Now showing items 61-80 of 110

    Functionalization of titanium with integrin-selective ligands for orthopedic and dental applications 

    Fraioli, Roberta (Date of defense: 2016-11-14)

    Despite being biocompatible and with adequate mechanical properties for application as a bone replacement material, titanium lacks osteoinductive capacity, i.e. it supports new bone growth on its surface but does not foster ...

    Functionalized CoCr surfaces with adhesive molecules to improve endothelialization 

    Castellanos Arboleda, Maria Isabel (Date of defense: 2017-05-05)

    Cobalt-chromium (CoCr) alloys are widely used as biomaterials for coronary stents due to their excellent mechanical properties, biocompatibility and corrosion resistance. However, these materials are bioinert, retarding ...

    Grinding effects on surface integrity, flexural strength and contact damage resistance of coated hardmetals 

    Yang, Jing, 1988- (Date of defense: 2016-05-31)

    This thesis assesses the influence of substrate surface integrity on different mechanical (flexural strength and contact damage resistance under spherical indentation) and tribological (scratch resistance as well as cracking ...

    High performance bio-based composites : mechanical and environmental durability 

    Doroudgarian, Newsha (Date of defense: 2016-03-18)

    The presented work is a part of the ongoing effort on the development of high performance bio-based composites with enhanced durability, under static and dynamic mechanical loading including the exposure to elevated humidity. ...

    Influence of sandblasting on zirconia in restorative dentistry 

    Chintapalli, Ravi Kiran (Date of defense: 2012-09-28)

    La utilización de circona tetragonal policristalina estabilizada con 3 % mol de itria (3Y-TZP) para fabricar coronas e implantes ha sufrido una fuerte expansión recientemente debido a las buenas propiedades mecánicas, ...

    Influencia de la distribución bimodal de grano, contenido en oxígeno y vías de consolidación sobre la resistencia y la ductilidad para hierro UF obtenido por molienda mecánica 

    Casas Quesada, Casimir (Date of defense: 2015-01-21)

    In this thesis, the microstructure and mechanical properties of bulk samples manufactured with nanocrystalline iron powder are analyzed. This iron powder was obtained by a severe plastic deformation process carried in a ...

    Influencia de las tensiones residuales de mecanizado en las propiedades mecánicas de Y-TZP 

    Juy Aguirre, Alberto (Date of defense: 2004-05-19)

    En esta tesis se han desarrollado microestructuras mediante tratamientos térmicos de 2,5Y-TZP, las cuales con la adición de tensiones residuales de mecanizado, experimentan un aumento de la resistencia y la tenacidad de ...

    Integración de sensores electroquímicos basados en nanomateriales funcionales para la detección de contaminantes en aguas 

    Baez Gaxiola, Martha Raquel (Date of defense: 2017-11-29)

    The aim of the present thesis is to fabricate, to applicate, and to integrate nanomaterial-based chemical sensors with electrochemical transduction for the detection of water pollutants. This work is divided in 7 Chapters, ...

    Interactions between titanium surfaces and biological components 

    Pegueroles Neyra, Marta (Date of defense: 2009-09-16)

    El conocimiento de las interacciones entre célula/proteína/biomaterial es fundamental para la ingeniería de superficies debido a las numerosas aplicaciones biomédicas y biotecnológicas que se están desarrollando así como ...

    Laser micro-patterning of dental zirconia: effects on microstructure and reliability 

    Roitero, Erica (Date of defense: 2018-02-22)

    Tetragonal polycrystalline zirconia stabilized with 3% mol of yttria (3Y-TZP) is a popular bioceramic, increasingly used for dental applications thanks to its good mechanical properties, biocompatibility and aesthetic ...

    Mechanical and thermal stability of hard nitride coatings 

    Chen, Yu-Hsiang (Date of defense: 2018-06-12)

    Hard coating 's thermal stability is essential due to the high temperature environment of high-speed cutting applications, while the induced phase and microstructure evolution affects the mechanical properties. In this ...

    Mechanical behaviour of tools for shearing Ultra High-Strength Steels: influence of the microstructure on fracture and fatigue micro-mechanisms of tool steels and evaluation of micro-mechanical damage in tools 

    Picas Anfruns, Ingrid (Date of defense: 2012-12-10)

    On account of environmental and safety related requirements, the majority of the most popular automotive manufacturers convey to introduce Ultra High Strength Steels (UHSS) and Press Hardened Steels (PHS) in the vehicle ...

    Mechanical properties of co-doped zirconia ceramics 

    Turón Viñas, Miquel (Date of defense: 2018-01-11)

    Tetragonal polycrystalline zirconia, commonly stabilised with 3 mol% yttria (3Y-TZP), became one of the most interesting ceramics for biomedical applications due to its biocompatibility and high mechanical properties. Among ...

    Métodos alternativos de fixação para componentes de circuitos impressos 

    Marques, André Canal (Date of defense: 2016-02-23)

    The growing demand for innovation and the ever-shorter product lifespan result in a great amount and diversity of waste disposal at dumps and landfills. One of the fastest growing waste types nowadays is e-waste. Consequently, ...

    Micro and nanomecanical behavior of mullite-based environmental barrier coatings 

    Botero Vega, Carlos Alberto (Date of defense: 2012-12-14)

    Mullite coatings deposited by chemical vapor deposition (CVD) have been introduced and proven as excellent candidates to protect silicon carbide (SiC) from severe pitting corrosion and recession, becoming part of the new ...

    Microestructura y propiedades mecánicas de compuestos de polipropileno con hidróxido de magnesio y aluminio moldeados por inyección 

    Morhain, Cédric (Date of defense: 2001-07-03)

    Los hidróxidos de magnesio y de aluminio son unas cargas minerales cuyo uso como carga ignifugante para materiales plásticos, y en particular para polipropileno, es relativamente reciente, aunque en pleno crecimiento debido ...

    Micromechanical characterization of small volumes by means of nanoindentation 

    Cuadrado Lafoz, Núria (Date of defense: 2013-10-02)

    Mechanical characterization of micro-volume systems, as thin films or micro-sized phases embedded in multiphase materials, has attracted special interest in the last decades since different micromechanical techniques have ...

    Millora de la protecció UV de substrats tèxtils mitjançant l'aplicació, en l'extrusió, de nano i micropartícules 

    Cot del Valle, Maria (Date of defense: 2017-11-29)

    In this thesis, we study the improvement of the UV protection of polyester textiles by introducing nano or microparticles of TiO2 in the polyester during the extrusion of the yarn. Initially, the influence of different ...

    Model developments for in silico studies of the lumbar spine biomechanics 

    Noailly, Jérôme (Date of defense: 2009-06-22)

    La present tesi investiga l'ús de la modelització amb elements finits per a l'estudi de la biomecànica lumbar per a l'avaluació clínica. Els estudis bibliogràfics del capítol 1 mostren relacions funcionals clares entre les ...

    Modelling And Analysis Of Crack Turning On Aeronautical Structures 

    Llopart Prieto, Llorenç (Date of defense: 2007-09-21)

    La motivació de la tesis deriva en el interès de la indústria aeronàutica a explotar, per mitjà d'un disseny adaptat, la utilització del gir d'esquerda per protegir els reforços situats davant una esquerda que s'està ...