Now showing items 641-660 of 5604

    Characterization and interpretation of cardiovascular and cardiorespiratory dynamics in cardiomyopathy patients 

    Rodríguez Benítez, Javier (Date of defense: 2020-12-04)

    The main objective of this thesis was to study the variability of the cardiac, respiratory and vascular systems through electrocardiographic (ECG), respiratory flow (FLW) and blood pressure (BP) signals, in patients with ...

    La forma urbana en áreas naturales protegidas : el caso del archipiélago de Galápagos : Puerto Ayora en la Isla de Santa Cruz y el proyecto de la ciudad endémica 

    López Andrade, Jaime (Date of defense: 2022-04-25)

    The Galapagos archipelago is one of the best preserved protected natural ecosystems on the planet. It is recognized around the world as a privileged tourist destination and advertised as a haven of pristine nature. Thanks ...

    Biodegradation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the surface ocean 

    Martínez Varela, Alícia (Date of defense: 2022-04-29)

    Increasing quantities of organic pollutants (OP) are being released to the environment, posing a threat to Earth’s life system. In the marine environment, OP pollution caused by oil spill accidents receives a lot of academic ...

    Enrique Ciriani y la Escuela de París (Grupo Uno) : entre la pedagogía y la práctica 

    Erazo Solines, Juan (Date of defense: 2022-04-22)

    This PhD dissertation deals with the importance of having a methodological teaching for architecture education and its future professional practice, taken as a reference Enrique Ciriani and the Grupo UNO pedagogical ...

    Contribution to the modelling and evaluation of radio network slicing solutions in 5G 

    Vilà Muñoz, Irene (Date of defense: 2022-04-06)

    Network slicing is a key feature of 5G architecture that allows the partitioning of the network into multiple logical networks, known as network slices, where each of them is customised according to the specific needs of ...

    Mechanisms and functions of the nucleus as a mechano-controller of cell contractility and migration plasticity 

    Venturini, Valeria (Date of defense: 2022-04-08)

    Living tissues are crowded and dynamic environments, in which signalling molecules and physical forces constantly act on single cells. To ensure correct tissue development and homeostasis, cells function like small processors: ...

    La forma en la arquitectura residencial de Richard Neutra : 1950-1965 

    Aranibar del Alcázar, Juan Carlos (Date of defense: 2022-04-25)

    The PhD thesis THE FORM IN RICHARD NEUTRA'S RESIDENTIAL ARCHITECTURE. 1950-1965, investigates the maturity of the professional career of the architect Richard Neutra (1892-1970) focusing on the single-family house. From ...

    Titanium dioxide and nanoshaped ceria for solar hydrogen production 

    Serafin, Jaroslaw (Date of defense: 2022-04-21)

    This work facuses on the study of these processes on Ti02 and Ce02, respectively. Although the development of photocatalytic research with the use of semiconductor photocatalysts does not last longer than about 40 years, ...

    Exploiting data locality in cache-coherent NUMA systems 

    Sánchez Barrera, Isaac (Date of defense: 2022-04-06)

    The end of Dennard scaling has caused a stagnation of the clock frequency in computers.To overcome this issue, in the last two decades vendors have been integrating larger numbers of processing elements in the systems, ...

    Design and implementation of wireless nodes for the Internet of Things 

    Ripoll Vercellone, Edgar (Date of defense: 2022-04-01)

    The Internet of Things is a trending topic these days. However, energy is often the major job stopper for broad adoption of this technology, which have three tight constraints: extremely cost oriented, long service life ...

    Estudio del coeficiente de rigidez y de amortiguación de una suspensión neumática multicámara 

    Río Cano, Carlos (Date of defense: 2022-04-20)

    Heavy vehicles are generally equipped with Shock Absorber Suspension Cylinders, which, in addition to integrating in the same element, the damping and suspension mechanism, allow obtaining greater suspension travels, ...

    Adaptable register file organization for vector processors 

    Ramírez Lazo, Cristóbal (Date of defense: 2022-04-04)

    Today there are two main vector processors design trends. On the one hand, we have vector processors designed for long vectors lengths such as the SX-Aurora TSUBASA which implements vector lengths of 256 elements (16384-bits). ...

    Non-linear finite element analysis oriented to optimisation of fibre reinforced concrete structures 

    Nogales Arroyo, Alejandro (Date of defense: 2022-04-11)

    The construction industry is one of the industrial sectors with the largest output worldwide and, thus, of great economic interest. In this sector, reinforced concrete plays a significant role since it is one of the most ...

    GNSS-based global ionospheric maps : real-time combination, time resolution and applications on space weather monitoring 

    Liu, Qi (Date of defense: 2022-04-14)

    The research of this paper-based dissertation is focused on the Global Ionospheric Maps (GIMs) based on Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) including real-time combination, validation, time resolution and applications. ...

    Simulating a topological gauge theory in a Raman-dressed Bose-Einstein condensate 

    Frölian, Anika (Date of defense: 2022-04-24)

    Ultracold quantum gases constitute a powerful and versatile tool to experimentally explore quantum many-body physics. This thesis presents an original contribution to the quantum simulation of gauge theories with ultracold ...

    p-adic L-functions, p-adic Gross-Zagier formulas and plectic points 

    Hernández Barrios, Víctor (Date of defense: 2022-04-19)

    In this work we generalize the construction of p-adic anticyclotomic L-functions associated to an elliptic curve E/F and a quadratic extension K/F, by defining a measure µ_f^p attached to K/F and an automorphic form. In ...

    A novel computer Scrabble engine based on probability that performs at championship leve 

    González Romero, Alejandro (Date of defense: 2022-03-07)

    The thesis starts by giving an introduction to the game of Scrabble, then mentions state-of-the-art computer Scrabble programs and presents some characteristics of our developed Scrabble engine Heuri. Some brief notions ...

    Characteristics of bioactive molecules with antioxidant and biological activities of some medicinal and edible plants 

    Ouerfelli, Manel (Date of defense: 2021-11-24)

    The present work has focused on the study of two edible plants, with attributable medicinal values, named Anthyllis vulneraria L. (A.vulneraria) and Azadirachta indica L. (A.indica) collected in Tunisia and India, ...

    Static and dynamic global stiffness analysis for automotive pre-design 

    Cavaliere, Fabiola (Date of defense: 2022-04-06)

    In order to be worldwide competitive, the automotive industry is constantly challenged to produce higher quality vehicles in the shortest time possible and with the minimum costs of production. Most of the problems with ...

    Una àlgebra informacional per al disseny lògic de sistemes d'informació 

    Olivé Ramon, Antoni (Date of defense: 1978-07-21)

    Es plantegen cinc problemes: 1. Modelació d'estructures d’informació, 2. Definició d'un cert nombre de meta-regles, 3. Modelació de regles particulars, 4. Definició de conjunts d’informació, 5. Definició de processos. ...