Now showing items 5483-5502 of 5567

    Variables definitorias de las glorietas y su incorporación a las especialidades científicas 

    Xiqués Triquell, Jordi (Date of defense: 2016-04-04)

    This research aims to enumerate, classify and validate the variables defining a roundabout in terms of geometric, dynamic, road-safety and accident prevention. In the first instance an initial list of variables has been ...

    Variaciones sobre la regularidad: el proyecto de el Vedado en la formación de la Habana metropolitana 

    Crosas Armengol, Carles (Date of defense: 2009-11-12)

    La tesis resalta los valores de El Vedado de La Habana: particular retícula del siglo XIX para una singular ciudad jardín extensa, gradualmente transformada y progresivamente central. Las variaciones que enriquecen su ...

    Variants of unification considering compression and context variables 

    Gascón Caro, Adrià (Date of defense: 2014-05-30)

    Term unification is a basic operation in several areas of computer science, specially in those related to logic. Generally speaking, it consists on solving equations over expressions called terms. Depending on the kind of ...

    Variational mechanics and stochastic methods applied to structural design 

    Andujar Moreno, Rabindranath (Date of defense: 2015-02-03)

    This thesis explores a very well understood area of physics: computational structural dynamics. The aim is to stretch its boundaries by merging it with another very well established discipline such as structural design and ...

    Variational multiscale stabilization and local preconditioning for compressible flow 

    Moragues Ginard, Margarida (Date of defense: 2016-01-22)

    This thesis is about the stabilization of the numerical solution of the Euler and Navier- Stokes equations of compressible flow. When simulating numerically the flow equations, if no stabilization is added, the solution ...

    Variational multiscale stabilization of finite and spectral elements for dry and moist atmospheric problems 

    Marras, Simone (Date of defense: 2012-12-10)

    In this thesis the finite and spectral element methods (FEM and SEM, respectively) applied to problems in atmospheric simulations are explored through the common thread of Variational Multiscale Stabilization (VMS). This ...

    Vegetable Fiber Reinforced Calcium Aluminate Cement based composites for construction materials VFRCCs 

    Gorgani, Nourjemal (Date of defense: 2022-09-15)

    Vegetable Fiber Reinforced Cement Composite Materials (VFRCC) have emerged as a potential construction material, providing adequate load-bearing capacity and ductility for non-structural applications. VFRCC have good ...

    Verificación experimental de uniones mediante lazos de armadura y su aplicación en la construcción evolutiva de puentes 

    Contreras López, Catalina del Pilar (Date of defense: 2012-03-23)

    The box-girder is currently the solution for large prestressed concrete bridges, being most used today in steel and mixed structures. Their widespread use is due to the strength characteristics and versatility, using various ...

    Versatile nonlinear frequency conversion sources in the near- and mid-infrared 

    Sukeert, Sukeert (Date of defense: 2022-03-11)

    Tunable laser sources in different spectral regions are of interest for a variety of applications including spectroscopy, trace gas sensing, medical diagnostics, LIDAR and material processing. Existing lasers have limited ...

    A versatile source of light-matter quantum states based on laser-cooled atoms 

    Farrera Soler, Pau (Date of defense: 2018-07-25)

    Quantum information is a fascinating field that studies situations in which information is encoded as quantum states. This encoding is affected by quantum physical effects (such as superposition or entanglement) and its ...

    Vessel Traffic Services, towards e-Navigation : the role of Oceanic VTS in global maritime surveillance 

    Uyà Juncadella, Àfrica (Date of defense: 2022-07-06)

    This thesis presents the study and analysis of the Vessel Traffic Services (VTS), from its origins to the present, with further evaluation of future trends. Examining the current trend in terms of technologies that are ...

    Viabilitat tècnica i ambiental de biocombustibles: oli de colza i estella forestal 

    Esteban Dalmau, Bernat (Date of defense: 2011-07-06)

    La dependència actual dels combustibles fòssils en la majoria de sectors industrials i domèstics no és sostenible ni a curt ni a llarg termini. Això està obligant a plantejar alternatives a la majoria de sectors industrials ...

    Vibrational spectroscopies study of Pinus resin in materials from cultural heritage objects 

    Beltran Sanchidrian, Victòria (Date of defense: 2016-11-21)

    Many historical objects have coatings or varnish layers on the surface. In order to determine their conservation and historical contextualization is necessary to know its origin, why they were applied, the application ...

    Vibrations and energy transfer in molecules enhanced by single nanoantennas 

    Ockova, Jana (Date of defense: 2023-12-13)

    (English) Light is a powerful non invasive tool for probing matter down to its fundamental molecular properties. The past three decades saw advent of metallic nanoantennas engineered to concentrate light into sub diffraction ...

    Vibroacoustic coupling and transmission paths 

    Magrans Fontrodona, Francesc Xavier (Date of defense: 2018-12-21)

    This dissertation deals with four topics. The first three are in the same environment, the transmission paths. The fourth refers to the synthesis of subsystems and more specifically to two subsystems linked by any number ...

    Victory over Chaos? Constantinos A. Doxiadis and Ekistics 1945-1975 

    Theodosis, Lefteris (Date of defense: 2016-05-30)

    Constantinos A. Doxiadis (1913-1975) was an important figure in the realm of postwar urbanism, and yet his contribution has been largely neglected. This study reviews his trajectory and analyzes key projects related to ...

    Vida y obsolescencia de fachadas del siglo XX en la ciudad de Barcelona . El caso de los edificios sin protección patrimonial : factores de influencia y estrategias de diseño en relación a los efectos del paso del tiempo 

    Garrido Torres, Pablo (Date of defense: 2015-07-13)

    The object of this doctoral thesis is to explore the effects of the passage of time on the façades of buildings, focusing on the architect's sphere of influence and point of view. The initial hypothesis is that project ...

    Viewability contributions towards a better online advertising ecosystem 

    Expósito Ventura, Marta (Date of defense: 2023-04-20)

    (English) Online advertising makes possible most of the freely available online content and services. However, it is far from being mature and there are still controversial topics that need to be addressed. One of these ...

    Vilanova Artigas y el ideario moderno: el caso de Londrina, 1948-1953 

    López, Carla Cristina (Date of defense: 2012-11-08)

    El objeto del presente trabajo es un estudio profundizado sobre la obra realizada por el arquitecto Vilanova Artigas en la ciudad de Londrina. Es conocida la importancia que este ha tenido en la formación y consolidación ...

    La vinculación entre los sectores financiero e inmobiliario 

    Arderiu Calvo, Amadeo (Date of defense: 2015-12-17)

    The link between financial and real estate sectors, sometimes excessive and others inadequate, is generated through its assets and in all the operations in which they intervene. Its study comprises finance of mortgage-backed ...