Apolonia, Nuno (Date of defense: 2018-09-21)

    Internet coverage in the world is still weak and local communities are required to come together and build their own network infrastructures. People collaborate for the common goal of accessing the Internet and cloud ...

    On some interactive mesh deformations 

    Cerveró Abelló, M. Àngels (Maria Àngels) (Date of defense: 2016-01-29)

    Techniques devoted to deform 3D models are an important research field in Computer Graphics. They can be used in differentstages: the modelling phase, the animation process and also during some special simulations. ...

    On some spectral and combinatorial properties of distance-regular graphs and their generalizations 

    Diego, Víctor (Date of defense: 2017-11-24)

    In this work we present the study we did in Graph Theory. In the firsts chapteres of the tesis we study the pieces of information that can be obtained from a graph: the spectrum of the adjacency matrix, the preintersection ...

    On també vivim: cap a una redefinició de l'habitabilitat des de la diversitat 

    Arcas Abella, Joaquim (Date of defense: 2013-06-18)

    The ecological -and yet social- imperative of the reduction of environmental impact represents a challenge for todays society and for the industrial lifestyle. This challenge can only be faced through the activation of ...

    On the automatic detection of otolith features for fish species identification and their age estimation 

    Sória Pérez, José A. (José Antonio) (Date of defense: 2013-01-21)

    This thesis deals with the automatic detection of features in signals, either extracted from photographs or captured by means of electronic sensors, and its possible application in the detection of morphological structures ...

    On the changes in dynamic behavior produced by the hydraulic turbine runner damage 

    Zhang, Ming (Date of defense: 2019-07-17)

    Hydropower plays a very important role in the world electricity generation nowadays. Hydropower is one type of renewable energy and is the only renewable energy source that can provide a wide range of power regulation with ...