Integration Techniques of Fault Detection and Isolation Using Interval Observers 

    Meseguer Amela, Jordi (Fecha de defensa: 2009-06-30)

    An interval observer has been illustrated to be a suitable approach to detect and isolate faults affecting complex dynamical industrial systems. Concerning fault detection, interval observation is an appropriate passive ...

    Integro-differential equations : regularity theory and Pohozaev identities 

    Ros, Xavier (Fecha de defensa: 2014-06-19)

    The main topic of the thesis is the study of Elliptic PDEs. It is divided into three parts: (I) integro-differential equations, (II) stable solutions to reaction-diffusion problems, and (III) weighted isoperimetric and ...

    Inteligencia competitiva para la innovación en PYMEs : identificación de factores clave 

    Gallardo Rodríguez, Javier (Fecha de defensa: 2015-12-04)

    The study focuses on SMEs in the industrial sector in Catalonia, with the aim of identifying competitive intelligence systems suitable for SMEs, the areas with the greatest potential impact with the implementation of a ...

    Intelligent condition monitoring of structures through data-driven process and machine learning methods 

    Leon Medina, Jersson Xavier (Fecha de defensa: 2023-10-06)

    (English) In the last years, the condition monitoring of structures has evolved and improved using technologies such as artificial intelligence, sensor networks, and industry 4.0 because of the multiple advantages these ...

    Intelligent instrumentation techniques to improve the traces information-volume ratio 

    Llort Sánchez, Germán M. (Fecha de defensa: 2015-11-03)

    With ever more powerful machines being constantly deployed, it is crucial to manage the computational resources efficiently. This is important both from the point of view of the individual user, who expects fast results; ...

    Intelligent secondary control for energy management in a micro-grid by using multi-agent system 

    Selseleh Jonban, Mansour (Fecha de defensa: 2023-06-09)

    (English) Nowadays, distributed energy resources are widely used to supply demand in micro grids especially in green buildings. These resources are usually connected by using power electronic converters, which act as ...

    Interacciones microorganismo-hormigón: métodos de evaluación y posibles soluciones 

    Vaquero Martínez, José M. (Fecha de defensa: 2013-02-22)

    La interacción microorganismo–hormigón es un proceso que, debido a la naturaleza porosa del hormigón, lo hace susceptible de ser colonizado por los microorganismos presentes en prácticamente todos los hábitats. Esta ...

    Interacció Paramètrica no Lineal en Materials amb Nano-Estructuració Ordenada 

    Maymó Camós, Marc (Fecha de defensa: 2007-11-29)

    Les interaccions no lineals de segon ordre són, probablement, uns dels processos de l'òptica no lineal més utilitzats i rellevants en quant a les seves aplicacions. Aquestes interaccions només són eficients en materials ...

    Interacción en sistemas biológicos mediante nuevos índices basados en la dinámica no lineal 

    Alonso López, Joan Francesc (Fecha de defensa: 2011-09-29)

    Most biological systems are complex and consist of several interconnected parts whose links can contain additional information which can be hidden from the observer. As a result of the interactions between elements, emergent ...

    Interaction between groundwater and TBM (Tunnel Boring Machine) excavated tunnels 

    Font Capó, Jordi (Fecha de defensa: 2012-09-26)

    A number of problems, e.g. sudden inflows are encountered during tunneling under the piezometric level, especially when the excavation crosses high transmissivity areas. These inflows may drag materials when the tunnel ...

    Interaction between groundwater and underground constructions 

    Pujades Garnes, Estanislao (Fecha de defensa: 2013-11-27)

    Underground constructions below the water table may be problematic if the role of groundwater is not properly acknowledged. Difficulties worsen in urban environments. Two aspects should be taken into account in the interaction ...

    Interaction of spiral waves in the general complex Ginzburg-Landau equation 

    Aguareles Carrero, Maria (Fecha de defensa: 2007-07-23)

    Molts sistemes físics tenen la propietat que la seva dinàmica ve definida per algun tipus de difussió espaial en competició amb un fenòmen de reacció, com per exemple en el cas de dos components químics que reaccionen al ...

    Interaction-based nonlinear quantum metrology with a cold atomic ensemble 

    Napolitano, Mario (Fecha de defensa: 2014-02-07)

    In this manuscript we present an experimental and theoretical investigation of quantum-noise-limited measurement by nonlinear interferometry, or from another perspective, quantum-noise-limited interaction-based measurement. ...

    Interactions between titanium surfaces and biological components 

    Pegueroles Neyra, Marta (Fecha de defensa: 2009-09-16)

    El conocimiento de las interacciones entre célula/proteína/biomaterial es fundamental para la ingeniería de superficies debido a las numerosas aplicaciones biomédicas y biotecnológicas que se están desarrollando así como ...

    Interactive effects of vertical mixing, solar radiation and microbial activity on oceanic dimethylated sulfur cycling 

    Galí Tàpias, Martí (Fecha de defensa: 2012-12-18)

    The production and subsequent emission of volatile compounds is one of the numerous ways by which microbial plankton participate in the cycling of elements and influence the Earth's climate. Dimethylsulfide (DMS), produced ...

    Interactive inspection of segmented volume data 

    Surinyac i Albareda, Jordi (Fecha de defensa: 2016-02-05)

    Present systems for the acquisition of medical images are providing better and better resolution images which end up in bigger amounts of data, even in scenarios with learning or training purposes. Interactive inspection ...

    Intercalation mechanism of polycarboxylate-based superplasticizers into montmorillonite clays 

    Borralleras Mas, Pere (Fecha de defensa: 2019-11-15)

    The presence of clays in the sands used for concrete production interferes with the development of the fluidity of concrete, producing an instantaneous slump loss just after batching and the premature loss of fluidity. ...

    Interconnection of IP/MPLS Networks Through ATM and Optical Backbones using PNNI Protocols 

    Sánchez López, Sergio (Fecha de defensa: 2003-10-07)

    Las redes de transporte se mueven hacia un modelo de redes formadas por routers IP/MPLS (Internet Protocol/Multiprotocol Laebel Switching) de altas prestaciones interconectadas a través redes troncales inteligentes. ...

    Interdigitated back contacts solar cell based on thin crystalline silicon substrates 

    Jin, Chen (Fecha de defensa: 2018-10-31)

    This thesis contributes to the fabrication technology of c-Si solar cells on thin substrates based on Interdigitated Back-Contacted (IBC) structures. The potential of this structure to obtain high efficiencies is well-known. ...

    Interdigitated back-contacted(IBC) c-Si solar cells based on laser processed dielectric layers 

    López Rodríguez, Gema (Fecha de defensa: 2016-12-05)

    The goal of this thesis is the fabrication of high-efficiency interdigitated back-contact (IBC) c-Si solar cell at low temperature and low-cost manufacturing technology. This thesis proposes a new concept and at the same ...