Hydro-mechanical analysis of expansive clays : constitutive and numerical modelling. 

    Ruiz Restrepo, Daniel Felipe (Fecha de defensa: 2020-06-12)

    Bentonite-based materials are being currently considered in several countries as a backfill component in the multi-barrier concept for deep geological disposal of radioactive waste. The bentonite barrier fulfils several ...

    Hydro-mechanical behaviour of compacted binary mixtures : an experimental study 

    Mirsalehi, Sajjad (Fecha de defensa: 2018-04-30)

    This research focusses on an experimental investigation on the hydro-mechanical behaviour of binary ‘all-one’ mixtures. These mixtures –originated from the excavation of selected materials during earthwork constructions– ...

    Hydro-mechanical behaviour of pellet/powder mixture of bentonite and impact of gas migration 

    Mesa Alcantara, Arisleidy (Fecha de defensa: 2021-07-02)

    The hydro-mechanical behaviour of MX80 bentonite pellet-based mixture (80% high-density pellets in dry mass and crushed granular powder) has been explored in this thesis within the context of the French ‘Vertical Sealing ...

    Hydrodynamic characterisation of aquaculture tanks and design criteria for improving self-cleaning properties 

    Masaló Llorà, Ingrid (Fecha de defensa: 2008-09-10)

    El propòsit del treball es caracteritzar hidrodinàmicament els tancs més utilitzats en el sector aqüícola, i donar pautes de disseny per millorar-ne l'autoneteja, i optimitzar l'eficiència d'utilització tant de l'espai com ...

    Hydrodynamic models of accretion onto rotating compact stars 

    Martín Rodríguez, José David (Fecha de defensa: 2023-07-07)

    (English) Hydrodynamic models are essential for our understanding of the physics of stellar explosions, and specifically, for their potential contribution to the Galactic chemical abundances. In this Work, a one-dimensional ...

    Hydrodynamic response of a shallow and microtidal estuary : Alfacs Bay. From high to low frequency processes 

    Cerralbo Peñarroya, Pablo (Fecha de defensa: 2015-07-24)

    Using both observations and modelling tools, it is investigated the main hydrodynamic response mechanisms of a microtidal and shallow bay in the Mediterranean Sea: Alfacs Bay. Main objectives are considered using differenttim ...

    Hydrodynamics and geochemistry at multiple scales : characterizing preferential flow-paths and wormholes in evaporitic sediments 

    Trabucchi, Michela (Fecha de defensa: 2021-05-11)

    The characterization of evaporitic aquifers for a better understanding of hydrodynamics and geochemical processes is of great importance, especially in environments where both the sustainability of unique ecosystems and ...

    Hydrogen production from bioethanol using cobalt hydrotalcites 

    Espinal Bustos, Raúl Uziel (Fecha de defensa: 2013-12-20)

    Hydrogen constitutes a promising alternative to manage our energy supply more efficiently. Hydrogen can be stored and used in fuel cells to produce electricity, where it combines with the oxygen present in the air and ...

    A hydrogeological approach in urban underground infrastructures 

    Serrano Juan, Alejandro (Fecha de defensa: 2016-07-22)

    The competition for space in urban areas due to an exponential growth of population makes derground engineering plays a crucial role in the development of cities. Urban underground infrastructures deal with variables such ...

    Hydrogeology of salt flats : the Salar de Atacama example 

    Marazuela Calvo, Miguel Ángel (Fecha de defensa: 2020-07-03)

    This thesis aims to advance the knowledge of the hydrogeological functioning of salt flats in order to achieve a sustainable management of their mineral resources and ecosystems. Salt flats are a major source of Li, B, I, ...

    Hydroxyapatite-based materials for smart antitumor drug delivery systems, endocytic pathways and endosomal trafficking : polymers and biopolymers 

    Rivas Cañas, Manolo (Fecha de defensa: 2019-10-28)

    Development of new drug molecule is expensive and time consuming. Improving safety efficacy ratio of “old” drugs has been attempted using different methods such as individualizing drug therapy, dose titration, and therapeutic ...

    Hyperspectral image representation and processing with binary partition trees 

    Valero Valbuena, Silvia (Fecha de defensa: 2012-12-09)

    The optimal exploitation of the information provided by hyperspectral images requires the development of advanced image processing tools. Therefore, under the title Hyperspectral image representation and Processing with ...

    Hyperspectral imaging system for the fast recording of the ocular fundus 

    Alterini, Tommaso (Fecha de defensa: 2021-06-25)

    Vision loss affects physical, psychological, and emotional wellbeing and social life as well. High life expectancy and health policies are translated into an aging population worldwide, which has higher risk of eye’s ...

    ICADA. Base para un índice de calidad acústica global de la arquitectura interior: aplicación a los espacios comerciales urbanos. 

    D'Aula, Enrica (Fecha de defensa: 2012-02-20)

    El presente trabajo de investigación se centra en la evaluación global de la calidad acústica de los espacios interiores públicos “no acústicos” mediante un índice numérico. En la sociedad contemporánea asistimos a menudo ...

    Ideas clave y evolución en la ordenación territorial contemporánea. Evolución de los paradigmas disciplinares en base a los planes regionales de Nueva York (1929), Londres (1944), Copenhague (1947), París (1965), Barcelona (1966 y 2010), Holanda (2004), Bolonia (2004) y Marsella (2012) 

    Español Fernández, Esteban (Fecha de defensa: 2014-06-11)

    Large cities and urban regions need to be addressed, given their size, in a different scale, from a global and regional approach. This overall look, which creates real "city projects", is the topic chosen as the subject ...

    Identifiability and calibration of water network models 

    Pérez Magrané, Ramon (Fecha de defensa: 2003-07-21)

    El control i supervisió de processos es basa generalment en la utilització de models. Models que han de ser tan acurats com sigui possible. Processos complexes com les xarxes de distribució d'aigua no escapen d'aquesta ...

    Identificación de mejores prácticas en seguridad en los puertos de interés general de Cataluña: propuesta de mejoras para la optimización de la respuesta a la activación de un plan de autoprotección 

    Pérez Madariaga, Luis (Fecha de defensa: 2017-09-12)

    Ports serve as a point of entry, exit and storage for wide variety of goods. In order to ensure safety, these activities are subject to strict national and international laws that stipulate the standard safety and operational ...

    Identificación de parámetros en geotecnia aplicación a la excavación de túneles 

    Ledesma Villalba, Alberto (Fecha de defensa: 1987-04-06)

    En esta tesis se desarrolla una metodología general para la identificación de parámetros en problemas geotécnicos. <br/><br/>Dado un problema especifico se supone fijado un modelo (determinista) y se consideran conocidos ...

    Identificación de patrones de innovación estratégica a través de nuevos modelos de negocio en una economía en desarrollo : casos de Business Innovation en Perú con impacto global 

    Quiroga Persivale, Guillermo Tomás (Fecha de defensa: 2016-07-04)

    This thesis addresses new business models that allow firms in emerging economies to be globally competitive through strategic innovations. lt also seeks far the strategic nucleus of these firms in these economies to reflect ...

    Identification and control of diffusive systems applied to charge trapping and thermal space sensors 

    Atienza García, María Terersa (Fecha de defensa: 2018-02-13)

    The work underlying this Thesis, has contributed to the main study and characterization of diffusive systems. The research work has been focused on the analysis of two kind of systems. On the one hand, the dynamics of ...