Now showing items 3762-3781 of 5566

    Módelo para el análisis del comportamiento de los estudiantes durante actividades colaborativas a través de internet 

    Guerra Torrealba, Laura (Date of defense: 2012-11-23)

    As participants in today¿s society, where the most important resorce is knowledge, the researcher bent on making virtual experiences that contribute to the training of both students and teachers in knowledge management as ...

    MPI layer techniques to improve network energy efficiency 

    Dickov, Branimir (Date of defense: 2015-12-10)

    Interconnection networks represent the backbone of large-scale parallel systems. In order to build ultra-scale supercomputers larger interconnection networks are being designed and deployed. As compute nodes become more ...

    The MPI/OmpSs parallel programming model 

    Marjanović, Vladimir (Date of defense: 2016-01-21)

    Even today supercomputing systems have already reached millions of cores for a single machine, which are connected by using a complex network interconnection. Reducing communication time across processes becomes the most ...

    MPM modelling of landslides in brittle and unsaturated soils 

    Yerro Colom, Alba (Date of defense: 2015-11-10)

    Landslides and slope instabilities represent one of the most important problems in geotechnics causing significant damages around the world every year. Understanding the mechanics of the whole process is of particular ...

    Mstack: a communications stack for mobile ad-hoc networks 

    Fusté Vilella, David (Date of defense: 2011-10-21)

    Les xarxes mòbils ad-hoc, també conegues com a MANETs, han estat des de fa ja molt temps objectiu d'estudi per part de la comunitat científica. No obstant això, la seva importància dins el món de la indústria és encara ...

    Multi Look-Up Table Digital Predistortion for RF Power Amplifier Linearization 

    Gilabert Pinal, Pere Lluís (Date of defense: 2008-02-12)

    Aquesta Tesi Doctoral se centra en el disseny d'un nou linealitzador de Predistorsió Digital (Digital Predistortion - DPD) capaç de compensar la dinàmica i els efectes no lineals introduïts pels Amplificadors de Potència ...

    Multi-agent graph learning-based optimization and its applications to computer networks 

    Bernárdez Gil, Guillermo (Date of defense: 2024-03-15)

    (English) In the wake of a digital revolution, contemporary society finds itself entrenched in an era where network applications' demands surpass the capabilities of conventional network management solutions. This dissertation ...

    Multi-antenna multi-frequency microwave imaging systems for biomedical applications 

    Guardiola Garcia, Marta (Date of defense: 2013-10-31)

    Medical imaging refers to several different technologies that are used to view the human body in order to diagnose, monitor, or treat medical conditions. Each type of technology gives different information about the area ...

    Multi-constraint scheduling of MapReduce workloads 

    Polo, Jordà (Date of defense: 2014-07-15)

    In recent years there has been an extraordinary growth of large-scale data processing and related technologies in both, industry and academic communities. This trend is mostly driven by the need to explore the increasingly ...

    Multi-criteria and participatory approach to socio-economic, environmental and institutional indicators for sustainable water use and management at river basin level 

    Pires Carneiro, Alex (Date of defense: 2015-07-21)

    Water is a limited resource essential for life. Human activities have been exercising considerable pressures on it. The unsustainable use and the need to improve the management of water are among the largest global concerns ...

    Multi-dimensional simulations of mixing in classical novae 

    Casanova Bustamante, Jordi (Date of defense: 2011-11-03)

    Classical nova explosions are stellar explosions that take place in close binary systems with an energy release only exceeded by gamma-ray bursts and supernova explosions. Matter from the white dwarf flows through the inner ...

    Multi-junction thin film solar cells for an optimal light harvesting 

    Mantilla Pérez, Paola (Date of defense: 2017-04-24)

    Thin film photovoltaics encompass a group of technologies able to harvest light within a few microns thickness. The reduced thickness allows a low cost of manufacture while making the films flexible and adaptable to ...

    Multi-layer model predictive control of complex water systems 

    Sun, Congcong (Date of defense: 2015-11-17)

    This thesis is devoted to design a multi-layer MPC controller applied to the complex water network taking into account that the different layers with different time scales and control objectives have their own controller. ...

    Multi-level-objective design optimization of permanent magnet synchronous wind generator and solar photovoltaic system for an urban environment application 

    Asef, Pedram (Date of defense: 2019-01-31)

    This Ph.D. thesis illustrates a novel study on the analytical and numerical design optimization of radial-flux permanent magnet synchronous wind generators (PMSGs) for small power generation in an urban area, in which an ...

    Multi-manned assembly line balancing problem con tiempos de proceso dependientes (MALBP-DTT) 

    Andreu Casas, Enric (Date of defense: 2023-12-15)

    (English) The proposed PhD thesis consists in solving the Multi-manned Assembly Line Balancing Problem (MALBP). This type of assembly lines is common in the manufacture of large products, such as automobiles, in which ...

    Multi-objective optimization in graphical models 

    Rollón, Emma (Date of defense: 2008-11-03)

    Many real-life optimization problems are combinatorial, i.e. they concern a choice of the best solution from a finite but exponentially large set of alternatives. Besides, the solution quality of many of these problems ...

    Multi-objective optimization of an energy hub using artificial intelligence 

    Kampouropoulos, Konstantinos (Date of defense: 2018-04-20)

    The present dissertation is focused on the energy optimization of systems which contain multiple energy carriers. The objective of the research is the development of a methodology and the corresponding software tools, which ...

    Multi-port container traffic analysis using Data Science tools: an application to Yangtze River Delta (China) 

    Huang, Dong (Date of defense: 2023-12-19)

    (English) As a crucial node of maritime transportation, seaports carry more than 90% of global trade. Considering the complexity of a port system, even slight improvement at strategical and operational decision levels will ...

    Multi-risk assessment and users' perception: a futher step towards ecosystem-based beach management 

    Lozoya Azcárate, Juan Pablo (Date of defense: 2012-10-29)

    This thesis deals with the need to move towards a holistic, truly integrated and ecosystem-based beach management that allows a sustainable use of these systems within the socio-ecological paradigm. However, the scarcity ...

    Multi-robot cooperative platform : a task-oriented teleoperation paradigm 

    Hernansanz Prats, Albert (Date of defense: 2016-04-14)

    This thesis proposes the study and development of a teleoperation system based on multi-robot cooperation under the task oriented teleoperation paradigm: Multi-Robot Cooperative Paradigm, MRCP. In standard teleoperation, ...