Now showing items 4621-4640 of 5539

    Resource theories of quantum dynamics 

    Hsieh, Chung Yun (Date of defense: 2022-10-10)

    (English) As one of our most successful theories, quantum theory has greatly strengthened our understanding of nature and significantly advanced technologies. Specifically, quantum effects provide advantages in a broad ...

    Resource, data and application management for cloud federations and multi-clouds 

    Xhagjika, Vamis (Date of defense: 2017-05-29)

    Distributed Real-Time Media Processing refers to classes of highly distributed, delay no-tolerant applications that account for the majority of the data traffic generated in the world today. Real-Time audio/video conferencing ...

    Responsible innovation at the firm-level : tracing in car industry 

    Zahinos Ruiz, Abel (Date of defense: 2016-01-18)

    Innovation is an essential activity for the competitiveness of firms. It has also contributed positively to increasing the living standards of millions of people. However, it is widely recognized that innovation co-produces ...

    Respuesta extrínseca y comportamiento no lineal en materiales cerámicos piezoeléctricos 

    Ochoa Guerrero, Diego Alejandro (Date of defense: 2009-02-19)

    The study of the elastic, dielectric and piezoelectric non-linear behavior in PZT-based and KNN-based piezoelectric ceramics represent the main goal of this work. Both systems present a perovskite-like structure. Several ...

    Respuesta mecánica bajo solicitaciones de contacto esférico en aceros recubiertos 

    Ramírez Sandoval, Giselle (Date of defense: 2012-07-25)

    In recent years hard coatings have acquired a significant importance in the microstructural and micromechanical design of forming tools. Among the wide range of surface modification techniques, physical and chemical vapour ...

    Respuestas térmicas dinámicas en edificios: control térmico a través de la climatización natural. 

    Marincic, Irene (Date of defense: 1999-10-15)

    Las estrategias de ahorro de energía en edificios, posibilitan la disminución de los costos de operación y/o mantenimiento de los mismos a lo largo de su vida útil. Sin embargo, el confort térmico de los usuarios se ve en ...

    Retinoic acid signaling pathway : gene regulation during the onset of puberty in the European sea bass. 

    Medina Henríquez, Paula Javiera (Date of defense: 2019-07-08)

    European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) aquaculture is a thriving industry in Spain where it reached about 23,500 t and a market value of approximately 133 million euros. However, most of the sea bass farms produce a high ...

    Retícules i diagonals: el Pla Jaussely de Barcelona de 1907 i el Pla Burnham de Chicago de 1909 

    Fiol Costa, Carme (Date of defense: 2007-07-19)

    El Pla Jaussely de Barcelona de 1907 i el Pla Burnham de Chicago de 1909 són propostes anàlogues amb llenguatge beaux-arts que tenen com a objectiu l'organització formal i funcional de la ciutat en el trànsit cap a la ...

    Retorno, financiamiento y deserción, factores clave de la educacción superior. Lecciones para la política públlica : el caso de Chile 

    Améstica Rivas, Luis Rodolfo (Date of defense: 2015-04-15)

    La Educación Superior constituye un imperativo estratégico para los países, impactando a la sociedad como un todo, siendo la formación de capital humano avanzado uno de los factores que permite un mayor bienestar de las ...

    Retroflections in the tropical Atlantic Ocean 

    Vallès Casanova, Ignasi (Date of defense: 2021-10-19)

    The upper ocean circulation is the area of confluence of two major vertical cells: the large-scale overturning Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) and the regional relatively shallow Subtropical Cells (STCs). ...

    Return of the marine heterotrophic flagellates: diversity, distribution and gene expression patterns 

    Obiol Plana, Aleix (Date of defense: 2023-01-27)

    (English) Marine heterotrophic flagellates (HF) are very small (2-5 µm) unpigmented protists that are dominant bacterial grazers in the ocean, where they link the transfer of carbon from bacterial cells to higher trophic ...

    Reusing cached schedules in an out-of-order processor with in-order issue logic 

    Palomar Pérez, Óscar (Date of defense: 2011-05-09)

    Modern processors use out-of-order processing logic to achieve high performance in Instructions Per Cycle (IPC) but this logic has a serious impact on the achievable frequency. In order to get better performance out of ...

    Revestimientos a base de sílica e ácido fosfônico para proteção anticorrosiva da liga de alumínio AA2024-T3 

    Dalmoro, Viviane (Date of defense: 2013-11-04)

    The aluminum alloy AA2024-T3, u sed extensively in the aerospace industry, dueto the heterogeneous microstructures intentionally designed to optím ize the m echanical properties, is very susceptible to localízed corros ...

    Revolutionizing space mission event modeling with the Tychonis framework 

    Llopis, Marcel (Date of defense: 2023-12-14)

    (English) This thesis presents the Tychonis framework, a solution to the limitations faced by existing software packages used in space missions to identify geometric events. The framework is designed to integrate with ...

    Réplica de negocios en contextos de pobreza: identificiación de modelos idóneos a partir de la evaluación de fuentes de creación de valor superior y mecanismos de transferencia 

    Mutis, Juliana (Date of defense: 2013-03-18)

    La tesis doctoral que se desarrolla a continuación se centra en la réplica de negocio que, en contextos de pobreza, crean valor para la sociedad (en términos de reducción de pobreza) y la empresa. La incorporación de las ...

    RFID multiantenna systems for wireless communications and sensing 

    Capdevila Cascante, Santiago (Date of defense: 2013-02-15)

    Many scientific, industrial and medical applications require the measurement of different physical parameters in order to collect information about the spatially distributed status of some process. Very often this information ...

    Rheological models for tissue relaxation and fluidisation 

    Asadipour, Nina (Date of defense: 2016-03-04)

    We present a cell-centred model for the simulation of multicellular soft tissues that takes into account the underlying active process at the cytoskeletal level, and allows for active and passive cell-cell reorganisation ...

    Ridolfi a Terni, 1944-1964. La Palazzina com a síntesi entre forma urbana i tipologia domèstica 

    Solanellas Terés, Àngel (Date of defense: 2021-11-09)

    Roman architect Mario Ridolfi (1904-1984) made a substantial contribution to the transformation of European cities and to collective housing after the Second World War. For a period of twenty years, he used the city of ...

    Riego y fertilización nitrogenada en maíz (zea mays l.): efecto sobre el rendimiento del cultivo y la contaminación subterránea por nitratos 

    Poch Massegú, Ricard (Date of defense: 2012-03-30)

    Intensive farming often leads environmental consequences. This is the case of the study area of this thesis: the Empordà, a region with a variety of intensive crops (fruits, cereals, forage,...) and manifest problems of ...

    Riesgo sísmico de edificaciones en términos de pérdidas económicas mediante integración de costos de reparación de componentes 

    Yamin Lacouture, Luis Eduardo (Date of defense: 2016-01-28)

    The probabilistic seismic risk assessment in terms of economic losses for building portfolios aims at the estimation of the probability distribution functions of losses. This can be done for a specific seismic event ...