Now showing items 4093-4112 of 5566

    On the design and implementation of flexible software platforms to facilitate the development of advanced graphics applications 

    Fairen Gonzalez, Marta (Date of defense: 2000-11-23)

    This thesis presents the design and implementation of a software development platform (ATLAS) which offers some tools and methods to greatly simplify the construction of fairly sophisticated applications. It allows thus ...

    On the design of high-efficiency RF Doherty power amplifiers 

    Yahyavi, Mehran (Date of defense: 2016-03-18)

    Power amplifiers (PAs) are one of the most crucial elements in wireless standards becasue they are the most power hungry subsystems. These elements have to face an important issue, which is the power efficiency, a fact ...

    On the design of microwave radiometers with digital beamforming and polarization synthesis for earth observation. 

    Bosch Lluis, Xavier (Date of defense: 2011-03-30)

    Actualment, la comunitat científica ja disposa de les primeres mesures radiomètriques a banda L, polarimètriques i multi-angulars fetes de l’espai. Això és gràcies al recent llançament de la missió de la Eurepean Space ...

    On the design of power- and energy-efficient functional units for vector processors 

    Ratković, Ivan (Date of defense: 2016-12-14)

    Vector processors are a very promising solution for mobile devices and servers due to their inherently energy-efficient way of exploiting datalevel parallelism. While vector processors succeeded in the high performance ...

    On the detection of ionospheric waves, relationship with earthquakes and tsunamis 

    Yang, Heng, 1985- (Date of defense: 2019-06-11)

    The research of this thesis addresses the detection and characterization of ionospheric waves and its application to traveling ionospheric disturbances (TIDs) induced by the natural events, such as earthquakes and tsunamis. ...

    On the development of direct numerical simulations for falling films 

    Valle Marchante, Nicolás (Date of defense: 2021-01-07)

    Multiphase flows present a rich variety of physical instabilities, which may turn into a set of interesting techonological features. In the particular case of vertical fallings films, these features provide with short ...

    On the evaluation of mixing in heterogeneous porous media: from laboratory characterization to the design of engineered chaotic flows for practical application 

    Bertran Oller, Oriol (Date of defense: 2023-07-11)

    (English) Groundwater is now under high stress levels and its quality and quantity arise as one of the most interesting and necessary topics our community should address. This doctoral thesis is focused on the quality of ...

    On the fault diagnosis of dynamic systems using set-based approaches 

    Pourasghar-Lafmejani, Masoud (Date of defense: 2019-04-12)

    Model-based Fault Detection and Isolation (FDI) is a major theoretical topic that is becoming increasingly to one of the most significant key features to increase safety and reliability of complex automatic control systems. ...

    On the fractional Yamabe problem with isolated singularities and related issues 

    Torre Pedraza, Azahara de la (Date of defense: 2016-12-19)

    My research is based on non-local elliptic semilinear equations in conformal geometry. The fractional curvature is defined from the conformal fractional Laplacian and it is a non-local version of some of the classical local ...

    On the fracture behavior of ductile polymer films : notch quality, essential work of fracture, J-integral, and crack tip opening displacement 

    León Albiter, Noel (Date of defense: 2018-04-13)

    Polymers have a wide range of applications. Their ability to be shaped into multiple forms makes it possible to obtain polymer films, which are highly used in industries such as food and pharmaceuticals. Characterization ...

    On the growth of nearshore sand bars as instability processes of equilibrium beach states 

    Ribas Prats, Francesca (Date of defense: 2004-01-15)

    La zona de rompents de les platges està governada er una gran quantitat de processos complexes altament no lineals i a diverses escales de longitud i de temps. Tot i això, algunes vegades s'hi poden trobar estructures ...

    On the intelligent management of sepsis in the intensive care unit 

    Ribas Ripoll, Vicent Jordi (Date of defense: 2013-01-29)

    The management of the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) in a hospital has its own, very specific requirements that involve, amongst others, issues of risk-adjusted mortality and average length of stay; nurse turnover and communication ...

    On the limits of probabilistic timing analysis 

    Milutinovic, Suzana (Date of defense: 2019-12-18)

    Over the last years, we are witnessing the steady and rapid growth of Critica! Real-Time Embedded Systems (CRTES) industries, such as automotive and aerospace. Many of the increasingly-complex CRTES' functionalities that ...

    On the measurement of fracture toughness to understand the cracking resistance of advanced high strength steel sheets 

    Frómeta Gutiérrez, David (Date of defense: 2021-01-28)

    Automotive designers are constantly facing new challenges to meet the more and more stringent safety and CO2 emission legislations. Concerning the latter, vehicle lightweighting has become one of the main goals of the ...

    On the mechanics of strain localization in plasticity : isotropic and orthotropic, cohesive and frictional, associated and non-associated models 

    Kim, Sungchul (Date of defense: 2021-07-21)

    In this thesis, two main topics have been covered: the mechanics of strain localization in plasticity and the performance of several mixed finite elements subjected to plastic strain localization. Throughout the thesis, ...

    On the numerical simulation of compressible flows 

    Pedro Costa, Juan Bautista (Date of defense: 2019-05-23)

    In this thesis, numerical tools to simulate compressible flows in a wide range of situations are presented. It is intended to represent a step forward in the scientific research of the numerical simulation of compressible ...

    On the prediction of induced structural damage in hydraulic turbines in off-design conditions 

    Roig Bauzà, Rafel (Date of defense: 2024-01-15)

    (English) The introduction of the intermittent and unpredictable solar and wind power into the electrical grid is pushing hydraulic turbines to work for longer periods of time in off-design conditions. Under these ...

    On the programmability of heterogeneous massively-parallel computing systems 

    Gelado Fernández, Isaac (Date of defense: 2010-07-02)

    Heterogeneous parallel computing combines general purpose processors with accelerators to efficiently execute both sequential control-intensive and data-parallel phases of applications. Existing programming models for ...

    On the programmability of multi-GPU computing systems 

    Cabezas Rodríguez, Javier (Date of defense: 2015-06-29)

    Multi-GPU systems are widely used in High Performance Computing environments to accelerate scientific computations. This trend is expected to continue as integrated GPUs will be introduced to processors used in multi-socket ...

    On the quasiperiodic hamiltonian andronov-hopf bifurcation 

    Pacha Andújar, Juan Ramón (Date of defense: 2002-10-21)

    Aquest treball es situa dintre del marc dels sistemes dinàmics hamiltonians de tres graus de llibertat. Allà considerem famílies d'òrbites periòdiques amb una transició estable-complex inestable: sigui L el paràmetre que ...