Now showing items 10-29 of 153

    Anàlisi quantitatiu de la velocitat dels vehicles a motor participants en atropellaments en zona urbana : modelització de la sensibilitat de la variable evitabilitat a les variacions de la velocitat específica del vehicle i de la velocitat màxima permesa de la via 

    Cabrerizo Sinca, Julián (Date of defense: 2017-09-07)

    Road traffic accidents lead to a number of significant problems, which are clearly reflected in the social costs (injuries, repercussions, deaths, etc.) and economic costs (prevention, healthcare, lost profits, etc.). This ...

    Análisis de las variables que inciden en la movilidad en vehículos motorizados de dos ruedas en la ciudad de Barcelona 

    Pérez Diez, Fernando (Date of defense: 2019-04-05)

    MOBILITY provides accessibility to people, goods, services and information, favoring the implementation of socio-economic activities. The more efficient mobility becomes, the greater human development and quality of life ...

    Análisis del ciclo de vida de productos derivados del cemento - Aportaciones al análisis de los inventarios del ciclo de vida del cemento. 

    Cardim de Carvalho Filho, Arnaldo (Date of defense: 2001-07-18)

    En esta tesis se estudian los efectos ambientales de la producción del cemento, incluyendo las diferentes etapas que componen su ciclo de vida, con objeto de estructurar y proponer las bases fundamentales de un Inventario ...

    Approximation of phase-field models with meshfree methods: exploring biomembrane dynamics 

    Peco Regales, Christian (Date of defense: 2014-10-28)

    Las biomembranas constituyen la estructura de separación fundamental en las celulas animales, y son importantes en el diseño de sistemas bioinspirados. Su simulación presenta desafíos, especialmente cuando ésta implica ...

    Assessing debris-flow hazard focusing on statistical morpho-fluvial susceptibility models and magnitude-frequency relationships. Application to the central-eastern Pyrenees 

    Chevalier, Guillaume G. (Date of defense: 2013-06-21)

    Occurrence of debris flows has received little attention in the Pyrenees, probably due to the small risk faced by most of the debris-flow prone sites in this mountain range. Nevertheless, the event of Biescas, which occurred ...

    Assessing the socio-economic impacts of flash floods for early warning at regional, national, and continental scales 

    Ritter, Josias Manuel Gisbert (Date of defense: 2021-07-16)

    Flash floods are one of the most devastating natural hazards, claiming numerous lives and tremendous economic losses. One of the main reasons for their catastrophic potential is the limited time available for precautionary ...

    Assessment of groundwater hydrology of the Quaternary aquifer of Lake Chad Basin 

    Salehi Siavashani, Nafiseh (Date of defense: 2023-07-07)

    (English) This thesis aims to enhance the conceptual model of the Lake Chad Basin's quaternary aquifer by gathering updated hydrological, geological, meteorological, and groundwater data. Objectives include analyzing natural ...

    Assessment of groundwater recharge in urban areas 

    Tubau Fernández, Isabel (Date of defense: 2016-02-04)

    In the city of Barcelona and the townships situated in the deltaic area of the Besòs River, groundwater is recognized as an aspect of urban water cycle management. There is groundwater seepage into infrastructure and ...

    Bedload transport of sand-gravel mixtures with antidunes: flume experiments 

    Núñez González, Francisco (Date of defense: 2012-07-20)

    In this thesis, the interaction between flow and sediment in alluvial channels is studied from an empirical approach, for conditions close or pertaining to supercritical flow, and for four types of sediment: sand, gravel ...

    Coastal risk forecast system : fostering proactive management at the Catalan coast 

    García León, Manuel (Date of defense: 2018-07-10)

    The action of sea storms is one of the most complex littoral processes with deep management implications. Along the Catalan shoreline which is about 700 km long, 190 km are subject to erosion and/or flooding. Around one ...

    Comportamiento hidráulico de aliviaderos escalonados sin cajeros laterales en presas de HCR 

    Estrella Toral, Soledad (Date of defense: 2013-10-17)

    Tradicionalmente la construcción de aliviaderos escalonados en presas de hormigón compactado con rodillo (HCR) se caracteriza por la presencia de muretes guías que imponen un ancho constante a lo largo del aliviadero y que ...

    Comportamiento hidráulico de los aliviaderos escalonados en presas de hormigón compactado. Análisis del campo de presiones. 

    Sánchez Juny, Martí (Date of defense: 2001-05-15)

    Se presentarán en este trabajo los aspectos principales del estado del conocimiento existente sobre el comportamiento hidráulico de los aliviaderos escalonados. Se analizará: la caracterización del flujo que se observa en ...

    Computational modeling and rational design of flexoelectric metamaterials and devices 

    Mocci, Alice (Date of defense: 2021-07-22)

    Piezoelectricity, the two-way coupling between electric polarization and strain is the basic mechanism behind most electromechanical transduction technologies. It is possible only in a limited number of materials, namely ...

    Computational vademecums for lattice materials using algebraic PGD 

    Sibileau, Alberto Pedro (Date of defense: 2019-09-24)

    This dissertation is motivated by the concept of materials by design. Focusing on structures, this states that the properties in a mechanical component are not only inherited by its constituent material, but also by the ...

    Contribución al desarrollo de sistemas de control de estructuras de edificación mediante cables activos 

    López Almansa, Francesc (Date of defense: 1988-02-02)

    Este trabajo propone un sistema para reducir las oscilaciones horizontales de edificios (generadas por movimientos sísmicos o por la acción del viento) mediante la acción activa de barras diagonales de arriostramiento ...

    Criterios de diseño en puentes de hormigón frente a la acción térmica ambiental 

    Mirambell Arrizabalaga, Enrique (Date of defense: 1987-03-06)

    El presente trabajo centra su estudio en la problemática de los efectos térmicos ambientales en puentes de hormigón. Los objetivos perseguidos en esta tesis son, por una parte, el desarrollo de un modelo analítico capaz ...

    Decision analysis under uncertainity for sustainable development 

    Ezbakhe, Fatine (Date of defense: 2019-10-31)

    Policy-making for sustainable development becomes more efficient when it is reliably backed by evidence-based decision analysis. Concretely, this is crucial in the planning of public services delivery. By translating "raw" ...

    Desarrollo sostenible : aproximación conceptual y operativa de los principios de sostenibilidad al sector de la construcción = Sustainable development : A conceptual and operative approach to sustainability principles for the construction sector 

    López López, Victor Manuel (Date of defense: 2001-06-25)

    Esta tesis Doctoral aborda el origen, la evolución y las posibilidades de operativizar el concepto de Sostenibilidad en el Sector de la Construcción, y más especificamente en la construcción de edificios.<br/>El estudio ...

    Design and validation of a methodology for wind energy structures health monitoring 

    Zugasti Uriguen, Ekhi (Date of defense: 2014-01-16)

    L’objectiu de la Monitorització de la salut estructural (SHM) és la verificació de l’estat o la salut de les estructures per tal de garantir el seu correcte funcionament i estalviar en el cost de manteniment. El sistema SHM ...