Now showing items 1-20 of 26
Barbero Liñán, María (Date of defense: 2008-12-19)
Durant els darrers quaranta anys la geometria diferencial ha estat una eina fonamental per entendre la teoria de control òptim. Habitualment la millor estratègia per resoldre un problema és transformar-lo en un altre ...
Velona, Vasiliki (Date of defense: 2021-09-17)
The thesis contains a study of two problems of combinatorial statistics. The first one is structure learning for partial correlation graphs and the second one is the broadcasting problem on certain families of random ...
Spiegel, Christoph (Date of defense: 2020-07-03)
Arithmetic Combinatorics, Combinatorial Number Theory, Structural Additive Theory and Additive Number Theory are just some of the terms used to describe the vast field that sits at the intersection of Number Theory and ...
Agis Cherta, David (Date of defense: 2020-12-21)
This thesis describes a structural health monitoring (SHM) strategy to detect and classify changes in structures that can be equipped with sensors. SHM is an area of great interest, because its main objective is to verify ...
García-Blanco, Raquel (Date of defense: 2017-02-09)
The Power Flow model is extensively used to predict the behavior of electric grids and results in solving a nonlinear algebraic system of equations. Modeling the grid is essential for design optimization and control. Both ...
Urtiaga Erneta, Iñigo (Date of defense: 2023-07-04)
(English) This PhD dissertation deals with qualitative questions from the theory of elliptic Partial Differential Equations (PDE) and integro-differential equations. We are primarily interested in a distinguished class of ...
Miraglio, Pietro (Date of defense: 2020-01-28)
My thesis deals with the study of elliptic PDE. It is divided into two parts, the first one concerning a nonlinear equation involving the p-Laplacian, and the second one focused on a nonlocal problem. In the first part, ...
Mohammadi, Hossein (Date of defense: 2023-06-16)
(English) The flexoelectric effect, the two-way linear coupling between strain gradient and electric polarization (direct flexoelectricity) or electric field gradient and strain (converse flexoelectricity) universally ...
Ramos Garrido, Lander (Date of defense: 2017-03-27)
In this thesis we use analytic combinatorics to deal with two related problems: graph enumeration and random graphs from constrained classes of graphs. We are interested in drawing a general picture of some graph families ...
Giralt Miron, Mar (Date of defense: 2022-11-25)
(English) The Restricted 3-Body Problem models the motion of a body of negligible mass under the gravitational influence of two massive bodies, called the primaries. If the primaries perform circular motions and the ...
Aparicio Estrems, Guillermo (Date of defense: 2023-04-26)
(English) To enhance the simulation accuracy when the solution presents sharp curved features, the community of high-order methods has started to curve not only the boundary but also the interior of unstructured high-order ...
Hierro Fabregat, Alba (Date of defense: 2016-11-28)
The main object of study of this thesis is the development of artificial diffusion shock capturing techniques for continuous and discontinuous Galerkin (cG and dG) approximations of the convection-diffusion problem. Special ...
Jiménez Ramos, Albert (Date of defense: 2023-06-28)
(English) To simulate unsteady phenomena on complex moving geometry, computational scientists and engineers have been interested in unstructured space-time discretizations. These space-time discretizations aim to overcome ...
Villanueva Castelltort, Jordi (Date of defense: 1997-03-10)
L'objectiu bàsic d'aquesta tesi és l'estudi de la dinàmica a l'entorn de tors de dimensió baixa de sistemes hamiltonians analítics. Per aquest estudi l'eina fonamental és l'ús de formes normals al voltant d'aquests ...
Sánchez Casas, José Pablo (Date of defense: 2002-11-28)
In this work we try to analyse the dynamics of the Navier-Stokes equations in a problem without domain complexities as is the case of the plane Poiseuille flow. The Poiseuille problem is described as the flow of a viscous ...
Sevilla Cárdenas, Rubén (Date of defense: 2009-07-24)
Aquesta tesi proposa una millora del clàssic mètode dels elements finits (finite element method, FEM) per a un tractament eficient de dominis amb contorns corbs: el denominat NURBS-enhanced finite element method (NEFEM). ...
Lázaro Ochoa, José Tomás (Date of defense: 2003-10-23)
És difícil dibuixar una frontera, dins la Teoria de Sistemas Dinàmics, entre lleis de conservació i simetries doncs, sovint, les seves característiques es confonen. Un clar exemple d'aquest fenómen el constitueixen els ...
Pacha Andújar, Juan Ramón (Date of defense: 2002-10-21)
Aquest treball es situa dintre del marc dels sistemes dinàmics hamiltonians de tres graus de llibertat. Allà considerem famílies d'òrbites periòdiques amb una transició estable-complex inestable: sigui L el paràmetre que ...
Pérez Cervera, Alberto (Date of defense: 2019-04-04)
In this Thesis we consider problems concerning brain oscillations generated across the interaction between excitatory (E) and inhibitory (I) cells. We explore how two neuronal groups with underlying oscillatory activity ...
Roca Navarro, Xevi (Date of defense: 2009-07-23)
Esta tesis versa sobre el desarrollo de las tecnologías para la generación de mallas de hexaedros. El proceso de generar una malla de hexaedros no es automático y su generación requiere varias horas te trabajo de un ingeniero ...